Tfw just turned 23

>tfw just turned 23

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw 28

>tfw turning 30 in a couple months

>tfw 32 2 months ago, no gf live in parents basement
end it already

Hows your life going?
I am 23 and currently struggeling a bit in Uni, but have a cute GF who loves me and a few really good friends.
Life is good when I dont make it hard myself.

>24 years old
>STEM Degree
>Have had sex multiple times
>Veeky Forums
>Have healthy social life and vidya life
>Good job
[spoiler]>5ft 11
>Non white (Moroccan)[/spoiler]


Me too. Feels bad man I'm going back to school since I'm an utter failure and dropped out when I was 22.

>nobody likes you when you're 23

Hey man, its never too late to start something new.

OP here

>Got a computer science BSc (bachelor of science degree)
>Not a virgin
>Relatively Veeky Forums
>No GF (not really after one)

I aimed to take a few months off after getting my BSc (at the age of 22) and a few months turned into a year. Shit went by way to quickly. Feels bad man

>under the age of 30
>worrying about age

Literal children. You'll be surprised at how much shit happens to you up until you turn 30 (and then 40 etc etc). 20s is still young as fuck faggots , never mind early 20s


>no gainful employment with a future, shitty resume
>no savings
>no friends
>no happiness
>no gf
>live with parents
>stalling on gains
>religiously confused
>spending way too much time on the computer


Happy birthday bro. Your life is long, don't worry, you're still young!

Do you have a qt Morrocan GF user?

Doing better than me. I dicked around in different paths for two years.
Now I found something but I feel bad about the time I lost.
Meh its not lost time when you learn something I guess

>tfw turning 20 in 6 months

REALLY hope the better part of my life is in front of me.
Depression's a bitch

I'm literally the exact same age as you but with the exact opposite stats and 5ft7.

You should be more grateful you fuck

>almost 26
>10k student loans
>no job (applying to military)
>no savings
>no friends
a-at least i've graduated and done some travelling r-right?

>time I lost

Nigger, if you're already at Uni by the age of 23 you could have a degree by 25/26. That's perfectly fine. Don't worry about it

>no job (applying to military)
Mah man, what role you doing fuqqboi?

At least you're white

air traffic controller :3

>has a BSc at the age of 23

Ok, so you took a year off to do shit you enjoyed as a reward. Now's the time to get back on the grind while you're still young

>tfw twenty-five and touchless

>all of these under 25 year olds who seem to have their shit together and are in work/Uni
>they think they're on a """"bad track"""""

Fuck you guys. Are there any outright degenerate wasters here like me so that I can take solace in knowing that i'm not alone?

>tfw 28
>no job
>no qualifications
>no GF

a-a-at least i'm not a virgin......

>Brown (natty tan)

I'll trade you that for this pasty ass skin and 5ft7 frame that i've got, senpai

>that guy that has no hobbies aside from going to the gym

>that guy that has nothing to say because he does nothing but go through the monotonous motions of life

>that guy that defines himself by going to the gym to give himself some sort of spot to fit in life because he never really belonged anywhere

>that guy that feels like he has to make up for his negative attributes with a good body

>that guy that has to ask for a spot from strangers because he has no friends

>that guy that's in his mid 20s or over and doesn't have a wife, kids, gainful employment and lives with his parents and thinks going to the gym is helping to fix his life

>that guy that hates himself so much he can't even imagine being in a relationship or feeling love because he knows he doesn't deserve anyone worth having

>that guy that was skinny, weak and ignored in high school and never really got to experience anything normal teenagers do like parties, young love, hanging out with a group of friends, etc

>that same guy who after high school started going to the gym to feel better about himself only to realize after completing several goals that he is more alone than ever before and all along the problem wasn't his appearance, but rather himself to the core

>that guy that wonders if he will ever have any of things his father treasured most or if he will be one gigantic failure

>names all his problems

Well now you know what to do, fix them.

good luck user! I'm doing ammo tech myself haven't started yet but you better believe that shit is already up on my tinder


>25 tomorrow
>still slaying teen pussy

life is great desu

it's ogre, time to an hero

If you aren't a Greek god by 23 just give up. Your test has peaked and you will never make it.
>source 23 year old dyel

>elf haven't started yet but you better believe that shit is already up on my tinder

>this FUTURE air force queer is already attempting to capitalize on military service

kill yourself

I'm over 30 and it doesn't matter what age you are. If you have not done the basic things for your age, tfw just creeps up on you. Also, it depends on what expectations you have for yourself. For a lot of kids these days, they are just too high or unrealistic.

>that guy who sure whines a lot

Honestly what's the problem in being moroccan if you actually put effort on being better?
I'm not white either, I'm latino but I don't really care.
Maybe it's because I'm not american, I dunno.

>tfw Italian
So close to being white


>religiously confused
Don't be user. It's all for nothing and you're alone.

hmmm let's see:
you should kill yourself
you should do what you're doing, you probably have a good enough personality and intuition, understand yourself to a degree etc.
kill yourself
kill your actual self
>religiously confused
dude, unironically put your faith in what you do in this world or kill yourself
fuck me, this thread is exhausting.

>6'3" 228lbs 16% bf
>fell like i should be big but look small
>also want to kill myself


>just turned 30
>still no gf ever

Im 36... Im fine with it, stop being a pussy
Being 23 sucked, you dont even know how retarded you are at that age

25 since yesterday, made it the whole 25 years with 0 (zero) friends and no female contact through out my life what so ever

>23 years old
>dropped out of uni this year
>starting factory job
>got a gf this year
>stopped smoking
>started lifting serious
2017 is a mixed bad

oh man...

dude it's alright, fuckong just hang in there, she'll come eventually

I turn 29 in a bit over two weeks.

>still haven't made it.

>tfw 25 and hair is thinning
Well, at least I'm 6'4 and can bench 240 for reps. Also going for 2nd bachelors degree.

Just turned 19
I start uni next year (civil)
Hopefully i can get my act together and study.

>2nd bachelors degree
Why on earth would you do this?

Why not? Always wanted 2nd degree and it's free.

>unemployed for 2 years
>burned through all savings
>useless actuarial qualifications
>no gf in 3 years
>no job prospects
>hate lifting but still do it to not be fat

>tfw 33 next year
>still posting on a chinese steroid tips forum

>she'll come eventually
You and I both know that's not true.

I'm turning 23 in a week too.
The last 3 years feel so fucking useless, nothing good happened other than me getting out of the basement and meeting some people

You could be aestheic as fuck at 5'7 if you put the work in. What a shame.

Also, being white is a massive advantage. If you're going to give the manlet meme time of day, then you might as well revel in being white too.

>feel like i should be big but look small

The lanklet struggle is real


>tfw 25 turning 26 next year

"Oh my God I'm in my early 20s and I'm so old..."

You're the type of person who uses the phrase "Back in the day" when you describe the Iphone 4 right?

>my sides..


>not paramotoring

>tfw 21 next Jan
>could get pussy easily if I tried
>go on dates with them
>constantly holding back the urge to fuck because I'm waiting for marriage
>still talk to girls and end up in their life's
>stuck with girls on my phone that I have weird ongoing non sexual but not close friend relationships with
>can't just cut them off
>delete tinder so I don't end up with any more contacts
>just want a gf who will wait til marriage but church girls are so boring

Talk about first world problems lads, other than that I'm doing great.

>great job which I love with good job security
>job is fitness related
>probably fittest I've ever been
>own a house and good car
>beautiful fiance
>have $50k in savings together

>socially awkward lately
>consistently negative mental attitude about my own performance
>like to be alone
>working away from fiance for next 10 months

Shit could be worse and shit could be better. It's an alright place to be at the moment.

>tfw just turned 25
>tfw just started lifting

I c-can still make it... right guys?

>tfw 29 going on 30

>working away from fiance for next 10 months

it's over m8 just let her go

>In 4 months it will be 2018
>Are you guys even close to making it?

Holy fuck time is going by so fucking fast. I keep forgetting that I am not 18 anymore and that I am 23, about to turn 24. It feel weird seeing all the people I went to HS with starting their careers, buying homes they can't afford getting married and having kids.

Time is a bitch

You could have just said you were 25, we all know 26 comes next.

sounds pretty solid

can you stop


Tfw in turning24 and unemployed since my graduation 2 months ago in a STEM subject.

tfw i am in the same situation as you
im not religous or anything i just belive in no sex before marrige, but girls will slowly drop you when they see youre too serius and not up for some degenerate fun...
but on the other hand i dont want to deal with church girls since they do it becouse they were just told to.

>im 23 still v

>date girls for a bit
>discover they're shallow as fuck and feel like i'm wasting my time
>feel like girls, porn etc. hold me back and I could do so much better and be so much more efficient
I'm at uni and I'm doing great, but I feel like I could be so much fucking better. Should I just let the doctors cut my balls off? I mean that would be a solution.

>turning 23
>Only had sex with less than 20 women

I'm a failure

Most of the time I legitimately couldn't give a fuck how objectively fucked up my life is.

I'm an almost 24 year old neet virgin yet it rarely bothers me until I see threads like this.
It must be tiresome to stress about your problems constantly. Guess I've become some kind of escapist king or I'm enlightened.

plus my life was always shit so it's not like I even know what a good life is. I'm just a toughened callous of a human

>turning 30
>looking better and feeling better than i ever have in my life
>6/10 wifey
>2 well behaved kids
>feeling youthful and Veeky Forums
age is just a number, man.

user, I am disappoint.

It's FEWER than 20.

>become asexual
>don't want to go to parties, the only social interactions i love having is with my best friends
>do great in education
>everything is on the right track
>feel society pressures me into having a gf, going to parties etc.
>start going to the gym, i love it
>feel getting better every single day
>tfw you resisted the jew


it's ok user, we both know you're just deluding yourself

Sometimes the urge is unavoidable. Start having super quick faps, so you don't waste a lot of time, that way you'll be clear for at least 3-4 days, works for me. The reason porn is bad is because you waste a lot of time on it, jews on Veeky Forums spreading the edging memes which do take shitloads of time.

>turned 29 today
>no gf and no prospective gfs

>the jews have spoken
What are you trying to say faggot? I'm deluding myself because I have a happy life? At least I'm not on Veeky Forums trying to put people down because of the way their life plays out

>16 just held such better days; days when I still felt alive

also avoid board like /b/, /gif/, but porn and erotic stuff is everywhere right now, youtube, facebook etc. because jews want to brainwash you

congrads on your birthday, but what the hell? user, why?

>tfw turn 25 in 2 weeks and have only fucked 3 girls

guys just stop this. she will not just magically show up. if you want it, work for it!

breh, posted in another thread, but I'm on DAY 32 /nofap + noporn/


this is a good solution too, even better

and remember you fucking incels, being free of the jew doesn't mean not taking care of yourself, your body, hygiene etc. nothing stops you from having a great job, great education except for the jew, which you can resist

>$50k in savings
Invest more

I'm starting to believe I'm the only guy in Veeky Forums who thinks entering into a relationship is a waste of money and time. What the fuck happened to your "lift for yourself brah" posts and act like bunch of sissies who thinks women are everything you held desire?

We were supposed to be in the same page Veeky Forums so don't give me this kind of fucking bullshit as if not a single person you knew entered hardship regardless of their status. Fuck off and stop whining.

> tfw 18
I should have joined the wrestling team when I had the chance

>only fucked 3 girls

It always saddens me when I realise people older than 30 years old post here. Then I realise this is going to be me in 5 years and I get depressed.

You have time to change, user.