Routine thread

Rate/comment others routines

Other urls found in this thread:

Pulldowns narrow grip 5x6-8
Lat pullovers 3x8-10
DB Rows 3x8-10
One armed cable rows 3x10-15
Low facepulls 3x15-20
Rear delt flyes 3x15-20

Incline BB BP 5x6-8
Incline cable flyes 3x10-15
Incline DB Press 3x8-10
Machine chest press 3x10-15

Squats 5x6-8
Romanian deadlifts 4x6-8
Leg press 3x8-10
Hamstring curls 4x10-15
Leg extensions 3x10-15

Delst (+chest - weakness)
Incline BB BP 3x6-8
Incline cable flyes 3x10-15
Machine delt press 3x8-12
Lateral raises 4x15-20
Rear delt flyes 3x15-20
Shrugs 4x8-12

DB Curls 3x6-8
Behind head DB Extension 3x6-8
Hammercurls 3x8-12
Narrow grip BP 3x8-12
Bayesian curls 3x12-15
Kickbacks cable 3x12-15
Forearm curls 3x8-12
Forearm extensions 3x8-12

Calves/Abs 2-3 times a week
Cardio 3 times a week


4x6-8 Bent over barbell rows overhand / 4x4-6 Chin up
4x8-10 Shoulder width Lat pulldown / Bentover supinated BB row
4x8-10 Seated cable row / 4x8-10 One arm dumbbell rows
4x10-12 Face pulls
4x8-10 Ez bar preacher curls
4x8-10 Hammer curls
Some grip training for 5 min like farmer walks

4x4-6 Bench
4x8-10 OHP
4x8-10 Incline DB bench
4x8-10 Cable flies
4x12-15 One arm cable tricep pushdowns / 4x8-10 Straight bar pushdowns
4x8-10 Tricep overhead extension
4x10-12 Lateral raises

4x4-6 Squat / 3x4-6 Deadlift
4x6-8 Romanian DL / 4x8-10 Lighter Squats
3x8-10 Leg press
3x8-10 Leg curl (+1 Drop Set)
4x15-20 Calf raises
4x10-12 Cable crunches

done pplpplx

Solid PPL routine, I like it!

I am gonna start bulgarian light tomorrow and go with weighted neutralgrip pullups and pinpress

Anyone has some experience with bulgarian light or tips?

Day 1
Squat 3x6
Bench Press 3x6
Barbell Row 3x6
Deadlift 1x6 or Romanian DLs 3x8-12
Military Press 1x6 or Seated DB Press 2x8-12
Wide-grip Pulldowns 3x8-12
Abs/Calves Superset 3x10-15

Day 3
Squat 3x7
Bench Press 3x7
Barbell Row 3x7
Incline DB Press 2x8-12
Straight-Arm Pulldowns/Facepulls Superset 3x10-15
Barbell Curls/Skullcrushers Superset 3x8-12

Day 5
Squat 2x8 1xAMRAP
Bench Press 2x8 1xAMRAP
Barbell Row 2x8 1xAMRAP
Deadlift 2x6
Military Press 2x6
Close-grip Pulldowns 3x8-12
Abs/Calves Superset 3x10-15

*If AMRAP >, 8 add 2.5% next week. If 6-7 reps, maintain. If 5 or less drop 2.5%
**Stalling on any lift 3 consecutive times means a drop of 10% of the current weight.

7x5 ddl
7x5 squat
7x5 press

1 on 2 off


squats 3 times a week? isnt that too much`?

nearly every beginner fullbody 3x a week program have u squatting everytime, since squat other then deadlift is basically his only leg movement its fine imo

Please help, juicing fraud here on a light blast

Intermediate lifter but still kind of new, advice welcome

Monday: Chest, back
3x5 bench press
3x5 incline bench
3x10 pullups
1x5 deadlifts

Tuesday: Shoulders, arms, cardio
3x5 overhead press
3x10 lateral raise machine
3x10 barbell curl
3x10 tricep extension machine

Wednesday: Volume chest, legs
3x10 bench press
3x10 incline bench
3x5 squat
3x10 front squat
3x10 stiff leg deadlift

Thursday: Volume shoulders, arms
3x10 overhead press
3x10 lateral raise machine
3x10 barbell curls
3x10 tricep extension machine

Friday: Chest, back
3x5 bench press
3x5 incline bench
3x10 pullups
1x5 deadlifts

Saturday: Shoulders, arms, cardio
3x5 overhead press
3x10 lateral raise machine
3x10 barbell curl
3x10 tricep extension machine

Sunday: Legs
3x5 squat
3x10 front squat
3x10 stiff leg deadlift


i actually really like this routine, is it based off something?



Monday :

Barbell Bench Press 4 10, 8, 8, 6
Incline Bench Press 3 8, 8, 6
Decline Bench Press 3 8, 8, 6
Dumbbell Flys 2 10
Dumbbell Pullover 2 8
Tricep Extension 4 10, 8, 8, 6 (adding weight)
Tricep Dip 3 10
Tricep Bench Dip 3 8


Deadlift 5 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
Chin Up 2 8
One Arm Dumbbell Row 3 8
Seated Row - pulley 2 8
Close Grip Lat Pull Down 3 10, 10, 8
Standing Barbell Curl 3 8, 8, 6
Close Grip Preacher Curl 3 8, 8, 6
Incline Dumbbell Curl 2 12-14
Concentration Curl 2 10


Machine Shoulder Press 3 10
Dumbbell Reverse Fly 3 8-10
Military Press 4 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 2 10
Dumbbell Shrugs 2 10
Upright Row 2 10
Standing Wrist Curl 4 10
Barbell Wrist Curl 4 10


Squat 5 10, 8, 8, 6, 4
Leg Extension 3 12
Leg Curl 3 12

Standing Calf Raise 4 12
Seated calf Raise 2 12

This is mine.
What do you think ? week 4/10

Since I started this routine I went from 76kg to 80kg
I usually did a lot of cardio and abs exercises, but now only one time a week, should I try and squeeze some more cardio in the routine ?

where is this from?


Wednesday – Legs and Shoulders
- Squat Assistance
- OHP 5/3/1
- Lateral Raises
- Arnold Press
- Ab Wheel
Thursday – Back and Biceps
- Deadlift 5/3/1
- Pull-ups 5/3/1
- Dumbbell Rows
- Face Pulls
- Curls
Friday – Chest and Triceps
- Bench 5/3/1
- Dips 5/3/1
- Chest Flyes
- Farmer’s Walks
Saturday – Legs and Shoulders
- Squat 5/3/1
- OHP Assistance
- Lateral Raises
- Arnold Press
- Ab Wheel
Sunday – Back and Biceps
- Deadlift Assistance
- Pull-ups 5/3/1
- Pendlay Rows
- Kettlebells
- Curls
Monday – Chest and Triceps
- Bench 5/3/1
- Dips 5/3/1
- Chest Flyes
- Farmer’s Walks

I do a PPL

Week1: all 3x8 (except DL)

DB press
Cable flys up/down

Shoulder press (arnold)
Plate raises

Overhead DB press
Scull crushera
Pull downs
Isolated pull downs

DL 3x5
Pendelay rows
Bent over rows
Lat pulldowns
Straight arm pull down

Hammer curls
Reverse curls

Oh, didn't realize I didn't have the rep schemes down.
All 5/3/1 sets are pyramids
All assistance is 5x5 @ 80%
Everything else is 3x8 for as heavy as I can finish the last rep of the last set

Where are the recovery days?

What is Veeky Forumss concensus on Greg cuckols program/s?

I see the PP but not the L

2-5x10 for all lifts, for any bodyweight crap it's 2-5x burnout

-Squat stance deadlift
-Straight bar curl

-Barbell row


-Jump rope
-Iron body training

>arm day

Pull ups on B or C, forgot

Squat 1x5
Bench 3x10
Barbell row 3x10
Ab work

Deadlift 1x5
OHP 1x5
Dumbbell Shrug 3x10
Arnold Press 3x10

Bench 1x5
Squat 3x10
Cable Pulldown 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10

Every 1x5 is 4 warmups into a max work set, the rest is hypertrophy 3x10 basic bitch shit.

these are garbage. go do a beginner program and learn proper programming.

his squat programs are bad
bench and dl are pretty good though.
just make sure you do some other accessories for his bench other then just curls. it's good with the c6w upper accessories (2 back and 1 shoulder)

no, it isnt.

How long you been lifting? Whats your stats on the main lifts?

You got all the main stuff in there. Seems legit.

How does alternating 3x101x5 for your compounds work for you? Have you been doing it long?

I'm 5 weeks in now trying to gain another 10lbs before I cut so I wanted hypertrophy instead of just 1-6 rep schemes. I hit PRs on deadlift and squat last week again, and will hopefully hit 4 plates on both this week. I'm happy with it so far, but I guess we will see what it does come November.

Gear or newbie

Solid, high intensity focus on the basics. You are probably jacked.

Fullbody. Solid for beginners, gonna trash you if you've been at it a while though. That AMRAP progression is legit.

literally what? powerfat detected. Your program is manlybaconbeard, /plg/ approves.

Nigga what are you even trying to do? You're juicing yes, but are you trying to get jacked, lift huge weights...?

Solid natty upper/lower routine but volume/reps are low. What are you doing right now in your training? It looks like a layoff.

Rock solid. I bet you are jacked. 4 day seems like a good way to go for U/L.

Will work, will work better if on gear. Weird formatting.

5/3/1 plus superfunctionalpaleo accessories. Always a solid choice.

Getting tired of rating PPLs, as long as you do all the main moves in ~3x10 and don't skip abs you'll be fine.

What do your 1-6 rep schemes look like?

I literally have not seen someone doing

Yo whats the best push/pull split for strength ?

I don't know, why don't you tinker around with the common options for a few months and figure it out?


No deads? What are you doing for your traps? Where's the core work?

I should have worded the question differently. What are the common options and do you have any links where i can read up on them?

Can't do deads cause I got scoliosis, however you're right on traps

suits me well

FS+SLDL is a good choice I don't see enough of.

Are you military by any chance? No reason, just random vibe

Day 1:
2x5,1x5+ Bench/OHP (Oscillating)
2x10 Cable Rows
2x10 EzBar Curls
2x5, 1x5+ Squats

Day 2:
2x5, 1x5+ Bench/OHP (Oscillating)
2x10 Weighted Chinups
1x5+ Deadlifts

Day 3:
2x5, 1x5+ Bench/OHP (oscillating)
2x10 Cable Rows
2x10 EzBar Curls
2x5, 1x5+ Squats

Ladder sets of pushups 6 days a week on waking up, frequency chinups 6 days a week throughout day

3 sets of burpees at 1 burpee per 3 seconds, total of 30 burpees per set

HIIT on Wednesdays and Saturdays where I sprint 5 seconds, then immediately go prone for 5 seconds before repeating until I Run 200 yards for time

I'm thinking of adding in running, but I have very little free time during the week and don't know how I could do it.

Is it wrong of me to just do full body about 2x per week? (i.e. no type of split)

Deads or squats
Bench/some type of chest
Rows/some type of arms
Couple more supplemental exercises

I also hike and play tennis so I can't be in the gym lifting every day anyways

It was just the typical SL>TM>531 progression. I don't count assistance work since its silly.

FS+SLDL is the far better choice for leg hypertrophy as it targets the muscles better. And no, I'm not in the military, but actually trying to get into secret service

Sure. I'm in med school and I'm busy as hell, sometimes I have no choice but to do exactly that.

Make sure to hit abs and you should be fine.

Benefit: if you work everything every time and then miss a few sessions, the clock is ticking on all your gains equally. You probably won't especially lose gains in one spot.

The sprint & sprawl thing, are you military?
That's a great idea, I'm going to steal it. Routine looks good but a little short on pulling moves unless the chins cover it.

No, not military, but I enjoy competitive shooting and am getting ready for hard times ahead.

Workout A
Squat 3x4-6
Bench 3x4-6
Pendlay Rows 3x6-8
Face Pulls 3x10-15
Tricep Overhead extension 3x6-10
Calf raises 3x15-20

Workout B
Front Squat 3x4-6
Incline Bench press 3x4-6
Romanian Deadlift 3x8-10
Close Grip Benchpress 3x6-8
Lat Pulldowns 3x6-8
Bicep curls 3x6-10
Ab work 3x15

The routine is fucked in the aspect that you do pure strenght training for your pushing muscles but not for your pulling muscles (not counting deadlift). You should do atleast x1.3 more weight on your barbell rows than on your barbell bench press.

Also no reason why to add bicep isolation but not tricep too.

Yeah that shuffle sprawl thing is probably great race war prep.


bench 5x5
ohp 3x5
rows 3x8
chinups 3x5
tricp pushdown 3x??
facepulls 3x??
curl ez bar 3x7


squat 4x5
front squat 2x5
bench 3x5
calfmachine thingy 3x15?
deadlifts 3x5

AxBxABx trying to put a bit more emphasis on bench

Should I add in a tricep isolation like skullcrushers on day 2? And I always hating barbell rows, which is why I preferring cable rows. And back exercise you could recommend?

I always saw an economic collapse as far more likely than a race war. I figured it would be me and a bunch of retired/deserted soldiers vs a bunch of retired/deserted soldiers. If you're not getting paid anymore and your family isn't safe, I see very few soldiers reporting in for duty that day.

Back squat 5x5 M-F
Front squat to hvy single Wed
Weighted dips M-F
Weighted chin-ups W
Deadlift heavy every couple weeks

I'm sure it's shit but would love critique, obviously going for hypertrophy

-BB Chest 5x10
-DB Chest 5x10
-Incline DB Chest 4x12
-Cable Crossover 5x10
-Straight Arm tri 5x10
-Tricep pulldown 5x10

HIIT Sprints

-Squat 5x10
-Leg Press (multiple shoe placement) 15x8-10
-Bulgarians 3x8
-Hamstrings 3x10
-Sumo squats 3x10

-OHP 3x10
-DB OHP 5x10
-Machine OHP 3x8
-Cable side raise 3x10
-Bicep curls (hammer, incline bench) 10x10
-Skullcrushers 5x10

Friday Volume Chest/Back
-Pullups 2x4-5
-Facepulls 2x10
-DB Chest 5x10
-Incline (strict form) 3-4x10
-Dips 2x8
-Lat Pulldown 5x10
-Rows 5x10
-Machine rows (multiple grips) 10x10


HIIT Sprints

Day A:
3x4-6 Barbell Row/Pullup
3x5 Bench/OHP
3x5 Squats

Day B:
3x4x-6 Barbell Rows/Pullups
3x5 Bench/OHP
1x5 Deadlifts

I just fix'd your routine there, senpai. Do your pull exercises first because you'll be able to perform better on your push exercises afterwards.

>Pull A

Diddlies: 1x5 | 2x12
Lat Pulldowns: 3x5
DB Hammer Curls: 3x8
DB Shrugs: 3x12
DB Rows: 3x5
Rack Pulls: 3x12
EZ Bar Curls: 3x8
BB Wrist Rollers: 3x8
Neck Curls: 3x33

>Push A

Bench Press: 3x5 | 2x12
Dips: 3x8
Chest Flies: 3x12
Lateral Raises: 3x5
Incline DB Press: 3x12
DB Shoulder Complex: 3x5
DB Military Press: 3x5
Decline DB Press: 3x12
Skull Crushers: 3x8


Back Squat: 3x5 | 2x12
Calf Raises: 3x12
Hip Thrusts: 3x12
Decline Crunches: 3x8
Leg Raises: 3x8
Stomach Vacuums: 3x8

>Pull B

Pendlay Rows: 3x5 @ 60kg | 2x12 @ 47.5kg
Lat Pulldowns: 3x12
DB Hammer Curls: 3x8
DB Shrugs: 3x5
DB Rows: 3x12
Rack Pulls: 3x5
EZ Bar Curls: 3x8
BB Wrist Rollers: 3x8
Neck Curls: 3x33

>Push B

Overhead Press: 3x5 | 2x12
Skull Crushers: 3x8
Chest Flies: 3x5
Lateral Raises: 3x12
Incline DB Press: 3x5
DB Shoulder Complex: 3x12
Decline DB Press: 3x5
DB Military Press: 3x12
Dips: 3x8


Clean & Jerk: ??
Cycling: ??


I'm the guy who posted why it is garbage ?
It was suggested from this website:

I don't think'll try steroids soon, but I'm taking some supplements, hope to see some results at the end of week 10

Because you dont need decline bench, and flys, and 3-4 different arm accessories hitting what ever at different angles. you dont need all this, there is no FOCUS in your routine, it just looks like a laundry list.
you want a big chest? get a 400 pound+ bench
you want big legs? get a 600 pound squat
big arms? do big compound lifts like weight chin ups, cgbp, front carries, etc you dont need 4 variations of curls
sure isolations do have their place, but you dont need like 30 of them in your routine.

Five-day nSuns. More interested in critique on my assistance.

Monday = Bench / OHP
Incline DB Bench 5x10
Incline DB Fly 5x10
DB Row 5x10
Zcurl / extensions superset 4x15
Farmer walk / DB shrug superset 3x20

Tuesday = Squat / (((Sumo)))
Romanians 5x10
Bulgarians 5x10
Good Mornings 5x10
T-bar Rows 5x10
Cable crunch (x15) / Weighted crunch (x20) superset for three sets

Wednesday = OHP / Incline Bench
Arnold presses 5x10
Lat raise 5x10
Wide grip lat pull downs 5x10
Bent fly / face pull superset 4x15
Farmer walk / shrugs with trap bar 3x20

Thursday = Deadlift / Front squat
Seated calf raise 4x20
Pendlay row 5x10
Glute ham bridge 5x10
Close grip lat pulldowns 4x15
Cable crunches / weighted crunches

Friday = Bench / close grip bench
Upright barbell rows 5x10
Hammer curl / extension supersets 4x15
Ham curls / leg extensions 4x15
Farmer walk / shrug superset with DBs (3x20)

Am I a fucking retard? I've only been lifting for like a year. Give it to me straight Veeky Forums

is sumo deadlifting antisemitic now?

did some machine stuff for a couple of weeks but wanna get real and go for it!
currently about 140lbs at 5'10 and want to get BIGGER

4x10 bench press
4x10 incline bench press
4x10 close grip bench
4x10 incline close grip bench press
4x10 french press
4x10 Ez curl
4x20 tricep pushdown
4x20 hammer curl
4x20 curls
4x20 triceps kickback

5*maxreps dips
5x10 decline bench
5x10 barbell fly's
5x20 cable flies
5*maxreps pushup

2x10 squat
1x5 deadlift
4x20 knee extension
4x20 lying leg curl
4x20 smith machine calv raise

3x10 lat pulldown
3x10 cable row
3x20 tbar row
3x20 rear delt flie's

5*maxtime plank
5*maxreps crunches
5*maxreps hanging knee raises
5*20 cable crunch

Dude, you weigh 140 pounds. That's way too much volume and it's unnecessary. Do a routine based around the basic barbell Lifts 3 days a week and eat like you've never eaten before. Just trying to help

your program is dog shit

I just go the gym and to whatever I feel like doing. Always get squats, deads and bench in once a week, with plenty of pull ups and weighted dips.

U mad for non autistic programming?

l m a o

Pic related.
Lifted for abit over a year, but did a meme program. Switched it to this a few weeks ago to get 1/2/3/4.

It's greyskull so it has focus on strength, but i still want abit of muscle in the places i'm lacking the most.

Right now i have 0 tricep, delt and traps, so i'm training the shit out of them.

Day one
>Bench press 4x3-5
>Weighted pullups 4x6-12
>Bent over rows 4x6
>Front Squats 4x8-12
>Squats 4x8-12
>Backstep Lunges 4x12

Day two
>Overhead press 4x5-8
>Deadlift 3x3-5
>Face pulls 4x12
>Power Cleans 4x6
>Weighted Dips 4x6-10
>Neck Curls 4x20-30

Day three
>Squats 4x3-5
>Barbell Hip Thrusts 4x6-12
>Bench press 4x8-12
>Seated dumbbell press 4x8-12
>Side delt flies 4x8-12
>Weighted chin-ups 4x8-12
>Bicep curls 4x12
>Overhead tricep extension 4x12

im seeing the other posts in the thread makes me think
should i add shoulder press and front raises?

Day A

Bench press 5x5
Incline bench press 4x12
Peck Deck machine 4x12
Shoulder press 3x12
Standing lateral raises 3x12
Bent over lateral raises 3x12

Day B

Close grip chin up 3x8
Front lat pulldown 4x12
Barbell rows 4x12
Shrugs 4x12

Day C

Barber curls 3x12
Scott pad curls 3x12
Reverse gripped triceps pushdown 3x12
Triceps extension with rope 3x12

Day D

Squats 5x5
Leg extensions 4x12
Leg curls 4x12
Sitting calf raises 3x??

5x3 Back Squat
3x5 OHP
3x5 Bench
3x8 Flies

5x5 Front Squat
3x5 Pendlay Rows
2x8 Chin Ups
2x8 Pull Ups
3x8 Reverse Flies

Same as A, but with 1x5 DL, ramped up

Same as B, but with 5x3 Back Squat instead of front squat


Sounds reputable. Let me guess, they tell you to buy pre-workout at the end to get through all that volume?

>Same as A, but with 1x5 DL, ramped up
*Instead of Back Squats

This, folks, is why you don't write your own routine

I'm running something that's worked well for me (inspired by conjugate dayscheme) to get my bench up, strength focus. Trying to get my bench up, 315/185/375.

Monday: DL (Never too heavy, my deadlift is pretty good and responds to minimal work)
Other random shit

Wed: Bench (Heavy, never same rep scheme)
High volume incline or close grip bench
Upper body accessories

Fri: Squat (80%~, don't like going higher my squat goes up over time easily anyway)
Core, obliques

Sat: Bench
Upper body accessories
curls for the girls lmao

Any thoughts on getting my bench up? My form is pretty on point, I trained at a powerlifting gym over the summer and learned a lot of technique so I feel confident lifting now.

Very good for a starting routine, decent all-around. How come you don't do barbell curls or at least dips tho ?

Workout A:

Barbell Curls
Back squat
Barbell Rows
Pull ups
Bench Press
Wrist Work

Workout B:
pretty much the same but with Chin ups instead of pull ups and dips instead of bench

Thank you

I miss curls cause I plan on going into Oly Lifting. Big biceps can get in the way of clean racking and I already struggle with front squat racking as it is. Plus, I don't really feel a need to if I do chin ups.

Never been interested in dips. Might give them a try at some point, now you mention it.

Is the The Clear Muscle 12-Week Training Schedule a meme now?

Please respond

Day 1: Lower (Squat)
Squat 5/3/1
Sumo Deadlift 3x8-12
Leg Raises 3x8-12
Leg Press 3x8-12
Calf Raises 3x8-12

Day 2: Upper (OHP)
OHP 3x5
Bench Press 3x8-12
Hi Rows 3x8-12
Machine T-bar row 3x8-12
DB Incline Press 3x8-12
Pull Ups 3x
Dips 3x
EZ Bar Curls 3x8-12

Day 3: Lower (Deadlift)
Deadlift 5/3/1
Front Squat 3x8-12
Leg Press 3x8-12
Leg Raises 3x8-12
Calf Raises 4x8-12

Day 4: Upper (Bench)
Bench Press 5/3/1
Close Grip Bench Press 3x8-12
Hi Rows 3x8-12
Machine T-bar row 3x8-12
OHP 3x8-12
Pull ups 3x
Dips 3x
EZ Bar Curls 3x8-12

Do legs more than once a week (3 times best) and you will not hate it as much, trust me

Thanks dude, I will try it

On day 1 and 3, there is no need for the leg press after deadlifts and squats. You should be spent. If not, you are not lifting intensely enough.


Thinking of starting wendlers 531 1000% awesome routine, need some input on accessory work

Day 1
Squat 5/3/1, Bench 5x5 @ 85% training max
dumbbell rows and stiff leg deadlifts as my pulls

Day 2
Deadlift 5/3/1, OHP 5/3/1
Incline DB press

Day 3
Squat 5x5 @ 85% training max, Bench 5/3/1
No idea what to throw here

Thoughts on this?

Day 1:
Squat 3x5
SLDL 4x10
Row 3x5

Day 2:
OHP 3x5
Bench 4x10
Pull Up (unweighted) 3xAMRAP

Day 3:
Deadlift 3x5
Squat 4x10
Row 4x10

Day 4:
Bench 3x5
OHP 4x10
Pull Up (weighted) 3x5


Serious question:

What does Veeky Forums think of changing Starting Strength/StrongLifts to do OHP and Deadlift every session (with push-ups as assistence)?

3 days a week:

Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Push-up progression 2x8
Chin-up progression 2x8

Choose a harder progression every time you can make both sets.

Typical Progression:

Push-ups: Knee, Normal, archer, one arm

Chin-ups: negatives, singles, doubles, triples, etc...

The push-up/pull-up progressions will be harder than you think after pressing and deadlifting.

What's an archer push up?

Everythig I try to keep in the 4x10 range, unless I;m going as heavy as I can, in that case its 4x5 or 5x5 - usually for the big 4.
>Chest Day
Flat/incline/decline bench. Rotated every workout so it isn't the same from the previous.
Flat/incline flies
Cable Crossovers
Dips if I'm feeling froggy.
>Back Day
Pullups, usually 1 set of 10
Barbell Row
Lat Pull
Cable Row
>Arm Day
EZ bar curl
Concentration Curl
Cable Tricep Extension
>Leg Day
Leg Extension
Hamstring Curl
Overhead Press
Lat Raise
Upright Row

Been lifting seriously for years. Just got off a Stronglifts routine, was bored to fucking tears, but it got my squat, bench, and deads up.

Basically what I am doing, but you can go 4 days instead of 3.

This is what I'm doing rn:
I think we are doingitright.

Chest+; Triceps
Change every month or so between machines and dumbbells and 12x10x8 ,10x10x10 or heavy 10x8x6 depending on my available time
Incline press
Decline press
Inclined cable flies
Cable flies
Dips (weighted)
Cable pushdowns
And mix it up with a dumbbell overhead extension or skullcrusher


Lat pulldown
ISO rows
DB rows
Barbell row
Cable row


Military press
DB raise
Arnold press
Lateral raises
Front raise
DB delt reverse fly
Machine delt

Preacher curl
DB curl
DB ISO curl (any kind)
Cable curl
Hammer curl
Close grip ezbar curl
Reverse curl
Farmers walk

BB squat
Leg push(2 machines)
Leg extensions(machine both quad and hamstring superset)
Romanian DL
Calf raises

2 times a week and (never done them due to compound exercises. Just doing them when cutting)

Day 1: Upper Power
-Incline DB press 3x6 -- 120s
-DB Incline flies 3x6 -- 120s
-Chin Up (To my discretion)
-Lat Pull down 3x10 -- 90s
-The Press 3x8 -- 120s
-EZ bar curl 3x10 -- 45s
-EZ bar skull crusher 3x10 -- 45s
-Face pulls 4x12 -- 45s

Day 2: Lower Power
-Front Squat

Day 3: Rest (or abs at home)

Day 4: Upper Hypertrophy
-Incline DB press 4x12 -- 45s
-DB Incline Flies 4x12 -- 45s
-Seated cable row 4x12 -- 45s
-One arm DB row 4x12 -- 45s
-DB lat raise 4x12 -- 45s
-Incline DB curl 4x12 -- 45s
-Cable tri extension 4x12 -- 45s
-Face pulls 4x12 -- 45s

Day 5: Lower Hypertrophy
-Front Squat
-Maybe leg press

Day 6 and 7: Rest (or abs at home)

Rate my U/L routine. Ignore the times. That's just a general guide line

2 times a week referring to abs

rate this
currently running the russian bear program by tsatsouline plus some arms:

> ohp: 100% 1x5, 90% 1x5, 80% as many sets as possible x 5
> deadlift: same sets/reps
> one arm cable rows: same sets/reps
> curl variation + triceps ext variation: 5x10 + drop sets

some days I skip cable rows though

on saturday I run nuckols 28 programs bench/squat 1x/week, just not to lose track of those lifts

Anyone have a PHAT routine? Thinking about switching over from PPL.

Archer push-ups are the intermediate push-up between regular and one arm.

>15 reps
i've got some bad news 4 u

Flat Bench Press 3x8-12
OHP 3x8-12
DB Incline chest flyes 3x8-12
DB lateral raises 3x8-12

Deadlift 3x5
pendlay/barbell row 3x8-12
DB curls 4x8-12
Alt DB hammer curls 4x8-12

Squat 3x5
DB Incline chest flyes 3x8-12
DB front raises 3x8-12
DB skull crushers 3x8-12


Beginner. I need thoughts?