What are your PT scores, Anons? What routine do you use?
Military Fitness Thread
Literally just don't be a fat shit and run sometimes and you'll get a 270. Past that who cares about a pt test
If it's not at least 290 you're way fucked up.
I'm getting ready for the initial test they give you when you enlist.
>Pullups, minimum 3, I can do 11
>Ab crunches, minimum 50 in 2 minutes, I can do 60
>30lbs ammo can lift, minimum 50 in 2 minutes, I can do 70
>3-mile run, max time 28 minutes, I can do 26
I'm meet all the requirements by a hair. With another month or 2 of training, I'll be there.
In my unit all you need is 90 in every event to get out of pt 2 times a weeks so I do 90 on pu on su and 100 on the run
That's an awful 3 mile time. Run more.
To get a grade 1 in my countrys military you need
54 or more push ups in 1 minute
46 or more sit ups in a minute
3.2 kilometers in 12:40 for a grade 1
10 kilometers in 56 minutes with a 14 kg load
These are all for grade 1's as stated and go to a grade 5 but anything after a grade 3 is a fail.
literally will kill your gains unless your in reserves
It makes gains harder to make and maintain but you can still get them.
I know it is and I'm fixing that. That was the first time I've run 3 miles in maybe a year. I had fucked my back up and couldn't run for a long time. The last 2 months have been me getting back into running. I'll have my time down to the low 20s by the time I enlist.
I want to become a British Paratrooper but I just suck at long distance running.
You need a 9:40 minute 2.4k for paras
Mine is 9:30 but my recruiter told me it really should be at 8:00 if I wanted any real chance of getting in because they're so competitive.
That's literally impossible.
I also can't run more than few miles to save my life.
But damn do I wanna jump out of planes
Run every day. Run for distance and time. In my experience, cardio is like any other muscle. You can either train benching exclusively 90lbs and hope your reps go up eventually, or you can train up to 250lbs 1rm and be able to bench 90 all day long. If you're running every day farther and faster, your "2.4km" time will definitely hit 8:00.
Its true, I began running every day to hit 9:30
I'm just an uninspired piece of shit that would likely get destroyed in basic.
But its a dream of mine none the less
This'll help but only to a point. If you want a good time on a short distance run you need to do intervals and sprinting. Lose weight, build up to 25 miles a week of easy distance running, then try this and see where your time's at google.com
>minimum 3
what the fuck america
What the fuck, not for you then is it. It's not about jumping out of planes it's about being a warrior. Read the Illiad you nigger.
That sounds autistic dude I just wanna shoot guns and jump out of planes
The point isn't to already be a warrior when you get in, it's to prove you have the potential to be one.
Just left the infantry myself, 8 mins is realistic but hard. Just alternate running and tabbing every day. Run best effort 3 milers and tab 8 miles in 2 hours with 20kg, standard CFT but you'll be doing it alot faster than that at Catterick.
By eating mre's that taste like dick and doing mostly cardio?
>tfw used to run 8min 1.5miles without even trying.
Sncos used to try and bully Mr into the cross country team but running is shit and the harder they tried to force me the harder I refused.
Being a top runner in the military is a negative. Just do enough to pass and that's it
Soldiers don't live on mres when in Base. Cardio is generally done 2-3 times a week. Plenty of free time to use the free to use gym
but also when on the field you can't really keep up a routine
you can't just go into half bombed gyms and start bench pressing
Training for BUDs, these are my current scores under PST timed conditions:
>110 pushups
>26 pull ups
>~8:50 1.5 mile run
>~10:00 450m swim
I'm solid on everything but the swimming
Height and weight, training history?
18 5'11 165lbs, I post in the CBT threads a lot
>ran CC + Track all through high school
>lifting ~5 years but on and off because of sports
>recently started swimming 4 times a week on top of lifting 4 times a week
As of late I'm putting a lot more emphasis on endurance training because lifting heavy is largely useless in the seals.
What lifting routines have you followed? I'm trying to get my calisthenics numbers up and would like to hear what's worked for you.
As for your swim it sounds like a form issue. You're clearly in good shape and ideally you want it at 8:30 or below. Have you tried having a swimmer watch you and try to give you a form check?
If this is for the Marine Corps those are embarrassing scores. You should max out your sit ups, at least 15 but realistically 23 is doable and you should only drop points on the run. Get 21 minutes max.
I run my own shitty brosplit, I've never followed any routine in particular. As for doing more calisthenics, I personally do 3 maximum effort sets to failure every other day, although idk if this is the most efficient way to do it. After even a week of doing it your numbers will start increasing.
>form issue
It absolutely is. I've never swam in my life up until a month ago.
>having a swimmer watch you
I spent hours looking up swimming coaches in my area and the only ones I came across teach kids exclusively ages 1-6. My next best bet is recording myself and posting a form check online.
Out of curiosity, what are you training for?
Depends on the unit. Motofags that think all you need is running will for sure kill gains, but solid ones can even help them. Not to mention deployment will give you a boost.
To qualify for an actual unit where those things happen, i.e. Rangers, SF, MARSOC, SEALs, RECON you will need to be in peak condition, strength and endurance.
Neck yourself, faggot
Can't wait, I'll be imagining all those targets as you lol
Army ROTC, 6'7, 235. I'm in ok cardio shape for shorter runs from basketball but have never really lifted before so my calisthenics are terrible. Also gonna be cutting pretty hard to make the longer distance running easier.
What are you talking about? Everyone works out in the gym during deployments. That's one of the first thing that goes up when you set up a new position. Security, shitters, gym.
Why does anybody who reads my post think I'm ok with those numbers? Do you just not read the part where I say I need more training? Of course I fucking do. At no point did I ask anybody "hey, can I go enlist only being able to do 60 crunches?".