What does Veeky Forums think of my girl's workout?
What does Veeky Forums think of my girl's workout?
>planet fitness
anyway, why do girls have to brag about every minor accomplishment?
holy shit women are such a fucking meme
>50 deadlifts
for tha big booty ;)))))))
>leg benching
Kek, what a retard.
nice try op. stop doing these meme workout plan.
Thank god she added that emoji I wasn't sure want kind of running she meant
I can only do 20 arms for 3 sets. That dude must be hella ripped.
>probably fluff
your gf is horribly misinformed, if you value her you'll educate her and if she values you she'll learn
>planet fitness
I think she's lying.
I just looked into a PF membership, and they don't have the equipment for either. Unless she's trying to use a Smith machine for both.
you let your girl go to planet fitness ergo you're a shit boyfriend
>50 deadlifts
>30 minutes resistance
Fug, the most I can do is 10 minutes of resistance
>3 reps of 50 squats
What the hell?
That sounds horrible for her joints.
>3 reps of 30 arms
don't breed unless you want brainlet children
>he doesn't count 50 squats as 1 rep
What did you think a rep is? Did you faggots even read SS?
>tfw can only squat lmao3plate for 1/50th of a rep
>50 deadlifts
>tfw you realize planet fitness only has smith machines
>leg benching
Uh, user? I think she might be literally lying to you. I've been to 3 Planet Fitness locations and they don't allow deadlifts at any of them.
Your girl is pretending to workout while she goes and fucks Chad.
What the fuck
>No cell phones
Is this fucking real?
I'm guessing it was one of the tiny fixed barbells.
>3 reps of 50 squats
>3 reps of 50
>Three reps of 50 reps
>3 reps of 50 sets
Gotta confuse the muscles
You're a straight up idiot, you censor the name but leave the location visible. All it would take for some faggot to find her is going to that location and looking for someone who works that routine.
>50 deadlifts
>3 reps of 50 squats
>3 reps
>3 reps of 30 arms
>3 reps
>30 arms
>3 reps of 50 leg benching
>leg benching
brb camping out at planet fitness with a notepad waiting for someone to do 50 deadlifts
>no grunting
>no string tank top
literally why
>no cell phones
Sounds like a good girl workout
never seen any sign like that.
You can do whatever lift you want a PF, but they don't have barbells
>implying you could lift 30 arms more than 3 times
She already did deadlifts and squats so she's probably curling all these arms for a combined weight of over 200lbs.
The PFs where I'm at don't give a shit what you do. Not OP but just saying. PF is my backup place when my main gym is closed
get out
>3 reps of 50 squats
Women were a mistake
They don't have barbells? What the fuck, what's the point
What's wrong with using a smith machine?
Reminds me of that screen cap with the overhead dead lift squats and the Tyson weighted chin up curls; does anyone have that old thing saved?
she's cheating on you, lad
Nothing inherently if it's all you have. The issue is that it removes balance from the equation. Lifting free weights is much better for overall development. Benching 225 on a smith machine is the equivalent of benching 185-200 on freeweight barbell bench roughly
PF is a franchise. Not each one is the same.