Tell me about your dad Veeky Forums

Tell me about your dad Veeky Forums

Are you proud of him?
Is he proud of you?

>I Miss my dad.

Reddit is so fucking gay
>I do thing
>pls validate my life I'm so empty

But did he add the weight of the spray paint?

Reddit is figuratively gay. /fit is literally gay.

Hard as fuck old farmer.

Am I proud of him?
Sure, worked like a beast all his life, now he is retired and does whatever the fuck he wants. Gave me everything I needed.

Is he proud?
No idea, we don't exactly have an emotional relationship.

shouldnt he put a clear coat on that? I'd love to refurbish old shit for a living, it's gotta be so satisfying.

I'm proud of him. He used to lift a shit tonne since he turned 18. He squatted 300KG, deadlifted 240KG, benched 180KG. Never used gear, just ate and lifted a LOT.

I doubt he's proud of me, since I'm a DYEL faggot still living at home at 25 and I'm currently unemployed and spend my days laughing infront of my computer and only lifting like twice a week.

He treats me fine, though.

My dads gone. Passed away from cancer due to agent orange use in Vietnam. He was a hard army vet who worked his ass off until he couldn't anymore. I was very proud of him and hope he would be proud of me now.

Hard to say. I respect him and love him from the bottom of my heart, but hes an alcoholic, even if hes a highly functioning one. I wish I could save him. Getting older and might die in his 60s at this rate.

dads an ex british marine commando and firefighter

wants me to join the army, dont wana get my legs blown off in iraq but would love to follow his legacy

I'd honestly say I have two dads, my mum has always been both a mum and a dad to me since she is tough as nails and my dad is even tougher, both hard working people.

I want to make them proud which I am working on.

I dont know my dad, i was raised by my grandparents

But yes im proud of my grandpa

>Are you proud of him?
Yes, he's managed to keep a stable relationship for nearly thirty years, and he's the one that made me want to lift and do rowing, and with his knowledge I become the best in my club
>Is he proud of you?
Fuck yes, he's mirim my endless pbs and dedication to sports

the cunt is 50 and still making babies

Well, my dad is a 45 years old man that still go into trips of 8km+ on his bicycle whenever he wants, can do hours of cardio without being too winded up (one day dude swam for 1:30 in the morning, them hit the gym at 14:00 and did one hour of cardio after he finished his routine).

To top everything, he is highly successful in his area and the nicest of the guys, you can bet I am fucking proud of him. He looks like that, too.

Electrical engineer who worked for the local power co-op, great guy but died of leukemia when I was 11.

He did some really cool and secretive shit before I was born, including military contract stuff where he was shipped out to panama to work on black hawks and couldn't contact his family for months on end. I'd say I'm proud to have had him. He didn't lift at all though.

I'm sure he'd be proud of me - I'm self sustaining and make decent money in an IT job, but I'm not proud of myself. I feel like I'm stagnating.

my dad is still alive and fine and great
but my grandfather was a beast who could pick the two biggest Veeky Forums posters up and conk their heads together like moe, well into his 80s

they had a 'turn in your guns' amnesty here in canada, they were collecting up a bunch of virgin 22s and shit
my grampa walks in with a chad fucking RPG and a case of live shells that was given to him by his unit in his army days
watched him build three homes for himself barehanded - from foundation to trimwork

Your dad was hudson from cod black ops

Nice double dubs

My dad sits in front of the computer all day and is out of shape, but he wants what's best of me. That much is clear.

I grew up having admiration for my dad because he worked his ass off and was always strong. Said the most he cpuld ever bench was around 400. He was a mechanic for a long time. Few of the guys he worked with said he would move engine blocks by himself from truck to the floor. When I got older, I started noticing that he had given up that mentality. He started looking for the easy ways to be wealthy and just left his health to rot. He's not a bad guy now, just not the same person I grew up with.

I am still proud of him in most ways because he was always there for us. Hell, he broke the cycles of abuse he suffered from his own dad, physical and verbal. We just have not and never will see eye to eye on matters that are important or controversial.

Is he proud of me? I don't really know. We never really have a conversation these days that does not go down the shitter into an argument.

>Are you proud of him?
I think he was at least partially inspired by me to get Veeky Forums, he's lost a shitton of weight and feels so much better
>Is he proud of you?
I'd like to think so

My dad runs marathons and is an Iron Man finisher. He's 62 and only started running around 55 or so. He ran a marathon one year after he had brain surgery to remove a bacteria that infected half his body.

I'm incredibly proud of him. He's my inspiration desu

>I lift big
>I fuck chick
>please validate my life i'm so empty

You sound like a woman.

i bet those wights smell like shit.

hate the smell of spray paint.

My dad was born into a military family as the youngest of 4 kids. Clawed himself out of poverty and now runs a successful local company. He used to be fat but he got in shape, had a 350 lb one-rep max at one time. He still lifts a couple times a week. He's a really loving guy, gave me a job working at his company.

I think he's proud of me because I started lifting recently (still am a skinnyfat fag but at least i'm lifting now), and I always try my hardest working for him. We have a great relationship

did coke, died, lol

Guys, how do I overcome bad parenting?

My dad was gone when i was 6 and mom never had time for me since she was always on double shift. I feel like i never had a dad nor a mom because of this.

For a long time i tried to get my dad's attention but he hated my mom for leaving him (he cheated on her many times, also an alcoholic) and i feel like he gave up on me since i'm her son. He died at the beginning of this year, left nothing but bills.

I feel so out of touch with people, i really don't get anything that's family stuff. I feel like this is hurting me socially pretty bad and holding me back. Specially when it comes to relationships. Wat do?

See a fucking shrink please.
The only thing Veeky Forums will help you with is questioning your heterosexuality.

My father isn't Veeky Forums but he was fit. Was an electronic engineer and had to carry around a 20kg toolbox all day erry day and walked around a huge factory.

I never wanted for anything as a child and he was always keen on getting involved in my life and doing things with me despite not being able to express emotions particularly well. He managed to regularly tell me he was proud of me, and still continues to, since going to university (literally the first person on his side of the family to ever be able to attend) and finding myself a job (and at the age of 27 finding myself in a position of earning more than he ever did).

He married my mother and is like a father to my half sister (who was 11 when he married my mother) and my nieces and my nephew only know him as grandad. He is a devoted family man and goes out of his way to help everyone.

He is a great man and I am proud to have him as a father.

I would recommend seeing a therapist or something. sorry to hear that, man. Dr. Jordan Peterson on YouTube may be of help, but only marginally. You could look at and identify what your father did that caused him problems, and resolve to define yourself through the doing the opposite.

go to church or find a girl with strong family bonds. be honest to her about your problems

can you ask him what he does for calves for me

Oh, and he's 67 right now and retired and still does shitlaods of building work around his new house. He recently built a load of decking and one of those wooden garden structures that plants grow all over.

I plan to name my first male child after him.

idk the refurbishing weights is pretty cool

I wonder if his son appreciated it.

>every memory I have as a kid is filled with guitar music since it's his favorite hobby. Christmas morning, after dinner every night, hours when I was 7 and he tried to teach me
>always trying to help me with everything, like homework all my life despite not understanding any of it. if I wanted to pick up a hobby, he'd try to learn it with me. now looking back on all those long weekends or nights we'd stay up watching movies I realize he was exhausted from his job but he still made time.
> he was a runner his whole life and we completed tons of races together since I was 12 or so. Every weekend for years we'd run together.
>i inherited depression from him. he's always been understanding and tries to help me in any way he can despite still being severely depressed himself.
>his health started to deteriorate from stress from his job the last couple of years. his running started to decline. He has chronic pain and his hands shake all the time.
>he recently found out he has heart disease and they had to put in a stent. He still asked how soon he could start running again.
>tfw we never got to run a half marathon together
>tfw I don't know how to help him. I'd get a job to help him quit his but he shoots me down every time and says he wants me to focus on college.
>tfw we go to the store to buy lemonade like we do every week but he doesn't get one for himself because he doesn't want to eat sugar anymore for his heart but he seems really sad.
I'm proud of him and I want him to retire soon and be happy.

My dad was a graphic designer in Japan. He tried to kill me multiple times in the tub when ever he bathed me by choking me and drowning me, abuse went on for a while till mom found out. He got hooked on cocaine and gambling and ended up selling our house and left my mom, me (2yrs) and my sister (4yrs) homeless.

I find it hard to respect my dad. He isn't a bad man, but he is a weak man.

He tries to do good, but he lets everyone walk all over him, and he used to take it out on me when I was little. As a result I grew up as a weak, spineless manchild with anger issues. Obviously I'm trying to work on that now.

He claimed to have lifted before, but even though he is tall, he was always one of them smallest (and skinniest) men around, I'm assuming that's why even as an adult he'd always get picked on by literally everybody I've seen him talk to.

Yeah I see no problem with being an attention whore as long as what you have to show is at least slightly interesting

Literally every time someone posts anything they made they're seeking some validation and a sweet dopamine high

my dad was alcohollic who wasted his life away for booze

he died last december
he knew im not going to be chad.

>boiled chicken and steamed veggies 6 days a week
>Spent all time mentoring dyel older brother who clearly hated physical activities
>dyel brother moves across the country and never writes/calls
>Realize I was a better candidate for lifting and sports(18-20 at the time)
>Starts supporting me in stuff like gym and sports

I think he's over compensating for more or less ignoring me when I was growing but I think he's proud of me.

>tfw dad worked and volunteered at church so much that I never saw him
>from as far back as I can remember to the day I enlisted, he really wasn't there
>worked long hours but still poor because Cali standard of living
>only there to woop my ass or to not have sex before marriage
>learned everything I know about being a man by myself
>Marine Corps helped me mature and learn some life lessons the hard way
>mfw would hear stories from friends innaCorps about how cool their dads were

I can't hate my dad, can I? After all he never left, he just wasn't ever there.

>*or to tell me not to have sex before marriage

and this is why my English 1A grade is shit

My dad broke up with my Mum when I was 5, I'm pretty certain he cheated but people still refuse to tell me or my siblings despite the fact that the youngest of us is over 18.

I've seen him every week since the breakup and all I can say is that he's an awful rolemodel in most aspects, he's a skilled carpenter but only works when he can be fucked, he moved in with my nan because he can't be fucked to work and therefore can't afford anywhere he's also so unreliable that I wouldn't trust him to turn up to anything at all.

But he's probably one of the most likeable people I've met, really social and all of that stuff. And he's my dad, he's never been nasty or abused me and I just can't bring myself to dislike him at all because of that.

He's proud of me because I'm doing well in school I suppose but I wouldn't say I'm proud of him honestly, as harsh as it sounds.

And why is that?

>I'm pretty certain he cheated but people still refuse to tell me or my siblings despite the fact that the youngest of us is over 18.

Family is like that.

My nan, at 90 years old and just before dementia kicked in, told me about how my grandfather hit her once, so she hit him back and tore his suit, and after that he never touched her like that again.

She asked me not to tell my mother because she didn't know he ever hit her and she didn't want her to have any bad thoughts about her deceased father.

My mother was 60 years old.

My dad is a literal communist and ex worker. He used to work in ship repairs where people had died and work was irregular to feed his family. Or so I thought. Somewhat recently I learned that work was regular and the pay was good. My father used to work enough to build up enough money to kick back and chill for months. We grew up like poorfags because he was a slacker and my abusive mother used all the money for herself. She even used to confiscate whatever money I got from relatives. I never had an allowance either. My father was rarely at home. He used to go out twice a day to get drunk and he spent his time home sleeping one off. He was a beta provider and a negligent parent who left me at the "mercy" of a monster of a mother. All he tried to teach me was elementary level math. Because he was out or out cold so much, I didn't look up to him. Instead heroes, gods and demigods such as Hercules, Thor and my grandpa who fought the nazis and the commies were my father figures.
I love my father and he loves me. But he neither has nor has he earned a son he can be proud of.

Yeah, I doubt I'll get a clear answer any time soon honestly. It's never bothered me because it's just what I grew up with but knowing would be nice.

My dad is awesome. Pretty much the closest to a perfect dad you can imagine.
>loves my mom dearly, sends her flowers on random days, sometimes pulls you aside and will say "an amazing thing about your mother is..." and will tell you something she did he found funny or endearing
>He builds incredibly precise hardwood furniture for fun. hand cut dovetails and jointery
>grew up building furniture with him in the garage
>always encouraged me and my brothers, coached our soccer teams, came to all my cross country races
>took me fishing any chance he could, if i ever turned him down he would start singing "cats in the cradle" and then laugh at me for feeling guilty
>teaches a class for married couples at the church
>Always made a point to apologize for any outburst or ill tempered moment
>taught me and my brothers how to box and will still slap box with you even though hes 58 and has had 2 hip replacements due to arthritis
>acts as a surrogate dad to many of my friends growing up, they still call him for advice
not even touching on his professional life, which is pretty damn impressive.

He says hes proud of me often. granted he still thinks i'm a christian even though i fell well away from the faith as a teen, I just fake it so him and my family arent constantly worrying about me. Im 23 and starting my career, he calls once a week or so to give me advice and catch up. we talk fitness a lot, hes impressed by me. I still havnt given him grandkids but watching him and my mom play with my niece and nephew its like theyre 20 years younger.

my dad only lift 1 month, and then he stops.
1 month on gym, 1 month off
also, he follows memediets that first world countries stopped using, like "no-dinner"

I'm happy for you user, that sounds fucking fantastic.

extremely proud of him
he's like arnold to me without the weightlifting
>early 20s
>came to america
>spoke zero english
>had 3 children
>now owns 5 houses
>owns his own business
>can barely speak english now(not enough to even make small talk)
>supported me through my fuck ups

is he proud of me though?
well im just making bad decisions and fucking up every other week now
so no i dont think so

He's a truck driver who used to be an impressive lifter. He fucked up all his joints from going too hard and he constantly warns me to not over-do it.
>his max bench: 480
>max deadlift: 8??

He couldn't squat due to destroying his knees in a motorcycle crash.

We're definitely proud of each other. He may have not jizzed in my mom, but he turned a liberal pussy into a man.


Thanks man, my whole family is a blast.
>My dad is basically an incredibly centered and good natured guy with a rock solid work ethic.
>My mom is a tiny, big haired ball of type A energy who gets more things done by 7AM than most people do all day, and is the most in the moment joyful person in the world
>older brother is a golden child, D1 soccer player till he got concussions, still cruised through a mechanical engineering masters degree with almost no effort. now has wife 2 kids and 90k a year at 26.
>Wrote a code that sent me an email every .5 seconds telling me "the time is now" till he crashed my gmail because he got bored
>oldest brother sorted out depression/manic/anger issues by age 25, is now 29and a huge vidya nerd with a terrifying level of enthusiasm for everything and a jovial nature. was a college soccer team trainer and was faster than all but 2 of the athletes despite having 1 fused ankle from injuries. we roomed together after i graduated for a few months, he sold me his old pc so we could game together
I cant wait to finish this stage of my career and move closer to home.

If my father has ever been proud of me he has made no indication of it.

Though I am proud that he started with nothing and made something of himself, by his own description he just kinda stumbled into a comfy job in a government lab, and he didn't even have a degree or a diploma. My parents were the last of the boomers and have trouble wrapping their heads around not being able to just fumble your way into a good career at the age of 19.

It sounds like it could be one of those old 90's sitcoms man, I'm jealous.

my dad is, bar none, the smartest guy i've ever met in my life
>graduated from a small liberal arts school with 3 (three) degrees at 17
>phD in EE from MIT at 21
>been a top dog in industry for 30+ years
>always wanted what's best for me
>always pushed me to try my hardest
>supported everything i've ever done
he's the best guy in the whole world. every time i call home we talk about lifting and sports and politics and everything
i couldn't be prouder of him. i hope he's proud of me.

>anons post their cool and accomplished dads
>meanwhile I can't even say I love my dad, let alone be proud of him
>been feeling nothing but resentment for some years now
>rage bulding up inside
How do I let go of this hate?

Rescue your father.
Sort yourself out.

whats the nature of your disagreement with your father?

Nice dubs
I've realized more as I've gotten older just how lucky I am to have a loving family thats actually really fun to be around.
I'm gonna go call my mom.

>Tell me about your dad Veeky Forums
He's an adjunct college professor who sacrificed tenure to raise me.
>Are you proud of him?
Yes, he's the smartest person I know and has other good qualities.
>Is he proud of you?

Take heart, we're the ones who'll make it on our own.

>tfw dont remember him once asking how my lifting session was in all of this 3 years of lifting, despite him asking where I'm going when I leave the house or where I was after I come home

I don't know, I haven't seen him in 15 years

My dad's a doctor and was a football player up until college. He was huge back in the day.

Now he mostly hikes, goes to work, drinks, and takes care of the family. He's the best man I know and I can only hope to be half the man he is. Love my dad.

That's not true I only post to disrupt discussion

dad calves

>my dad is a 45 years old man that still go into trips of 8km+ on his bicycle

as long as your not a dirt bag I reckon it's hard for men like that to not be proud of their sons. You should just tell him one day that you appreciate him for raising you. Do that shit right before leaving the house, or something don't lock him into dealing with the feels in front of you.

My dad used to run for an hour every night until I was born (he was 46)

Dad is still strong as hell in his 70s...

...but man he is one of the worst human beings I have ever encountered

Beat my mom. Beat his kids. Was an utter failure at his job. Utter failure as a husband. Utter failure as a father. Taught me zero things. Had to figure everything out myself (elder brother is a drunk asshole)

Only thing I know about my dad is his out of control anger. Idiot gets angry at any and everything. Whines and complains all the time. One of the most negative people I've ever encountered. Never has a single positive thing to say about anyone. Blames "luck" for all his failures. Encouraged us to be lazy

Basically, any time I have to do something, I ask: is this what my dad would do?

If the answer is yes, I dont do it

It took meeting my wife and hanging out with them to understand what normal families actually are like

I'm smart, successful, fit and sociable irl.

But there is something broken in me because of my dad and shitty upbringing. Which is the reason why I'm on fucking Veeky Forums

Dont' they weight less after all that messing around?

Petty criminal, drug dealer and possible murderer. Didn't know him too well.

Oh, I'm so sorry user. What about your other father, you collosal faggot?

Ask him if he wants to he around for his future grandkids.

let me guess you're black

No, white Canadians.

pretty much the same here, He did once tell me that as long as I made my money honestly then he would be proud of me.

No. He's a fucking coward who goes out of his way to enable my mother's insanity. Living with them was hell.

I'm just a little bitter.

I guess I'm proud of him lol.

Working on being something he can be proud of.

>overcome bad parenting

I moved two states away when starting my career and barely speak to them. Once the bad is removed you can start focusing on adding more good, and improving yourself. Self determination is an exercise of pure will.

How do you want your life to be?

He and I know I wont ever have kids, I can't even use that excuse.

>Trained in multiple disciplines of martial arts
>Got me into weight training
I owe my life to that man. I am damn well proud, and i hope he is too

>recovering cokehead/alcoholic
>some fucked up shit from my childhood as a result, but went to rehab and is 11 years sober
>even during the drug/drinking shit i never once doubted he loved me
>always supported everything ive ever been into
>when i was 14, he knocked up my ma again and now the little one is 6
>now i see how he raises kids from an observational perspective, and its great
>always tells me how proud he is of me
>struggles with bipolar type 1, i have bipolar type 2, we're always there for eachother

that list is a mess but i don't know how to fit how i feel about him into a couple bullet points, nomsayin. the man grew up in springfield, mass during the 80s suffering from (then undiagnosed) bipolar disorder and substance problems. though he slipped up when i was younger, he's always tried his best to do right by me. through good and bad me and my ma (and now my brother) have never gone without anything. we're relatively poor, but he busts his ass so we always have enough to get by. he's got his flaws of course, but as he grows older he's becoming more open to change and growth as a person. very much my role model, and though he's not a perfect guy, i'm incredibly fortunate to have him as a father.

Doubt it tbqh desu

Businessman who got pretty far in life, from poor kid with no education to a millionaire by 35. I look up to him, though i feel like he doesnt really feel proud of me from time to time considering my shortcomings and social ineptness. We don't particularly have a good emotional relationship, me being an autist and all.

Parents split when i was a baby, 23 now and i haven't seen or talked to me dad for more then 22 years.

Apparently he was a massive alcoholic. He has another family now, a wife, and a kid who is probably like 18.

fucking rich boy, get off my board

this desu

>lives in america
>owns several houses
>doesn't speak english

I'm not even one of those people who want spanish speakers to leave america but literally why? why would you live and be successful in a place for decades and not bother to learn the language?

>athletically gifted 6'2'', national rowing competitor in highschool
>academically gifted, IQ of well over 130, excelled throughout school
>His father was an alcoholic but still provided extremely well for him so he grew up well off
>dropped out of his first year at university and got into hard drugs
>popped out some kids with my mother
>never worked a day in the last 20 years
>bitter as fuck and addicted to morphine, spent my childhood sleeping and yelling at us if we made too much noise
>His lack of effort meant I grew up extremely poor

kind of just waiting till he dies so i can have some closure on the issue desu, not overly proud of him really.

My old man could have died and I wouldn't know. I also wouldn't care. I have zero contact with my family. They will never see me again.

>valor dictorian of his high school
>west point graduate
>air assault school
>ranger school
>airborne school
>got a PhD
>wrote a book
>currently a full colonel in the army

>West Point graduate
>NCAA Basketball player
>helicopter pilot
>air assault school (did the 12 mile ruck march in 2:07)
>out preformed most of the males in her first platoon at physical events

I've got big shoes to fill.

when'd your dad graduate

>having a dad that really cares
So jelly. KYS.

You deserve a (you), I'm sorry user. Do aomething special for your dad, I know hell appreciate it.

I love the dude...... but he's either so hyped up on religion he's convinced himself the material world doesn't matter, and just let it go and been content with seeking lower manual labor jobs (when he's always touted himself as being a really smart guy)

I've come to realize that... if he was so smart, he would've found a way to earn a higher wage to provide for my mother at least and give her more of what she deserves in this life. The older I get the more I look at him and kind of resent how much he hasn't seemed to "try" all these years.
He's a VERY positive masculine role model in the ways that it means to be a "guy". Like, he played football in high school. I get the sense that he absolutely slayed poon before he met my mom (and now he's ashamed of it & won't talk about it). Now he just seems to be content living out his days however they may come to him... he doesn't seem to aspire to be much more. He's a great guy... but not at all in the ambitional sense. In every other sense, yes. With ambition. He's lacking. He doesn't seem to value it. And he doesn't seem to value the mindset of "getting ahead" in life...... he's very content.... which is not what I want. But now he's managed to put me in the weird position as the first-born.... now I'm starting to feel really RESPONSIBLE for picking up his slack. If this dude dies he basically leaves NOTHING for my mother. As a man in his late 50s, I appreciate the sacrifices he made for me growing up, but I feel he should've been able to provide more. He doesn't even have an IRA, yet used to read business/finance books all through my childhood. It's like... what were you DOING then, dude?? I don't want to end up being that kind of guy in that way. He's chock full of advice of what "other" people should do... but he hasn't ever cultivated the mindset to actually follow any of his own advice.

>valor dictorian

But still your parents failed