What does Veeky Forums think about beards when it comes to aesthetics?
Do you prefer the clean shaven look or the beard?
What does Veeky Forums think about beards when it comes to aesthetics?
Depends on the face.
On Tom hardy yes It looks good
On Brad Pitt no
Pretty much.
Just like some people can pull off a long beard, while some should just stick to a short and trim beard.
Stuble > short beard/clean shaven > beard > long beard
Like other anons said, depends on person.
clean shaven, beards are for weak chinned people.
I don't actually know any women who prefers beards/heavy stubbles over 3-4 day stubble.
I'm got a well kept beard going on, girls seem to like it. Planning on shaving it off the moment I hit 15% body fat. Gonna go from qt to hottie in one shave, or maybe even more qt.
The discussion is reduced to two main points:
1. Jaw development
2. Hair grown
If you lack a good jaw, getting the beard grown will be the best idea. Just keep it trimmed.
If you have a good jawbone (i.e. Gandy, Pitt, Cruise, etc...), beards are not bad but keeping it shaved is more pants-dropping with the ladies.
If you lack good jaw and your beard is shit (i.e. thin, by sectors...), KYS.
pic not related
He looks better on the left, the faggot cloth isn't very aesthetic.
>caring about what a women thinks
>the faggot cloth
it is pretty gay
Fags and nu-males coopted the beard. Clean shaven is the new beard. Alexander the Great was never seen in battle with a 5 o' clock shadow.
Beards are for chin/jawlets
Some of us are not gay here, bro.
well, yeah
he is pretty damned gay
I prefer 1.5-2 days after clean shaving. Accentuates my jawline the most, looks manly, no caveman status and no baby face.
I usually shave Sunday morning on a normal week. If I have weekend plans I shave Thursday or Friday morning.
Like any stylistic choice, it depends. I would, however, say that a moderate beard is the best look. Using the comparison in the OP, Clooney looks far better on the left. When I see a hipster though with a beard like that or bigger, it's cringey. Partly because it usually doesn't fit their frame (which is usually skeleton-tier or fat fuck-tier) and because it's usually accompanied by a look that screams "lololol I'm going to try to look like a lumberjack caricature *sips Starbucks*."
>nah brah, I just lift for myself lolol
I rocked stubble for a long time, pic related
You complain about a starbucks coffee but not about some gay ass scarf or bowtie. The reason it looks good on him is because of your perception of him
Then grew it out a bit longer than this. Gf says she prefers the beard but I'm contemplating trimming it down anyways
Oh I can certainly complain about the tie and scarf. I thought those looked stupid, too. I still think that he looks far better on the left; he sort of looks like an AIDS patient to me on the right without it.
Beards are for numale Americans poisoned by female hormones to the point that they did not develop a jaw
I wrote you a poem:
u look gay
anyone would look gay with a big cock in their hands
Scoring chicks is all about face, height and game, aka confidence.
If you want to get a good woman for a relationship with your body, then good luck.
ye but I literally would not be seen naked before I got fit so it was kind of essential to scoring
Plenty of fat fucks and dyels pounding pussy out there.
Probably a result of no self-awareness and no shame.
I agree 100% with you.
proof: pitt is a manlet with average frame
He is 5'11.....
as I said, he's short as fuck.
a midget among men.
I just had a thought.
5'9 - 5'11 is basically average, but Veeky Forums has body dysmorphia and calls it short.
Then you have threads where penis size is brought up and it becomes something along the lines of "5 inches is average, it's not short, it's perfect for any pussy, and if not, it's her fault".
The difference between 5'11 and 6'3 is an average male index finger......
>5'9 - 5'11 is basically average, but Veeky Forums has body dysmorphia and calls it short.
>Then you have threads where penis size is brought up and it becomes something along the lines of "5 inches is average, it's not short, it's perfect for any pussy, and if not, it's her fault".
noticed that as well. never really understood it.
also I'm and actual 5'11" (just north of it, 1m81 precisely) and I've literally never felt short in my life. I think this whole height obsession is just a burger (and more generally germanic) thing.
Also I've got that 7.75x6 incher and wouldn't trade it for all the height in the world lol.
But back to what you said
>be 16 yo, 6'4 like every other 16 yo nowadays
>still have 5" dick
>make fun of average height for being shorter than me
>can't make fun of average dick size
I think it's that simple. Basically height is going up but dick size isn't as far as I know.
yeah but average for men doesn't cut it
right, but now imagine the difference between a 4" cock and an 8" cock
About the same as the difference between a 5' guy and a 10' guy. The point is, it's a ratio thing. And an index finger is an insignificant portion of human height (which again, is really not that broad a spectrum from a statistics standpoint)
It's really just a women's thing, but a lot of poor insecure guys get caught up in this mess and buy into this nonsense.
Then you have autists who legit believe this because Veeky Forums invaded their minds.
Funny, though, because we all make fun of someone's genetics here, but then you scroll down and half of this board is >tfw no gf posts.
It does, though.
If you aim for vain whores just because they have a fat ass or whatever the new "muh fertile" meme is, don't be surprised when they push your shit in.
Then again, you have to be retarded not to detect those people from a distance.
>vain whores
so you mean women?
The funny thing is, I'd say that 1 in 1000 women is sort of sober about life and good, but then you have to put up with all their bullshit.
I see my cousin becoming more pathetic with each passing year of marriage. Sometimes I want to ask his wife "why do you feel the need to go on expensive holidays each summer?".
She's a good mother and wife, but dude spends a quarter to a half of his yearly earnings on travelling because of her.
I wish I could pull off the shaved head and beard look.
That is all.
They look like shit unless meticously groomed (which I bet isn't the case the majority of the time) and those it look good on look better without one. Just like handsome dudes with long hair.
This is exactly what i did. Getting rid of the beard was my price for finally going below 220lbs.
You look like a child now lmao, hide your weak chin
Alexander was also a homo with many male lovers. Neck yourself faggot.
That is fucking stupid.
no it's not.
4" doesn't seem like much, but in the eyes of a woman, it might as well be a mile.
Yeah, but that's like comparing 6'0 to 5'0.