R8 my form

>r8 my form

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Nice ass

You're doing bent knee good mornings as your main move on the heavy day of your westside program, yes?

Try to bend you knees a bit less, you might have to drop the weight but you'll get better hasmtring results.

good thread

lets see how you perform on 5th set from5x5 200+ kg squats

Show us your 300 kg ATG Pause squat, fucking jackass

this is why I don't back squat no more

How does someone reach this weight with this form and not cripple themselves

his form is perfectly suited to his needs and he squats every day. His form is a combination of high and low bar squatting to counteract knee strain

he really is amazing. no one squats like kennedy bless.

by having strong ass fuck lower back muscles

>newfags not recognizing clarence kennedy
He squats 5x5 every day, this was his last rep, 250kg

If he can squat 300kg paused atg do you think he could do much more in a powerlifting style?

All these things + lots of roids and food

maybe if he trained for it. we can't really know as at that elite level a lot of other things come into play.
I do think he could deadlift more if he trained for it

he can squat the most in the style he trained. With that said, if he wanted to strictly focus on squatting as much as possible he has the potential to hit more with regular PL technique. Though, I don't know how his knee problems factor in here.

By being vegan

nice good mornings faggot, also checked

>he's an e-celeb so his form is good even when it's clearly not

Why don't you just marry the little fruit?

post your squat
actually, post any of your lifts. Feel free to post your opinion when you can lift 2/3 of what he can. Actually, I can set it to 1/2 and you still wouldn't be able to

So the form of an olympic level athlete gave a little after maxing out... That's the bodies way of utilizing everything it's got complete the given task. And it did.
If this never happens to you, you're not pushing yourself and you're never gonna make it.

>r8 my form



Shut up

Looks good!

sit a bit less back, bit more straight down.
but looks fine.

it's true though

I r8 8/8 m8

That guy even sleeps next to his squat rack. Idk why but i find his impressive

good job

lmao at this newfag

I've never seen clarence squat low bar. Yes he squats the way he does to avoid knee pain, but he does it by sitting back and shifting load to erector spinae and then shifting forward in the bottom to be more upright/mimic catch position

Thought you died m8

I actually meant to go to /g/ to lurk for a headphone thread but wasn't paying attention and automatically typed in the url for Veeky Forums


d-do you not?

All of you would talk shit to a dyel maxing out with the same form.

he's not maxing out. That's him in one of the recent jujimufu vids, towards the end of a 5x5 squat session (that he does on a daily basis) with only 3 hours of sleep.

He's maxing out. He's doing the best he can do on the day and the weight is heavy enough to cause form breakdown. Lifters at that level very rarely hit all time maxes. That could very feasibly be a daily max for him.

by grinding out his last rep of a 5x5

>literally lifted the same weight as olympians in his weight category before

If someone can pause squat over 500lbs atg 5x5 every day of their life without going to snap city I'm gonna assume they're fine on form

>audible cracking from knees almost every rep
>mfw that's his patellas sliding around not gas bubbles like when you crack your knuckles

Fuck that shit. After rehabbing a wicked case of tendonitis from mal-tracking patellas, watching/hearing him squat makes me uncomfortable.

Looks nice bro

>literally lifted the same weight as olympians in his weight category before
this is false tho, he couldnt even compete for gold in 85kg weight class, look up tian tao for example.
Tian Tao squats way more also

look how tiny his fucking legs are

>lmao haha le newfags xD
you can't even see his face you retarded little nigger faggot dick muncher

tian tao squats 300kg too (not paused), see ma strength. And yeah, Clarry's PR CJ is 220 while Tao has a 225 in training, but WR is currently just above 220 in comp anyway. With that said yeah, he wouldn't be able to shoot for gold in his current amateur-state but he could compete atleast on a B-level. Given his training history, he would have had quite the potential if he grew up in a soviet shithole

his legs are 28"+ at 5'11"


>u r such a troll lol

they measured @ jujimufus and jujimufu (who is 5'11" 235 lean, see pic related guy on right) said that clarence (who is 5'11" 225 lean with a non-bodybuilder upper body) has 1" bigger quads than him when they measured.

also hard to find clarence when he doesn't wear knee-shorts but in youtube.com/watch?v=QmU020orVTc you can see his quads when he wears short shorts.

>tfw I had a swole dude compliment my squat form today

He just walked up after my set and said "good shit, that's a lot of weight to go ass to grass". It made my day. I'm trying not to tell my irl friends.


How much were you lifting?


Explain those small af quads please

He'd be squatting lowbar if he did pl'ing though. His knee issues would be even less of an issue.

>27" quads
>28" quads
t-rex pls

I think he's 5'10" actually
are you not able to tell a Veeky Forums celeb by their ass?

Stunning form, looks awesome

Sidenote, when the fuck is that cunt Jujimufu put out that Bugenhagen collab.
Eric posted a pic of himself at Juji's FIVE FUCKING DAYS AGO.
How long is juji gonna keep milking the Clarence cow by editing and posting every single second of footage he has with him? He's been gone for two weeks now.

Oh look it's another retard who thinks he can judge leg size from shorts that only show calves

Keep it up!

>Clarence kennedy during the jujimufu collabs
Fuq otta here
Stop trying to judge based clarence

I teach gym to school children. This dude is squatting like a kindergartener.

>rehabbing a wicked case of tendonitis
How did you do it? Is it 100% gone? Ihave it on the outside of my knee, and would love to go back to MMA without constant knee pain.


Google 'pendlay tendonitis', watch video

It's ART, active release therapy, will help

Soft tissue work (foam rolling) is like magic

your kindergarteners can squat 7plate?

Can't yours?

Calm down, juji is still uploading footage from clarence's stay at his gym.
In about a week he should be posting a video with the boogs.

>lot of weight

yeah and? clarence clearly knows what he's doing and the dyel doesn't

Slight buttwink on last reps.

German efficiency at its finest.

fucking lel, go back to your cage

Hey man, good job. Always remember to maintain good form

>tfw at 295 for 5x5 ATG squats
>tfw after I finally get it, guy says "I don't mean to sound weird but it's always fun watching you squat"
>tfw attempt 300 next gym day and get annihilated while he's watching