Noob here

Noob here.

What's fit/s opinion on a routine that goes something like this:

3x week Full Body, 5x5 compound lifts (stronglifts, greyskull, whatever)

3x week PPL, high rep range isolation routines for hypertrophy

Altogether it's a 6 day routine, alternating the full body strength days with the ppl hypertrophy days.

If this is already a common idea, please link me to examples of a program like this. If not, does it sound stupid to you?

I like the theory of Stronglifts & building a strength foundation as a beginner, but I feel like 3 days a week with 3 exercises per session is just not enough.

Other urls found in this thread:

context on OP's pic?

Holy shit that looks horrifying

pretty fucking clear bud

I'm guessing bacterial infection. Lots of shit in our intestines that shouldn't be anywhere else. Since he had just shaved, his skin was hurt and an easy target.

I'd like to know more too so I can nope even harder.

you can't recover from that, let alone make any significant progress. altogether it's an absolutely fucking retarded idea.


Chest hair removal surgery.

>Full body 3 times to tire your body out
>PPL to not let it recover
Have fun making sub-par strength and hypertrophy gains. Just run a gzcl program, GZCL-P should work if you're a beginner.

: (

>Lots of shit in our intestines that shouldn't be anywhere else.
explain how pajeets survive into fucking billion then

Probably fake. Even if it's real, it's not the user who posted it, and that's not what happened to the person. Nobody would post a picture on Veeky Forums asking if this looks infected to you instead of running to the hospital.

Archive link for the OP image?

This Pajeet had a hair transplant on his chest. This is the aftermath.

If you're doing stronglifts properly you will be fucking tired, even with appropriate sleep and food.

If you can run both programs simultaneously you're running an insane cycle or you're not lifting anywhere newr heavy enough

This. Though I can't imagine why people would fuck up their chest so much just to look like they had obvious hair transplant on their head

if you're capable of going 6 days a week youre either not working out hard enough while you're there or you're juicing and not experienced enough for it

Just checked it out, looks legit, thanks senpai

Forgot pic

I just came to Veeky Forums and now I am never coming here again. Thanks, faggot. What a waste of a good first post...

Sounds promising. Periodization is proven to yield the most growth. I am planning up a routine that cycles through movements on a weekly basis. If you can run this without dying and record your results, it'd be interesting to examine.

Yesterday his girlfriend took a shit on his chest after having recently shaven it
Then he woke up to that

They eat antibiotics like candy and will probably be responsible for the next plague that wipes out the vast majority of humanity but that's best left for a different thread.

No its fucking not. That sounds too good to be true. Elaborate now or I'll curse you forever with singles

quick internet search...

So it turns out that bacteria will eventually become immune to any type of antibiotic if you don't completely clear the infection using the right dosage and the right antibiotic. The bacteria evolves and produces genes that confer antibiotic resistance due to the selective nature of incomplete antibiotic administration. These genes can compile into complete immunity to ANY and ALL antibiotics through methods such as lateral gene transfer or by allowing bacterial enough time being exposed to a particular antibiotic and will happily pass these genes on to it's daughter cells.

Pajeets, living in poo land, don't regulate the amount of antibiotics used by the public and most antibiotics are available online through online pharmacies so naturally they're massively abused because the general public has no idea what they're doing.

So anyway, imagine a world where any cut or bruise is a serious deadly business - after all we're all covered in flesh eating bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus that will eat us if given the opportunity. Once Staph gains immunity to antibiotics we call it MRSA and there is nothing we can do about it except write articles online about how bad it really is and how its spreading in our hospitals. Staph doesn't even do anything special, it's just good at growing on people. Something a little more complex like strep throat would become an immediate life threatening quarantine for you and your family and anybody you met that week. The consumption (Tuberculosis) that ravaged Europe so long ago will come back badder than ever and ravage the world now that we're so interconnected with international flight and population density.

Fun stuff. We legit will probably face a mass extinction if something like Tuberculosis ever became totally antibiotic immune.

Thank you user, I m going to do my part and grind doxycycline into every meal I prepare for people. The apocpoolypse will be beautiful and terrible in equal measure.

It's a body hair Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The hair is taken FROM the chest, and implanted on the scalp. It's used when guys lack sufficient hair in the donor area of the scalp when they want to do a hair transplant.

>not apoocalypse



faggot. I hope someone kills you

Haha me too

Nah man, didn't you read? He got shit on

Looks healthy