This will never be you

>This will never be you

How do you cope with this?

That body doesbt go Well with hes face too bad he Could Never be 8+

Jeff pls go

Why cope when you can strive to achieve

Am I gay if I would have sex with this man

>I will never be non-white

Well thank you God

wouldn't mind that body but other than that i'm pretty happy being a antisocial neet who never leaves the house

you could have a hyperbolic time chamber, youd still never achieve his insertions

Is Sir still around?

Yeah he pops up every now and then. Mostly towards New Years of course

I'm jealous as fuck to be honest.

if he got some half decent haircut, he'd look a lot better

Why does Jeff constantly go on about being natty in all his instagram pics? Do fake natties get a naughty rush out of lying to people?


To laugh at all the plebs seething

Stop being such beta LITERAL faggots salivating over the lifes of these hard bodied dudes.

looks like hans and i want to see him in an waffenss uniform so badly fuck

>face like 12 year old dutch girl
>final fantasy haircut
>half of these pics are with basic bitches
>this will never be you

and thank the fucking ruinous powers

>Why does Jeff constantly go on about being natty in all his instagram pics?

because he is probably on less drugs than some people, which is the new natty

>now this girl from dating app
>go out on date
>spend $100 every date
>i find out that she was a massive whore who even fucked on a WC somewhere and fuck guys on the first date, they don't even pay anything
>i passed two dates without fucking, going to the 3rd

i 'm so fucking retarded lads
>I like her

Who IS this dude? I know it's from a pic with another dude, but who is he?

what's his diet? his trainning?

I thought you quit Veeky Forums Jeff.

