what are some Veeky Forums approved jewtubers?
What are some Veeky Forums approved jewtubers?
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Not this meme faggot, that's for sure.
Alpha destiny
This. Only dyels and brainlets finds him funny.
Vitruvian physique
There's only 1 youtuber you should ever watch and that is Candito. Everyone else is trash.
>is secretly subbed and watches every one of his videos
i can tell that whoever that is isn't funny just from that image
he has some hits & misses
This guy WAS great. Now hes fucking garbage. No videos, just spam and commercials and fucking shitty collabs with Martyn the roider.
The calisthenics video was a pretty good return to form
The calisthenics video and the last video weren't bad. I mean I can't blame Mike for not posting that many videos. The dudes got better shit to do now and he doesnt make money off brosciencelife anymore.
>he doesnt make money off brosciencelife anymore.
2nd this
His old videos still have millions of views
>he doesnt make money off brosciencelife anymore
Then why does he still put clickbait titles+puts his videos 1 second over 10 minutes for extra ad revenue still? This Shit doesn't add up
His videos aren't monetized because his videos aren't "brand friendly".
That didn't answer my question but ok....
Got demonitized for saying pussy
How does it not you retard?
This was legit funny as fuck
his best one
because it's still worth a try, also the 10 min video thing is also because watch time features heavily in how youtube promotes videos, so its better for his brand
posting classic dom
The Golden One
Because i asked why is he still putting clickbait titles and putting his videos 1 second over 10 minutes for extra ad revenue when he doesn't make money off of his video anymore you fucking retard. Jesus Christ you need better reading comprehension skills
My reading comprehension is fine nigger, I thought you were the other person and were just to stupid to understand what monetized meant. Your question was answered.
If you actually lift: Brian alsruhe with neversate. Incredibly humble and puts out legit advice and programming
Alan Thrall. Except him fucking contradicting himself constantly in newer videos.
athlean, eric, buff dudes (their lifting advice is good, meme and food vids are hit/miss)
upcoming jujimufu x eric collab in the next couple days will be the best video on the internet
Alan Thrall
Jeff Nippard (his science-of vids are decent)
Athlean X
Buff Dudes
I've been checking out Tom Merrick recently for mobility stuff...
>My reading comprehension is fine nigger, I thought you were the other person
Apparently it's not...
I really like buff dudes for their recipe videos and their form videos.
Fucking lynch yourself you inbred autist
T. Not random user. Stfu
Connor Murphy
Frank Yang, Rich Piana
a suggestion for you guys. he roids but he's open about it and gives advice. but probably the best part about his channel is his fragrance advice. he has a ton of detailed but quick videos on the best/most complimented fragrances, and a lot of them are cheap as hell (
Tyson Edwards
Alan Thrall
Clarence Kennedy
Eric Burmi
Eric Bugenhagen
Power lifting to win
The recipes are top notch yeah
Buff Dudes when you want the no bullshit quick rundown.
Alan Thrall when you want the bro/scientific explanation.
This. I don't like Buff Dudes new sketch comedy shit though.
w2c a 'pull sumo eat butt' tank
I've been following Lee hayward for a long ass time, he's got a lot of content and not that many views, but his vids are to the point and he explains fairly well
He got me into training, after years of putting it off
Youtube adpocalypse. Everything is getting demonetized that doesn't fit they Jew's perspective. Seriously. I'm not sure what videos have money anymore besides those freaky Spiderman Elsa videos
Delray misfits and jason genova
did you say rundown?
Well, yeah.
Youtube is pretty much fucked now.
The only thing keeping it afloat is that people know of it's existence and google paid congress so that they won't come down on them for having youtube and other google services tied to android devices ala microsoft and IE.
It's good to be big brothers sweet bottom bitch isn't it?
Ah well, when the pajeets get their shit together and put up a megaupload/megavideo knock off we're gonna see some crazy shit.
oh wow, so contrarian can I fuck you please?
Dom's TV show was painfully shit
Was this supposed to be ironic or????? Because not gonna lie, you are like the inbred autist that needs a good lynching
I hope all the YouTubers gets demonitized. They're a bunch of clickbaiting faggots don't don't deserve a penny for making those shitty low quality clickbaiting videos. Its pathetic to see them pump out multiple videos a day or 1 video a day and make it 1 second over 10 minutes for extra ad revenue while they get millions of views and yet the ask for people to donate their hard earned bucks to their fucking PATREON so they're practically getting more money for doing nothing
He even turned video length into satire
None of them, they all overcomplicate things, constantly repeat same things, bullshit drama, shilling bullshit products.
I honestly don't get how these people can create 1000s of videos on the same topic, its not fucking rocket science...
Maybe im just a cranky bastard
Bason jlaha is goat
I spent a lot of time yesterday just watching Jujimufu lift in his garage with Clarence and hang out. I wish I had a garage gym, and also friends.
They've killed it, right?
I personally like the buff dudes and I watch the hodgetwins even though all they do is eat fast food now
No you are right, they are mostly all trying to act like they actually have something to say but they don't. Virtually all "fitness youtubers" are garbage shills and liars.
How you get big? Hit the gym regularly, get your protein, don't be an idiot. Simple as that.
Scoobert, Fronk Yong Fitness, Clarence, Jujimufu, ManletDestiny, Bugenhagen, [spoilersdontworkonfit]MKaelus 2 Scoops[/spoiler]
>he thinks protein is important
Cool meme broseph
"yea i got kids, right there, BOOM"
The Protein Chef
Fit Men Cook
(Old pre-vegan) The Diet Kitchen
These are my go to channels for recipes. Haven't really found a dud yet.
>ctrl + f
0 results.. cmon fellas
Joe Delaney
Dom's videos are banned from reddit
that makes him automatically Veeky Forums approved
>watching non-natties
>no one mentioned Chris Duffin
uhh, so anyone lifting weights here?
MegSquats for test gains
MKaelus changed from 2 scoops to 0 when Rich died. He also took the smile off of his profile picture.
>Joe Delaney
>Frank Yang
>be Chris Duffin
>be internet meme lifter
>shill jew mobility products to prevent injury
>always be injured
>being natty
I honestly believe this bloke isn't on anything extreme steroid wise
>Martyn the Roider
Pls tel me this was a play on Martin the Warrior
>overcomplicate things, constantly repeat same things, bullshit drama, shilling bullshit products.
Literally Veeky Forums.
These. Plus Revive Stronger has some great informative podcasts, most especially those with Mike Israetel. Israetel's info is a must for nattys.
Because he made fun of womyn in the dad bod video.
the swolopy video he did with martyn was pretty funny.
>the apex of people
Austin Dunham
breddy gud also if you can't handle him talking at 100mph you could fiddle with the video speed settings (or get gud),
I've never watched his vlogs since they seem like wastes of time compared to his informational videos, has anybody watched them?
Michael Kory
Nick Bare
Some of his vids are really funny, some are not.
>all this broscience dick riding
>not watching the OG
step up son
I watched some of his 'all meals shown' diet vlogs, I enjoyed them
So edgy