>tfw you find a rare sip
Not a bad feel at all
Sips general
reminder to report advertising threads
>tfw shill is too stupid to make shilling threads somewhat fitness related
you don't deserve a pay faggot
What is that? A nonsipper is acting smart again? They never learn...
Yeah lol at thinking these are all advertisements. Sips r dank
>3 posters
>3 replies
One of you is a samefag.
Indeed my friend
Hope your liver survives ye sips boys.
Nonsipper begone
dont tell me you are shilling for free
oh god
You found LH monster in the states?
just bought my first sip.
its tastes like pineapple juice
I'm new. What constitutes a "sip"?
Disgusting energy drink, he's just memeing.
its not actually bad, but its not worth the price.
just drink pineapple juice and caffeine
Respect the sip cult
On a website filled with pedos weebs preteens and literal faggots you sugar water drinkers manage to be the most insufferable of them all
Could someone shoop this to be sip approved?
im on my second day /nosip/
Have you tried sip icecream?
>mfw you think drinking carbonated sugar will help your workouts
>tfw college only sells Rockstar sips
They aren't as good but I can use my meal plan money
the blue ones are not bad
y'all niggas ever watermelon rockstar sip? shit is dank af.
You guys should try sipping on pic related, pretty good alternative to all the aspartame shit.
Not bad.
Thanks, bro
Are those yellow zero calorie monsters any good?
I saw them next to the white zero calorie monster.
love this shit
>having sips with calories
shits sour af
yee LH sip is bretty gud 90kcals only and tastes godlike
U mean this stuff? Shits beats out even sips for drinking on a hot day tbqhwyf
/Sip/ping is a pretty integral part of getting Veeky Forums
>I buy bisphenol-laden cans of fucking tea because I'm a dumb amerifat too stupid to put leaf in hot water
>not sipping Bang with 300mg of caffeine, creatine and BCAAs all packed in one can with zero cals
>thinking they'll ever make it
Thef? Sounds expensive
$2.25 at The Vitamine Shoppe there's cases of 12 for 25 online
>sipping a drink called "Bang" with a gaping anus for a logo
I buy it because I'm usually on campus at my uni doing schoolwork and its convenient you dumb euroshit.
I used to drink a shitload of these, but the creatine would make me sick and give me mad diarrhea.