The Mr. Olympia contest has turned into a fucking freak show. A politicized, rigged, even-more-homoerotic-than-its-usually-been freak show
The Mr. Olympia contest has turned into a fucking freak show. A politicized, rigged...
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Op for once is not a faggot.
Is any explanation needed?
U mad?
I wish roid gut would be possible natty
The worst thing is his belly button.
It's just bizarre to me when I see these fetishized athletes being lorded over by guys like (((Adam Silver))) and the (((Weider's))). Why are they crypt keeper looking unhealthy motherfuckers and peddling this shit? It's subversive.
(((They))) also invented modern pornography which fit seems to understand is degenerate.
Pic on the bottom left looks like he's shedding his body.
Worst part for me is the spray tans.
But yeah, the roid guts are disgusting. If you're going to be a bodybuilder, your chest should always extend out further than your stomach.
>spending thousands of dollars, years, and all of your free time turning yourself into a disgusting strip of beef jerky with a tiny dick that guarantees you'll never get pussy you didn't pay for for the rest of your life
why do these fags do this, there's no way they aren't all homosexuals
homosexuals like big dicks as well, user.
Jason Genova looks better than this
Fucking revolting. Where did it all go wrong?
lmao they're so fat
Yates/advances in pharma
with that gut winning the Olympia what's stopping /ourguy/ Big Lenny from snatching the victory?
The heart attack he'll have any minute.
LUI will disqualify anyone with a bubble bubble bubble gut immediately
leonard pls dont die
Can you imagine
> Gentlemen, Vacuum pose please
> tfw contestant faces
That's beyond disgusting
Holy shit, how the fuck did he win? Hes fucking disgusting!
>those tits and calves
Yet they all have tighter waists
God Frank Zane is fucking sexy.
Lmao, Lenny actually doesn't look much worse than Mr Olympia. And he like 6-7 inches taller too, he'd totally dwarf Phil Heath.
Think of all the shekeks
Lol can't unsee now.
The 90s, when it all became about mass. Then you have the fucking judges who judged aesthetics, definition,size and proportions to just full on size.
Roid guts should legit be a disqualifier from any pro competitions.
Then everyone would be disqualified.
>not swallowing a turtleshell before the show to get that MASSIVE GUT PUMP
>not having your balls removed to make more room for leg mass
>not having your penis transplanted to your belly button
This why Phil keeps winning, no one else is looking like a freak on stage compared to him.
It's actually fucking rank though, his gut is wider than his lower back when he's faces the rear in a relaxed pose....
You know you love him boi
Lmao people still watch this shite?
Weren't the Weiders famous for being terrified (overt) homoeroticism would ruin their snake oil scheme? I remember reading they did everything they could to associate bbing with getting girls and quashed any publicity around the "side jobs" some guys had.
Pic is winner of 1st Mr. Olympia in 1965. Makes you wonder what the winner will look like in 2065. Heath is halfway in between.
modern bodybuilding have been a joke for decades
Everybody's seen this a thousand times already you unoriginal mong
Larry Scott was a beast. Every skeleton manlet should see his beforeBB photos to take some inspiration.
Mirin my aesthetics?
Mirin my height?
lol Phil heath is buttmad at luimarco
Op this has been happening since Dorian Yates era you fat. Mr Olympia is supposed to be this way you fking mong. They have physique, classic and 212 is you don't like the big guts
What do you think is in that thing? He is pregnant its like a scene from the alien movies.
You jinxed him you bastard. This is your fault.
this is what Mr Olympia should be all about, but will never be because the guys that show up looking amazing with no belly are punished for not pumping more gear in to have a more detailed back, literally retarded.
This is fake news
Rest in peace in peace?
Dumb fuckers don't know what an acronym is.
it's rest in piece you absolute dumbass.
mirin dem quints
Holy shit that guy achieved muscular perfection.
>Mr Olympia is supposed to be this way you fking mong
No, it's not, you retard.
Gunther made a guest appearance at a GNC in Denver back in 2005 or so, and I got to meet him in person. Each one of his legs was thicker than my waist. The guy was super cool and it was freaky seeing someone that big/muscular in person. It's what got me into bodybuilding.
That HGH gut. And if you don't know what GH gut is, here's a 14 year old girl explaining it
I met jay cutler back at an expo in like 2010.
Its a huge shock seeing someone that big in person, theyre nothing like the pictures
Wow. Fucking wow. Its kinda sad that Fitness yotubers regularly get this kind of call out from big stars when most cant regularly hit a million views.
Amazing. Fucking. Amazing.
Poor Arnold having to be compared to this abomination. Dude's starting to look like Big Lenny
It's an insulin gut, not an HGH gut.
At least Lenny isn't a manlet.
this bloated toad looks like you just have to pop a needle into his potbelly and it'll deflate like in a loony toons show, absolutely disgusting
Phil earned it though, his gut was unfortunate but he did work real hard to win that title. His conditioning, separation and overall balance was better. He definitely earned this rights to shit talk.
Arnold literally had bigger arms than Phil Heath and Ronnie Coleman.
Nothing changed except that pot belly.
Mirin those newfag digits
so that's how they reproduce...
Have you seen Arnold's legs.
that's the most impressive combination of size, conditioning (seriously) and actual aesthetics that I've EVER seen
Even in his day he had pretty weak legs at times.
And big legs look feminine anyway.
Never actually looked Larry up before. This is pretty much my goal body
His legs were in proportion with his upper body, only SS victims like big, tumor quads.
woman here, those look like big tumor quads
is he out of hospital yet?
also why was/is he in there in the first place?
Dunno might be overdosed with vitamin K
>woman here
Atrial fibrillation and rhabdomyolysis.
I'd hit it.
He didn't even deserve to win, everyone agreed Big Ramy had a better physique.
An actual case of POLITICS BRO
>those calves
wtf mine are bigger than that and I haven't even lifted in years.
jesus fucking christ bodybuilding is the gayest most retarded absurd shit in existence
wtf how did phil win?
picture isn't from this year, ramy had green trunks
pic from this year. ramy got robbed
You guys still don't realize that the judges love that masturbate to these bodybuilders and chose who gave them the most satisfying nut which will always be phil heath, they have a pregnant belly fetish with that too
No they are not
>what is fat
Kai should have won that year fuck off phil