He's beating her right?
He's beating her right?
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
>Green gains man is gay
You guys are literally gay if you listen to this guy
Forget him being gay.
What the FUCK is happening to his hairline?
we can only hope
this , I'm wondering if lifting makes you bald because I notice a lot of people at my gym are bald(ing)
>greenman married an unconvincing mtf tranny
is there anything this faggot won't do for attention?
and roids
Increases test, which increases DHT since your body has more free test to convert.
If you were at 8/10, 8 being your DHT levels and 10 being your scalps DHT threshold, then it might put you at 9. Add in Creatine and other supplements and you're at 10/10, throw in gear and you're at 15/10 rip your hair.
Throw in some propecia and you might be at 2/10. But then you have to deal with having hermaphroditism like levels of DHT. Maybe cut the pill in quarters or something.
I have not touched a woman in like 6 years and I would never put myself in a position where im in any sort of relationship with a creature like depicted in that video
How fucking low can men go
lmfao he knows she's so ugly, so why is he with her?
what the fuck is wrong with this kid?
can't get laid
She seems like one of those low self esteem girls that were tricked into losing their v card. I bet niggerlo makes her eat a whole cucumber while watching animal abuse videos
because he's a nigger
edgy liberal woman tricked into thinking this negro is human
going to totally ruin her life
>Add in Creatine and other supplements and you're at 10/10,
The one study that showed an increase of DHT associated with creatine use showed that they normalized after the rugby players went back to a non-loading dose, i.e., DHT only rose when they were taking 20 g/d instead of 5.
It has a dick doesn't it?
No, he's vegan.
Ill have a coke then.
This is the lowest effort trap I've seen in my entire life.
Seriously, there are 50 year old dudes sucking dick on craigslist who put more effort into convincingly looking like a woman than that.
god.. she would be ugly even if she was a 16 years old boy.
Wh*Tes are submissive cucks with recessive, inferior genes
Impossible, VG is half-black yet manages to be the whitest man alive.
His pure BLACK genes has been eternally ruined by his wh*Te admixture
One drop rule
Shew could learn nutrition advice from concentration camp survivors, jesus christ fuck vegans.
What the fuck am I watching here? And why does he look so depressed all the time?
She would be a solid 5.5/10 if she had a decent haircut.
Her haircut is fucking horrible.
>my wife Jasmin
Title says
>Interview With My Boyfriend
Description says
>I thought it would be good for you to get to know my boyfriend Jasmin a little better AKA Harry Potter, AKA Bill Gate's son, AKA Skrillex.
So is it a MtF or a FtM? Or "genderfluid"?
She's a 6/10 with long hair
Amazing how hair can really make or break a person.
it actually looks like he's ready to fucken snap sometimes! any bets he beats her. we should alert the authorities
where can I meet my own shy qt GF?
That insecure arm positioning
>Consciously or subconsciously afraid of losing her
>places arm in closest proximity possible on her chair arm
>has his own chair arm
Lol insecure faggoteering right here
throw some makeup on and she'll be 8/10
That's a woman?
her facebook
Literally calls her a faggot, with that look of barely bottled rage behind his eyes
Doesn't matter. Niggers are allowed to be bald just like niggers are allowed to be ugly and stupid.
hopefully, good god
i think it's the half white in him, actually. If he were full black, he wouldn't be a weird faggot on psych meds.
lmao nigger you're drunk
she looks like an ugly boy
This guy is so boring. Just like the food he eats..
I'm using legit propecia, full pill, for nearly 3 years. No hornone or dick issues or anything, lots of gains. Hair went from nw1.5 to nw2, though. This might be my fault because i stopped for a whole month and a few weeks here and there (was lazy to renew prescription)
bro i'm so scared to get it, but i think it's about time.
I have a nice dick and i'd be absolutely gutted if it stopped working.
Is this a rational fear? I heard only 2% of people experience that shit.
Would've made her a 9/10. With a vagina she's just a 5/10
more like she hits him, she calls him nigger and stuff lmao
I was scared too and didn't take it for a whole year when i should have. Then i read the clinical studies and realized it's bullshit. Decided to give it a try. Decided that I'll take it for 2 months and if at any point i experience weird shit I'll stop immediately. 3 years later it never happened
1.6% of having dick issues and if you experience it and stop you have 0% of permanently fucking up
Just don't expect magic, it will slow it down at best
What a bizarre pair.
This is probably the most quintessential Veeky Forums couple.
Two gay manlets, one's a trap, they call each other faggot, etc....
So don't pretend to hate them anons, I see those "twink entes gym *blush feelsguy*" threads here too you know so kek
dude vegans gay
How is this not a man?
@11:00 The obviously mental problems caused by lack of nutrients from meat and he goes on to explain his Stockholm syndrome which is a common symptom of the coal burner
Anyone got a mirror of him recording his grandpa's death or is it *gasp* gone forever?
>6' 6"
>barely have bigger forearms than gf