Post yours
"I can't believe I thought he was big"
Great physique with perfect face and hair anyway
People thought he was big? He's practically the poster boy for that lean ottermode look.
Pretty sure this guy is #2 on the list.
>Alphadestiny after browsing /pol/
looks meh now
#3 would be Tobey in spiderman
It wasnt that he didn't looked big, it's that it looked fake as fuck.
>rich piana
Usual suspect
Used to think zyzz was big lel.
Rocky from RHPS
Is this shopped?
desu these are perfect sizes
No, thats just what he looked like without perfect lighting pump and pose.
literally a spooky skeltal
He was a vegan and natty! Of course he was so dyel!
What is this meme? He's cut as fuck. That was true then and it's true now.
How is big Piano doing? I haven't watch any of his videos in a while
fine user, he's doing fine
H-he's drinking whey mass gainers with Chyna now, he's in a better place ;_;
>dying in your mid-20s to look like this
>uses roids
>still a dyel
Sandnog genes.
Jesus, I can't believe fags here idolize him
I don't wanna tell him
He's doing just fine, dont look him up though
enjoy happiness for a moment longer
Alphadestiny looks like a skinhead now lol
Battlestar Galactica GOAT
>body is legit what every 20yo girl wants
>not idolizing him
Good one, my gay friend
u are not bigger than Dom.
Calling it now.
Remember watching his show when I was a kid and think wow he looks huge
Are there more bad Zyzz photos?
>bad Zyzz photo thread now pls
I bet you're smaller than him
t. niggers who will never make it
NO ONE, is bigger than Dom. No one.
I never thought he was big... I mean I grew up with Terminator and Rambo so perspective is a thing... but Bear is still a fucking legend in my mind tho...
Bodyfat is truly everything
I remember seeing the trailer and thinking he looked so ripped OHPing those 45s
One of the worst movies I've ever seen for the record
Yeah, I guess I hadn't seen it in a while but that classic picture of him looking right at the camera was posted, and his arms look tiny, just low bf
What were his actual numbers, out of curiosity?
normies still think these people look big
we're all gonna make it
>roiding for this
>lifting for whores
This has to be a shop, he looks dyel as fuark
Zyzz DIDNT lift dude.
He was 200% gear and party drugs.
If you took a good look at him you'd realize that he did less then the bare minimum in the gym and just upped the amount of and types of drugs he used.
He was a lazy rich kid who bought everything he needed. His body was like those fancy gay clothes he wore when he was a scrawny twink.
Something he didn't really give a shit about treated poorly and only used to get a bit of fame and hipness points.
Richard Piano is die.
Use to think i was big right here.
Then i posted in a cbt
he is doing a long sleep - everyone knows that you build muscle in your sleep.
You know that the secound pic isent zyzz right?..
This used to be my goal, but now he just looks mediocre
already reincarnated
>people thinking this is Zyzz
that ILS tho...
standard response
or christian bale in american psycho
>being ripped isn't great for surviving in the wilderness
HA! I remember watching that show as a kid and used to think Kevin Sorbo was some huge freak. kek I'm bigger than him now and I'm probably below the Veeky Forums average,
He's doing the 8 billion year arm workout with St. Peter.
He finaly achived his life goal of leaving humanity behind...
what you used to think was freak mode, is now only big, while to everyone else, big is actually freak mode and ottermode is big
Zyzz king of lean big aesthetics
>posting to a CBT
surefire way to get your ass handed over to you everytime desu
>tiny waist
>slim legs
>huge upper body, broad shoulders
no wonder these thicc homobait lovin' fucks roasted you.
Also are you 6'10" or something?
Aw, Thanks my man!
Yeah Im 6'3
spooky skeleton
huh. you look much taller. anyway keep not falling for the bear mode meme.
You feel it too?..The pain?
Why do all fit british people have that same sort of slightly sagged barrel chest look
Vin Diesel
This prison break guy, neck pill in action.
barely outta DYEL mode
fun to see all you fat fucks and skinny skeletons laughing at men much bigger than you just because you've looked at lots of naked men on the internet
>these are the idiots giving you advise
There are Videos from him squatting with 130 kg, deadlift with 210 and bench press (but with spotter) 130 kg. Would be impressive numbers for a natural (with long femur), but since he roids he was a bit... weak.
Dude, everyone who can bench at least his own body weight as a dyel is bigger than >99% of Veeky Forums, since >99% of Veeky Forums is too lazy to work out, is underage and just shitpost the whole day long.
Projecting much?
>yfw you grew up in the 90's when masculine male protaganists were still the norm
You are actually my goal body dude
It's revealing of Zyzz's serious condition that he seldom, or never, had a visible erection or even a semi in these photos of him with scantily clad DTFs. Don't let high blood pressure go unchecked, folks.
natty limit mode for 6" wrist frame achieved
not trying to discourage you - you look great. maintain it bro.
Thanks bros!
Redeemed himself as captain America tho
>her touching his chest was unscripted and was legitimately just the actress being shocked
Alphadestiny previously said on a live-stream that he is "very right wing" even though he refuses to talk about politics. So he might just browse /pol/
>talking shit about Samir
fuck out of here
Masculinity is making a comeback right now. That's the real underlying tone in all of the political shit happening right now.
eww wtf terrible physique look how small his arms are compared to his torso
Was about to post this
8 year old me thought this was as big as you could get
>mfw that's me but with smaller arms
>mfw 97 posts in noone posted king of Veeky Forums
doesnt matter id still fuck him