What are some good fitness channels on youtube?

What are some good fitness channels on youtube?

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Candito, the rest is shit.

Not brosciencelife. Except for the deadlifting and benching videos. Everything else is a joke.

that's the point dingus

Clarence Kennedy.

I think his username is Clarence0.

I like vitruvian physique, Athlean X, and the hodge twins

Athlean-X gives some good advice, but I highly doubt he's natty. No one can just casually take off their shirt and look shredded to the bone without flexing, and this bastard does it while talking.
Buff Dudes have some good advice too

he does trt

Brian Alsruhe

My channel is gonna be lit once I get a few more videos made. Be on the lookout

Routine and training history?

Frank 'BBC connisseur' Yank


A. Work your chest more
B. Link?

mirin cobra mode

Started lifting like right at the start of 2016 and went with my own push pull legs split for about 6 months, then I switched to stronglifts 5x5 for like 5 months and then I went with David Laids legs push pull program up until yesterday. Now I'm doing smolov jr for bench and squat in hopes of bringing up my weak stats.
Too ashamed to link it right now because I only have one video up and I look like shit in it.Gonna make new videos in about a month though.
Thank you senpai


Alan Thrall

What are your stats?

barbell brigade :)

you got a channel? drop that link brah. i got one myself but idk if it's worth sharing yet. only got 19 subs and average like 50 views.

drop that link bruh

5'9 145lbs
140ohp, 205 bench, 225 squat, 315 deadlift
pretty ashamed of my stats desu
I only have 9 subs and I dislike the only video I have up rn

I would die happy being with her

i asked first brother... also checked

I follow this guy

I used to like him, till I realized he is a complete sociopath.

I agree with Veeky Forums.org search:
Simon Marc Gai
On youtube

Scooby knows his shit but so does that Simon Marc gai, I follow him on Facebook

What makes you think that, maybe he's just very self confident and secure.

No he's a sociopath there's a major difference. He even did a video breaking up with his gf after many years, basically completely making fun of her for no reason when they were good together and treated her like complete dogshit for no reason other than a youtube video for views. There's a lot more evidence just watch his videos and compare his behavior to a sociopath, he's one of the most obvious cases I've ever seen.


delray misfits

Prove you're an admin

Actually I dont see any harm in posting it.
Here you guys go youtube.com/channel/UC1wTSVn-Eq9Tpb5PuNykhXg

Buff Dudes
Scott Herman Fitness

Could've just been a prank bro

Your music selection is horrible
You'll make a perfect fitness youtuber

I needed copyright free music so I just grabbed two that I thought were decent

Just a quick piece of advice I received from someone that's been very helpful in my progress:

Treat exercise like a tabletop game. Optimize the shit out of it, track your progress on a spreadsheet, and make sure that no matter what program you're running, you're still having fun. Without fun you can't maintain your regimen. Optimizing your training effectively requires a well-calibrated understanding of 'correct' fitness knowledge. The best way to do this is to rely on sources that rely on literature review of academic publications (Nippard is great for this). Just like getting good at your favourite game, becoming an advanced strength athlete or bodybuilder is best done by developing a research mindset and asking questions.

Make sure you read the sticky on this board first for context: liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Start here to learn your big 6 compounds:
Mehdi's Intro to SL A + B Vids:

Get Smart, understand the importance of research-based training:
Jeff Nippard's Science Explained Series: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp4G6oBUcv8z7yIq95QM2zVl1h33gfhDr

Exercise-Specific Form + Technique:
Alan Thrall: youtube.com/user/athrall7
Thrall has excellent power-lifting tutorials.

More of the Same:
Silent Mike: youtube.com/user/SilentMike95

More of the Same:
Omar Isuf: youtube.com/user/OmarIsuf

More of the Same:

Advanced Powerlifting Stuff:


Only 3 kinds of fitness channels should be posted here

The ones made by people who give out basic info in good understandable and sometimes entertaining ways.
For the noobs and advanced lifters who want to learn something new or relearn things from scratch

Guys who talk about no bullshit no frills gods honest truth when it comes to fitness and exercise and health overall or at least guys who are all about a particular aspect of fitness(or drugs) and won't bullshit you about it and be 100% honest.

Infotainment lifestyle fitness stuff that is fun, funny and isn't going to bore you with bullshit.

Last is half naked chicks doing "fitness videos" but are really just exhibitionists or are soft core stripping for views. Like that one chick that was demonstrating crunches but having obvious major orgasms while doing it.

Everything else is just infomercials and absolute bullshit.

I watch Rippletits on Starting Strength channel. No regrets.

why he do this

I forgot to mention hi, but Brian Alsruhe is also very good. Like everyone here besides Nippard, he isn't explicitly research-based, but his form advice is solid and his concepts seem to align with the best practices that both the sticky and Nippard derive from academic research.


>Not getting the joke.
You both needs things explained to you often, don't you?

>Like that one chick that was demonstrating crunches but having obvious major orgasms while doing it.
please provide a source

I wish I could find it again.
I spent weeks looking for it and putting in every fucking combination of ab exercise and female I could think of but to no avail.

Seba Kot

Whether he is natty or not, his videos are good and he offers sound advice.

I especially like how he talks about specific muscles and is very conscious about making sure you lift properly to prevent injury.

Elginensity is kinda monotonous at first but is fucking halarious at roasting cuckfitters.

elgintensity is kind of funny at first until you realise that he hasn't made a funny video in years



his advice is alright nothing special.

Mark Bell or supertraining06

This should be your first stop for entertaining/informative channels. Example of one of his funnier type vids: youtu.be/2xsuhP9da2I


I dont mind his vids as he just tells you stuff without trying to make you his buddy plus the filming is bright and clear.

he has three different jokes that he recycles in every video.

Retard alert

What are some fun/satire channels besides Dom's? I'm also watching Elgintensity ocasionally for his puns mostly.

jason blaha is pretty hilarious spoof of a stupid dyel meathead obsessed with convincing people he's GI Joe


Sean Nalewanyj has a decent channel with good advice on a range of fitness related topics (lifting, supplements etc).