>lifting for many years
>receive a facebook notification
>HER name appears
>heart skips a beat
>lifting for many years
>receive a facebook notification
>HER name appears
>heart skips a beat
the best way to get over a girl is to get over another one.
This desu. Find attraction in a new place so that you realize she isn't the only source of intimacy.
Or cultivate that kind of intimacy with yourself idk
>receive a faceberg notification
There's where you went wrong
yes...yes... user just keep lifting more weights.
I'm sure that will fill that void inside you
>tfw 21
how to get over boy Veeky Forums? got a gf and didn't work feelsbadman
also this belongs in /r9k/ I suppose
block her now
It ain't happening bro, best learn to live with it.
>first gf at 16
>tfw she was fat but literally perfect aside from that
>first love at 19
>literally sucked the life out of me and destroyed the social circle, and physique i spent 5 years building, and took up 16k of my money
>left me for another man as soon as she did
Never again, "love" is a fools game
>find out the only girl I've ever had a crush on got engaged to another girl
>tfw 21 kissless virgin with who's social life is so poor I literally do not know anyone's name outside my family nor do I own a cell phone or car
>teenage love, never felt as strongly and unconditionally in love again
>but didn't didn't lose virginity to her
always wonder what I missed out on desu
>get a match on tinder
>scared to open the app
>what if she realizes i'm up at 1am and thinks i'm a NEET
>can she see the last time i was online
>can she see if i saw that we matched
>what do i even say to her
>i...ill just wait for her to start the conversation
>3 days pass by
>finally open the app
this has happened several times
you have to yolo that shit man, if you send something at 1am she might be awake too
>5 months ago
>Made a tinder
>See high school oneitis
>Delete tinder
>Been too scared to face reality if she swiped right or not
>Finally remade tinder today
It's like a band-aid right? It'll hurt quick and I'll forget?
Please, user, please don't remind me of the girl that once truly loved me.
as someone who experienced teenage love, it's a fucking disaster
girls at that age simply do not know what they want. teenagers are stupid emotional creatures and it is always volatile. it's good for a while, feels like a romance movie, but you get fucking exhausted after a while.
>had a dream last night about my first gf, we broke up 9 years ago
>never saw or spoke to her since out nasty breakup
>dreamt that we were back together, chilling at her parents house like we were 20 again
>even though i've had many gfs since, this one still hurts like a motherfucker
>check her facebook, she's probably gonna get married to her dyel bf soon
>spent the whole day depressed
are we all gonna make it?
You're not alone user, I'm there too.
Please, I want to forget
you fucking wish nigger.
... I fucking wish nigger
Had a great dream
>coming back to NYC on a train after years away
>she is waiting for me at the platform
>even more beautiful than she was before
>she runs up to me and we just hold eachother
>feels like during christmas break in highschool when we would walk around holding hands in the pocket of my jacket
>I know that she loves me again, I can feel it
>we walk up to her little apartment and the dream ends
>Checkeed her facebook and she's a militant vegan, berniebro, mlp fan, and went to women's march
I don't know man, she's still hot af tho
unless she's not an upgrade in every aspect.
otherwise you feel like a loser that got ripped off.
shit man, dreams can hurt even though it's just our brain sometimes composing a happy movie inside your head so you're not as depresses as you are while awake
Why tf is she still on your Facebook you dumb faggot.
this is of such bullshit
Jesus fuck dude, you're 21 go to the club or something. Expand your horizons, you're still young with plenty of time to get your shit together. Don't end up like me and be a 31 year old complete fucking waste of oxygen.
Had a dream about being with her again. Married, with a little daughter, happy as fuck in a nice house in the burbs. Literally fucking cried when I woke up.
Have opportunity to lose virginity in highschool several times but dont because Mormonfag and want to wait until im married. Pass up chances my first year of college. Literally nothing second year. Same thing going into my third year. Literally all but one of my Mormon friends my age are married and tell me about how great having sex all the time is. Start feeling like something is wrong with me, Start feeling like im going to die alone.
My lifts have gone up. Its not helping...
>tfw 22
>tfw no gf . . . ever
W-we're all gunna make it bruhs
Thats rough buddy. Worst ive ever had was just the typical walking together, she loves me, feels good, wake up, feels bad. Having a family together is some next level shit.
Best way to get over love is to fall in love with yourself- sounds narcisstic af but trust me in the end its the best thing for yourself
>had a similar dream
>we broke up because of long distance
>I recently moved to a city about an hour from her by complete chance (I actually applied to a different location and got offered this job)
>decide to look her up, think hey, maybe it's fate
>she's even more gorgeous than before
>still dancing ballet professionally
>she's dating an actual fitness model
>they post photos of them traveling all over and going on adventures together
>she looks so happy
>look at myself: balding at 23, working a boring office job, alone in a new city with no social life outside of fucking tinder sluts
Where did it all go so wrong.
Yeah, came pretty fucking close to just ending it all that day, but a friend had recently committed suicide and I remembered how much it affected her family and I didn't want to put mine through that.
or find a loser to make HER feel like shit
Not contacting her during prime horny time. Well done, you really dodged that sex bullet.
I feel for you man but that reaction image alongwith your story is a hearty kek
You made a whole new app, twice?
26 khv here. It doesn't get better boys
Just talk to a girl and get on a date.
I married my high-school crush, we have twin 8 month old boys that I love more than myself. The catch? I hate the fucking bitch, she's turned into a manipulative, over- jealous, possessive cunt. Can't wait for a divorce and then smashing some fresh pussy. Love lasts 1-2 years at best, it's overrated
wow this is like the reverse of
It's not thath easy, user.
Especially since you have kids.
Been there, tried that.
But godspeed, and DON'T let her have the boys.Boys need a father to not grow up into a shithead.
Pic kinda related & an interesting read
I feel you, maybe one day we'll learn
Yeah. Honestly I just numbed myself to it, I'm in better shape than I was when we dated and I'm way more mature, but I'm no longer working in a creative field. Seeing her dating a fitness model and chasing her dreams is motivational as fuck to me, even if it's kinda depressing that I don't think I'll ever find someone else in her league again. Makes me lift harder and strive for a more interesting life.
>xanny make it go away
nigger I wish you fucking nigger wish fucking
I know that feel bro. She's getting married while I haven't had a steady relationship since. Are we gonna make it?
I been there man. Exactly what you're describing, suicide and dreams and everything. You gotta get so down the choice really does come between a bullet in the brain or getting savage. I ain't gonna burp you and tell you it gets better :^). It's just life, or death. Make your choice. Good luck user.
I miss them
I thought i was ok with them moving to europe
but i'm not
wow this post is embarrassing.
Me too bro. I moved away for a few years to start my career and I miss them a lot. I'm requesting a transfer to be closer when I'm done with my training and development rotations. I'll never be the favorite uncle if I never hang with my niece and nephew
>teenage love at 15 and 17
>lost virginity at 22 to an 18yo
teens are still fucking crazy
that was 2 years ago, and let me tell you, she was nuts
>not unfollowing girls that make you want to die.
>still on Facebook
Nigga don't let her have the boys. She'll turn them either into nu-male beta faggots or into shemales.
Single mother are the worst thing that can happen to a boy that young.