So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that homegym is the ultimate gym for natty aesthetics, what does Veeky Forums's homegym look like?
So now that the dust has well and truly settled and we KNOW that homegym is the ultimate gym for natty aesthetics...
like you're 1rm, non existent lol
Power rack with pull-up bar
Barbell + dumbbell + weights
Adjustable bench
Next step is either spend a shit load of money to buy bumper plates or get this kind of guetto setup
>bowflex machine
>a steam-o-belt
>3 shakeweights
>skateboard squatting station
>stationary bike so I can play vidya while exercising
and all 3 p90x dvds
Anyone else has his country's flag in his homegym?
I wish I had Erics home gym. Alas, I am living in a studio apartment
Squat Rack
A striking station
Your momma
And your cousin too
I live in an apartment.
When I have a home gym, I will have:
Rack / Cage
Platform (self made)
WL bar
Ohio bar
Bumper plates up to 600lbs
The agro crag
I do. I lift for the strength of my nation. (and to reduce our burgeoning obese population)
Gymnastic rings
Power rack
>Ohio bar
This nigga know whaddup
I wish they still made beater bars, I could use one for landmine/dumb shit
>Full Power Rack with Pull up bar
>Adjustable bench
>Dip stand
>600 lbs of plates bumper and iron
>2.5 lbs, 6 lbs, 15, lbs, 20, 25, 35 lbs dumbells
>A 7 lb and a 26 lbs kettlebell
>Aerodyne bike. Old one
>Body Opponent Bag
>Tire Dummy
>Push up stands
>Various other martial arts gear
Nice set up
Want to buy home set up.
Have more than enough money for it.
More than enough places I can buy from.
>no room
Kill me, I'd have to put it in the hallway or outside my front door, one is impractical and the other is going to see it stolen.
I have a rack, bench and DIY platform in my shed. stinks of literal shit and had no heating or air conditioning. Im going to miss it when I start uni next week :(
Some fags get a storage unit, but just getting a gym membership is probably easier.
Rack, barbell and plates.
I already have a gym membership for years now, just like the idea of being able to roll out of bed and start lifting, not having to travel to a gym, not having to wait on people using equipment, being able to play deafening music etc. etc.
Got the flags of Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, UK, Byzantium, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Germany, Russia, Estonia, Poland, USA, Canada, France, Greece etc
I have a little wall with glass flags on them in my corner, I get one whenever I weeabo over a specific country's history or visit there for a while.
I'd post it but my phone is dead. I'm Anglo-Irish living in England so yeah I've got my country's flag.
I know bro. It changes the whole dynamic.
>Wear or don't wear whatever you want
>Throw shit around
>Listen to whatever music or podcast you want
>Grunt, yell, and growl all you want
Millions of other reasons. It's the best for me at least. I still train MA 2-3 times a week at a MMA gym, but lifting is done at home.
>be me during year, 20yo student living in a 20m2 apartment
>doorway pullup bar and a bench with stands
>spent whole year shut in, didn't even have to go out for gym
honestly it was great. I got to try all the wackiest variations I could think of, blast music, do snappy grindy reps, etc.
Now I failed because of the shut in part and I'm re-taking a semester. In the meantime I'll be living at my parents' for the next 4 months and now my homegym is a fucking barn.
I mean I live at my parents' at 20, have no friends and failing uni which is the only thing I was ever going to be good at so that's about the only cool thing I have right now.
But ya homegym is great.