Why would anyone use a barbell when doing chest exercise. When the dumbbell is far superior for building a big chest...

Why would anyone use a barbell when doing chest exercise. When the dumbbell is far superior for building a big chest. Barbell bench press is just an ego lift.

>what are questions marks.

Do you think when she gets up her giant ass leaves a heart shaped moisture mark by the poolside to mark the territory of a breeding machine?


post more black chicks and I will give you the answers you want



Because big numbers make losers feel good about themselves.

Now post more.
I need the test boost.

You can do more weight with a barbell.

Because some gyms dont have dbs that go up in 2.5lb increments, and going up in 5lb increments means you'll stall quicker

they're more easily loadable/progressible and aren't a pain in the ass to do with anything other than bitch weight.

stop making sweeping generalizations then maybe you'll break out of DYEL mode.






Because I have baby wrists and heavy dumbbell lifts disintegrate them






I got in on pol,they have the best black girl threads

>Things are getting more serious with my gf
>want to cheat on her with a niggress
Please Veeky Forums, these threads don't help



Its fine user, if you keep saying things like niggress the black girls won't give you any play and you can stay happy with your girlfriend



>that one bitch wearing a weave
throw her over the edge and it's a perfect scene

I doubt he would actually say that too there face tho.

I found my shoulder problems went down like 30% by switching to the bar.


Just do it mate why not.

>why not?

Eternal hellfire

>tfw no black chick in my town will ever give me anything close to a chance because they think white dudes are the source of every problem imaginable.

They present that image in public but often crave white dick. I used to have a WE WUZ chick roommate back in the day and she exclusively dated/fucked white guys (tried to bang me a few times, too and I'm not even good looking or anything).

When I see threads like this I really like black girls, but then I watch pr0n and can't find one that does the same.

That stigma will play into your favor, dude. Same reason why white girls go for black guys when they get approached by them. It's new and interesting. Even if they think white people are literally devils you have a better chance than the average Joe because you stand out

>not doing db press and bb press every chest day

What sort of town do you live in where all the black people think like this? New Zimbabwe?

Move to rural England with me and you won't even see a nig nog, problem solved.

How would you yanks meet one though I thought in the US black and white people hanged out In different places.

They do but you can usually find them around a college or if you have the balls you can go to a club/bar in the sketchy areas

How sketchy are these sketchy areas?

Berkeley most likely

>doing one type of bench and being closed-minded towards other variations

My race is fucked anyway tho if I don't find a woman off my reservation I'm probably fucking my cousin.

Stealth alphadestiny thread?

C'mon man. Black women love white dudes you can even be nice to them and they reciprocate unlike white women where you have to play power games and treat them like shit

Where would you even meet one though? There are literally no nogs in !y town.

Because I'm DYEL (150lbs, 6'0) and I'm scared I don't have the muscle control to stabilise them. Barbell is much easier to stabilise.

You're giving me hope, my dudes

does black chicks like this fuck whiteboys?

A college town in washington.

In my experience any black girl under 25 will have "if you're white swipe left" in their tinder profile somewhere.

Just to be clear, I wasn't encouraging you to oil drill. Or if you MUST, wear a condom for fuck's sake.

why not both?

>tfw european
>tfw the only black people I see are males
>tfw no baarp goddesses in my country

Is it true that black women prefer white guys over black guys?

>ywn have a thick braphog qt black gf

imma need some sauce on that

oh but I want that liquid gold

and I always wear my dick hat like a good little boy.

Give me my dark chocolate qt pls.

>Is it true that black women prefer white guys over black guys?

86% of married black women are married to black men, so no.

>>tfw the only black people I see are males
Well duh. You're being replaced.

I'm a black female.

There's a very high chance that they're ALL wearing a weave. They have really unnatural hairlines.

Just the girl in gold and in white may have real hair, but only because the chick in gold's hairline doesn't look ridiculous and the girl in white's hair texture looks real. Still not 100% on her hairline though.

Most fat women are married to fat men, doesn't mean they don't prefer a greek god.

help me brehs im just innocent white boy, i-i shouldn't be in this thread

From right to left

but that's implying that black guys are the equivalent to fat men for the black women..

>inb4 /pol/

Variety is good young grasshopper.

because getting 85 lb dumbbells into bench position destroys your shoulders

Completely agree. If you're not a powerlifter there's literally no reason to barbell bench press from any angle. Dumbbell benching, push-ups, chest dips, cable flys, and the pec-deck will get you an aesthetic and perfectly strong chest. The barbell bench is the "how big is your dick" of lifts. There's no carryover to RL and people waste time shooting for arbitrary goals like 2 plates when they can be focusing on actual goals or just doing a better movement(s)

It does.
t. gf does the same


Please i beg you

>MFW this thead

i love Veeky Forums because i now have a rough idea of there being a person like you on earth having that type of experience.. an incel native american Veeky Forums user, too funny

fucking do it. bonus if you're worried about black dudes stealing white women (which is stupid but whatever) it's kinda like you're fighting back.

She is a pajeet if anythign

>I'm a black female.
Be my mommy.

Because the hardest part of dumbbells isn't even the lifting; it's the getting them into position to lift, thus it ruins my motivation to use dumbbells for bench press.

That's true. I always bench with my brother so I have a spotter who doesn't mind picking one dumbbell up for me. Probably a bit rude and too much to ask of a stranger though.

Hello fellow resident of the liberal PNW. Do you also go to UW although I suppose Seattle isn't really a college town?


Believing in /pol/ memes of your race being "cucked" in the dumbest thing you can do


how do you deal with the fact that no matter how big you get, your girl CRAVES black cok and to be dominated by a bull


Yeah they do. I wasnt into black chicks till I got on pol

Holy fuck I kekked.

Somewhere out there is a native American shitposting on Veeky Forums about being a lonely virgin.

God I love this site


Black women should wear an afro more.


I started liking black girls, cause of the threads on the Misc. Before that i was only attracted to White and Asian girls.

when I do DB chest I feel like it taxes my forearms a lot and I am unable to lift as much as I should. so bench press all the way for me. I get a really good chest workout out of it and it's the most fun exercise to do.

> Midland name
> looks like a Kushan or black like Donovan
> Skin tone changes every chapter
wtf Miura make up your mind

If you're rich. They all look like instasluts so they'll let you shit on their tits as long as you buy them expensive stuff



need a black breeding sow in my life lads.

