/BWG/ Bodyweight general

Does anyone have the pasta?

Specifically links about stretching and the overcoming gravity book.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw can't do a muscle up

BUmp, also want that book

>I am too retarded to check the archives

Can Veeky Forums do a muscle up?

Not even once

Can you do it with no kipping and no false grip? How did you get to that?


yes :(

I wish this guy looked bigger so I was more secure about following this routine

Follow the Recommended Routine on /r/bodyweightfitness, it's a great start and when you are able to do all the exercises, then you can move on to hypertrophy

youre not going to get big from bodyweight. you have to either move onto a gym or weighted vests or something.

You can definitely get big, it's just harder.

Everything has extremely hard versions of it in the progressions, there's a long way to go until you can't go farther. And the bigger you get the harder it is.

You can build muscle, but youre not gonna get big big, and this is coming from a bodyweight fag

You can get pretty big man.. I've seen it myself. And when you reach a limit you buy a weighted belt.

Are you doing no kipping no false grip muscle ups 3x8, one handed push ups 3x8, russian dips, one arm pull ups, planche , etc? If not then you're not at the limit.

weighted sure, but you benefit from being light to do all those moves.

Doesn't mean you can't get big

Have fun being weak while I bench your bodyweight.

post someone big whos pure weightless calisthenics
again, not saying you cant look good. but even with one arm pulls and malteses and shit, your not gonna have huge arms

I can post any random person and say they're that but you can't know if they do weights or drugs.

I've seen people that only did calisthenics be big. Literally eat a lot and do the hardest possible progression points of each thing, and not too many reps.

>Fatty can't muscle up

thats fair, agree to disagree.

Do you want to bet most big bodybuilders can't one arm pull up or muscle up?

If you can do that kind of thing and eat big you'll get big

This is what I have saved pastebin.com/CqF45Ffg

Assuming I'm doing weighted pull ups how does the shape of bar itself affect the muscles used? Pic related. Which one would be better?

well, its a specific skill, so of course not many people can do it. its impressive.
in the same vein, i can find a bunch of skinny dudes who can do one arm pullups.
look, im not saying you cant build a bunch of muscle, or get fuckin ripped or whatever.
you're just never gonna be Veeky Forums's standards of big

There was a good link about stretching but I can't find it in this one

Because they weigh nothing, because they don't eat

If you eat and do the hardest thing you can you will gain weight and get big

If you roid you'll be even bigger

this is simple

The supposed natural bodybuilders powerlifters strength trainers and what not all lift almost twice what they weigh on the reg.
Not being able to do even moderately advanced bodyweight stuff is more of a sign of being a pussy then being strong.

Also yeah, saying "i can do a billion chinups" while they're all top heavy weight nothing and have short limbs means nothing. Just as much as stating that "if you don't squat you're a pussy" while being a short simian built man who has perfect leverages and build to do it easily.

Being able to bench or deadlift a large amount doesn't mean you can lift yourself with one arm on a pull up bar

Doing a billion of anything is absolutely retarded

Check out VasstheSupersaiyan or something on youtube. He's a pretty big guy (4u) and only does bodyweight. He's really advanced, though. Like 3 finger planche push ups for reps or something like that. I think he's also nearing turbomanlet status but that's just from what I can see