What are my fellow Veeky Forumsizens going as for Halloween this year?

What are my fellow Veeky Forumsizens going as for Halloween this year?

>going to annual homestuck halloween party
>bulked since last year, too big to do karkat now
>thinking of going as equius for this one hot chick who dresses as a slutty nepeta every year

wish me luck bros

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Homosuck sucks and I bet the chick is fat

My daughter wants to be a zombie, my middle son wants to be the hulk, my youngest son still eats things he finds in the couch, my wife wants to stay home and give out candy, which is female code for turn the lights off and pretend she isn't home while she eats candy, and I don't know what the fuck I should dress as...

i remember when homestuck was good
god i want to forget i ever enjoyed it

I didn't get invited to any parties so I am probably just going to be with my family watching my little brother trick or treat


>inb4 underage ban

I am 21 and I want to die

Have a towel, user.

(And watch out for clowns!)

Fuck yeah, too bad she removed all her belly dancing videos from youtube.

You taking the kids trick'or'treating or do they go themselves?

Who plans a halloween party in september lmao

>What are my fellow Veeky Forumsizens going as for Halloween this year?
As a grown up.

kill yourself you fucking limp-dicked loser

It's fun to pretend, isn't it?

Probably going to hang out with bros, play games in a friends huge ass basement then watch a cheesy horror flick. I'll probably just wear a doge mask this year.

my nigerians
have you found them anywhere else?

I'm brown so I'm going as Brock.

Nope, and I've searched high and low too. I've contemplated writing her and asking what happened to them but I'm assuming that since she owns(I think) an art gallery now she's trying to distance herself from her autistic past. Which is a shame, cuz those vids were kino as fuck.

Was thinking about wearing a Dragon Ball tank top. Been trying to grow my arms so I don't look like a total nerd. Should I wear a turtle school shirt or a power armor shirt?

We don't do Halloween in my country, so, nothing.

I'll throw a party just for you, breh

G-grown-ups are s-scary.

power, be proud of your sayan heritage

toilet paper mummy

captaincrunchcosplay or askarsenicgallows?

>posts a picture of brock that is hwite

gf wants to go as the couple from the mummy (Catherine Zeta-Jones lookalike and Brendan Frasier) although nobody in Aus goes trick or treating unless they want to be molested so it's just gonna be a for a friends party

>Being Veeky Forums
>Not going as Goku

Going as the ghost of Rich Piano.

Japan was a mistake.

>going to annual homestuck halloween party
holy fuck what year is it again? 2012?

>homestuck cosplay
I hope you and those you love die slow painful deaths.

That aside, I kinda want to do younger Garp (One Piece), of course I will not be THAT swole by then but compared to most normie friends there I could probably pull it off.

>too big to do karkat
that hopefully aint hard if you have lifted more than three weeks in a row kek

I want to hatefuck her so hard, costumes optional but welcome

turtle, power is a bit tacky if youre still kinda scrawny

crunch. couldnt tell you why but I hate arsenicgallows, something about her face sets me off

Same, but the grey skin is required.

eh, details. wont see much of her face anyway kek

>dissing gallows face
I like crunch for being more of a slut, but have you seen her without a shitton of makeup on? shit is scary

while you are right, I do not care how cosplay chicks look without makeup, hell I even refuse to look at some costumes which require no face paint (shut up, my fetish my rules). But gallows looks kinda weird even WITH the makeup, so into the trash it goes.

>crunch more of a slut
oh boiiii more gifs pls


>only been really hitting the gym hard since the beginning of the year
>bigger than before, but still not really swole enough for anything with huge muscles

Last year I just did the haunted shopping list from Spongebob. Don't really know what to go for now.

idk how many gifs I have her but I'll look

Have some inspo

alternatively you can just watch her music videos


note: I recommend turning off the audio or playing something else

>when you want to do an actual Joseph Joestar cosplay but are waiting until you get a lot more visible muscle

>when homestuck was good
everything before the troll reveal?

I'm going as an adult with no friends who will spend Halloween alone, in my apartment, doing the same thing I do every night, Pinky.

I did a really bad Tien cosplay at a convention a while back. Might do that again for Halloween.

i'm going as a depressed and lonely alcoholic. i'm actually not an alcoholic though.

many thanks, dat leather ass tho

not same guy but I can see why he prefers gifs. in the vids you can actually see the butterface shine through after a while kek

she does have a nice ass for a kraut

she is a butterface but there's something about her I'm drawn too, idk maybe it's her attainability compared to the other homestuck girl in this thread (who is the daughter of two successful artists and is a brilliant artist herself, also a Ph.D student) or maybe it's the mutual autism


idk she looks like fun to be around, too many people i know who are into homestuck are depressed faggots who are annoying to be around

lel I used to live like 50 miles from her but didnt know her at the time. shame, really

brilliant analysis to which I fully agree, but I mainly just want to fuck her into a fine paste anyway, weird combination of loathing homestuck but having a diamond boner for girls in cosplay


o fuck this page


Not my proudest fap. And I say that as a /d/ oldfag.

>tfw still not big enough to do a BIG GUY cosplay
Gonna hit shoulders and traps like cray
maybe next year

post more pics fags


Nigga you 10 years old or what?

>t. no friends

Maybe its not a novelty to americans, but cowboy works a treat over here for the bitches, you end up pulling chicks thinking youre just alpha as fuck then when you end up fucking them they want you to leave the hat on and shit.

its perfect, i even have the shitty receeding hairline

Oh dear lord that pic.

>i even have the shitty receeding hairline
uhhh sorry but that anime guy is not receding at all

kys baldlet coper lmfao

>8pack and neck the size of thigh
>hairline (which is not receding btw) is the main concern

but brofist for taste in characters

ok high hairline or whatever, mines like the same
and body wise, lets be real if you're cut and out of dyelmode normies aren't gonna think twice unless you're going for a joestar or alex louis armstrong or something

oops forgot pic

kek I even attempted armstrong once ironically and people still bought it as an honest attempt. for normie-approved cosplay you literally just need visible insertions no matter how big

Rey from Star Wars VII. If ANOVOS won't delay my order for another 3 months, that is.

r u a qt girl?

there are no girls on the internet user, only traps

I went all out on elaborate costumes in college, built like 80% of a cosplay iron man suit and such. Made for really fun parties. But now I'm a graduate working a boring office job in a new city where I don't know anyone so I don't know what the fuck to do for halloween.

Just average.

What kind of trap is this?

my oneitis liked homestuck so just fuck off and never post this again ok

I will take the boys but my daughter will go with her friends.

are you a big guy? then dress up as michael myers or jason voorhees

What's homestuck?

I'm going as the typical white dad and my GF is going as a kinky princess with a collar that says princess and a pink leash

your family sounds nice and happy

are you happy in your marriage user?

Not out of dyel mode yet?

6'2 225lb 1/2/3/4 so jacked by normie standards already, but I gotta get bigger to do Papa Bane justice.
Plus body dismorphia is real goddamnit

>wanted to go as vegeta
>another year i couldn't stick to a diet and lift hard enough for it
>will just end up going as krillin again

end me

It was a reference


Ah, shit. I should brush up on my memes, cheers.

I'm happy in my family. Women are meh. Kids are what make life worth living. I love my wife and all, but there are billions of women on the planet. I'm not so foolish to think my life would be empty and meaningless without her. My kids tho, that's completely different. No matter how many I have, each one is irreplaceable.

I'm going as Krieger

Got the costume down.
Just gotta hit up a girl for a latex scull cap on the morning of the party.

>TFW Long thick hair down half my back
>Don't want to shave it.

> Have receding hairline
> Am manlet
> Want to go as Vegeta but co-worker already threatened to go as piccolo

What's another good character to go as if you're a fit Asian manlet?


Is it 2012 again?

>tfw never got to fuck a grey chick

Ever hear of a morgue?

Vegeta is the shit, so go power armour.

going as a white walker from GoT, one that just wears greaves, a tasset and armguards, hair is long and im going to spray paint it white and cover my torso and face in white/black bodypaint to get that horrible skin they have, and i've got my ice blue glow in the dark contacts
ready to roll son

is there any photos of actually fit guys wearing the armour ones?

all i can find are DYELs

man, I'm really looking forward to the Veeky Forums haloween threads


Going as Lt. Dangle from Reno 911. Got a lot of compliments last year and a hot chicks number but then found out she had a bf.

>rippetoe thighs

Going to Youmacon in detroit, don't know what to cosplay. I want to do some jojo shit or PC tan. Me and my gf have both gotten fit over the past year, so I'm trying to think of a fit couples costume too

Zombie Rich Piana

Everytbing before Hussie got bored and just wanted it to end. He should've let fans keep voting on what happened or actually scripted out a plot.