What excuse do you have?
Jordan B Peterson could Bench Press 225 Pounds
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if i weight 75 kg, and i do a push up with another 70 kg on me
that equals a 225 pound bench press ?
I'm still 21
Gotta love this man.
225lb isn't that impressive. I would say it is the minimum to call yourself a man though. My mate came over to lift with me the other day and he couldn't bench 95lb. Just sad.
isn't he candian? why is he measuring in pounds?
I guess men didn't exist before the bench press existed.
We're not very consistent. We use metric for things like the price of gas, the temperature, the speed you drive your car.
We seem to use imperial more for things related to our own bodies: your height and weight are measured in pounds and feet, and most weightlifters would measure their lifts in pounds.
This is even more confusing than what the Americans do. You fucking anglos and your systems..... I already knew the british and the americans used weird systems, but canada too? Is the entire anglosphere using fucked up measurements?
>Is the entire anglosphere using fucked up measurements?
We don't give a fuck about your shit. Fuck your civil law system too.
Wow ur smart :o
You bet.
I call bullshit.
The dude is naturally frail. I've seen plenty of guys with his build fail to reach 2 plate.
No, it equals to a 70kg weighted pushup
Your IQ is now limited by your bench in kg
Your height in cm is now limited by your deadlift in kg.
Goes both way, if your taller or smarter.
How smart and tall are you now?
wow what a dumbass i bet you believe in somatotypes too
>I've seen plenty of guys with his build fail to reach 2 plate
The only person I've seen fain to reach 2pl8 is a lanky IT guy who's 68kg at over 180cm, with a giant wingspan and narrow shoulders.
But he still deadlifts over 4pl8, so it's just his mutant build that's holding him back.
Every other guy in my gym who wanted to bench press 2pl8 did so in less than 2 years.
I think that depends. How tall is he? I always get the impression that he is fairly tall. I know quite a few tall guys who don't look particularly big because of their frame who can lift pretty solid numbers.
breh that's like asking
if i get 5 (you)'s on the 'ch0n
that equals 5 upboats on leddit ?
you are probably strong enough to do it, why don't you try?
JP's a good dude. Probably the best thing to get popular on Veeky Forums in the last couple years.
I hope being turned into an anti-tranny meme isn't too bad for his career.
I was thinking the same thing recently
I completed 3 of his series and what bothers me most is that his fame comes from videos titled "5 TIMES PETERSON WENT BEASTMODE ON FEMINISTS"
This guy is such a fucking meme. The only people that find Peterson insightful or interesting HAVE to be sub-100 IQ.
He is literally trying to tell sub-100 IQ young men how to live decent, rewarding lives. I don't think there's any shame in that.
how the fuck are you trying to shame people into gaining any sort of insight at all?
shoo-shoo knowledge goblin.
>tell men, who are actively being fucked by society, to be better and find what makes you mentally healthy
Yep, all of them + Japan
You do realize people can just lie about this shit right? Just like that old dude at the gym that always says he used to squat 700 when he was younger and before he fucked up his knee playing football
No because you're not lifting your entire bodyweight when you do a push up. Think about it retard.
Well, I am the same he started to sort out his life and I have pretty much same story, the only difference is that I have started earlier. My first beer was just before my 13th birthday, when I was 14 I already had my first vodka...Most of the things people do when they are 18-21 I have done when I was 15-18. Now I pretty much don't drink alcohol at all (which helped me drop so called "friends" out of my life), never smoked much, but cutting that down as well and getting close to bench pressing 225. My 25th birthday is in about 3,5 weeks, so I might hit 2pl8 just before that. This is my excuse.
He is lifting around 0,7 of his BW, add 70kg and he is well fucking above 2pl8, dummy.
I don't think Peterson is someone who would e-stat
>90 IQ and 175 height
Why continue any more brahs
ive been lifting for 6 months and 16 days and i can bench 72.5kg so im on my way, should be there before christmas at this current rate of progression
Just come to australia we are not retards like the americans.
He's in his 50s. He was talking about when he was in his 20s. Not that hard to figure out m8.
My IQ is over 130 and I like him.
His fanbase is fucking cruddy though. Haven't seen a single one of his videos that doesn't have some bullshit about Jews in the comments section.
I have no idea if that was my phone's autocorrect or some word filter or what but I am not this gay, my friends, I assure you
But Japan uses metric.
I'm going to have to agree with this simply because he has a low test squeaky voice. I refuse to believe this guy could bench even half his weight.
Is that 225 for reps or one rep max. I'm never sure and don't know what to assume when I read threads like this. Oh yeah and I do confess I am indeed new.
if you touch the ground with your chest then yes
>tfw Jordan Petersen changed my life
>I thought that the key to life was to be the best person you can be
>I didn't realize the key to life was to bear as much responsibility as possible
>my room has never been cleaner
Old man lies about his youthful physical strength. Absolutely shocking.
It's not part of a 'system'. Officially, everything is in metric but only since the seventies, so things that are expressed explicitly in metric, like speed signs, are widely accepted whereas things we perceive as more abstract, like our bodyweight,, are still perceived in imperial.
JP is good when he doesn't talk about Christianity, as if it's a good thing.
Most people in Canada use imperial for a lot of things like height and weight
>and he couldn't bench 95lb
How is that even possible? Is your friend a teenage boy who has never seen a weight room in his entire life?
How to bear more responsibility
>move into your own place
>make sure you aren't dependent on anyone
>find people who need rescuing that can be dependent on you
>get a job
>climb the career ladder
>have kids
>realize the only way to defeat the neo-marxist menace is with Christian conservative values
>pass those values on to your kids
>clean your room, then your house, then your neighborhood, then your town, then your country, then the world
t. messy room
Because the plates are still calibrated in pounds. Sure, they say 20.4kg on them, but they're 45 lbs exactly.
90% of his podcasts are about Christianity
Skinny fat Dungeons and Dragons player. He has a huge gut but chicken legs and chicken arms if that makes sense. Never an ounce of physical activity in his life.
You know what I mean.
We're officially metric but because of all the trade and contact with the US we have a ton of imperial as well
Most guys in construction use imperial, most people use imperial when talking about height/weight, temperature and distance is always in metric, we're kind of all over the place.
Air temperature in Fahrenheit feels a lot better to me. Under 0, dangerously cold and above 100, dangerously hot. 32 is a nice number. For water, Celsius makes more sense.
No, about 60-80% of it, depending on your leverages.
Take a scale, and do a pushup with your hands on it, see what the readout is.
>bodyweight (a measurable quantity) is abstract
>speed limit (a legal construct) is concrete
are you joking
>implying shitting on leftists isn't a profitable activity
>B-but judge I have pre-nup
>I don't care :^)
Pretty sure I could grab a black smith, or a Knight, or a trebuchet builder and they could bench 2plaight
>c u c k is now dubbed into kek
Pushup equal 50-60% your body weight.
lets say 32.5kg+70kg= 102.5kg of weight
Ive my friend who could pushup with a 70kg for a few 3-4 reps and 100kg person for half a rep start with 85kg bench press in the gym.
He did reach 100kg in a week or two though.
Go try it for yourself, film it and post it.
Scales make you put your hands close together in almost diamond push-up position.
When I was 90kg I got 63kg on the scale when performing diamond pushups. which was essentially 70k%
When I went back to the gym I benched 67.5kg after a 4-month hiatus of doing nothing.
NOTE: my form is excellent from past liftin and I believe I CNS gains from the past played a role in this.
>the price of gas
you mean petrol right?
I have seen countless people start 30kg(66lb) and go no further than 60(132lb) in the gym due to poor form among other factors.
Sit down, observe and self-reflect.
UK system makes perfect sense
>tfw closing in on that 17stone bench
I have a feeling that you might like Jocko Willicks extreme ownership ted talk.
Is there like a playlist of his useful lectures in order? There are a lot of random videos with this guy and I don't know where to start
Find the Maps of Meaning for any given year and watch those. Maybe watch the Joe Rogan episode with him if you want to get a feel before you jump in.
damn straight my nigger
Imagine the concept of word filters here applied to discourse in a broader way. Imagine in the future entire sentences or even the MEANING of your post will be automatically translated into something PC on all normalfag websites. And lastly, imagine the posts show up translated for everyone else but you still see what you originally wrote so you don't even know when you're being censored until you confirm it with another device or have someone else tell you in a non-censored channel.
81kg here, I get 63-65kg. If you have two scales, do a push up with both of your hands on separate scales and the numbers.
>has an IQ above 150
>can bench press 225 pounds
wew lad
he doesn't have an IQ over 150. 150 is extremely rare genius level. peterson is a regular smart man, likely above 120 but under 140.
he claims that he has and on top of that he claims he can bench press 225 pounds that's the joke
he's 6'1"
Why is this guy the next cuckservative superhero?
Dude looks just as incel as Ben Shapiro.
tested 132 here - i find him to be insightful AND interesting. calling other people stupid for their interests makes you sound stupid.
grow up a bit
225 lb is top 1% in every fucking gym outside of professional powerlifter gyms. Stop shitposting and actually start lifting.
Push ups transfer a lot of weight through your feet into the floor. If you weigh 100 kg, then you push about 70 kg. The resistance varies a bit throughout the motion. You can do slow pushups on a scale and look at the display if you want to see how much you are actually pushing.
>when jordan peterson goes on a joe rogan-esque tangent about man being his own god and zeus being the hathor of the id whose personality of phobos interdicts on behalf of jesus inside all of us
dumb people dont like him because he acts superior to them
"smart" people like him because he makes them feel superior even though he's just spouting out nonsense 75% of the time
And pic related ""smart""" people don't like him because they're afraid of bearing responsibility
Wow, so insightful.
So I guess you are one of the smart people without quotation marks that didn't buy into his bs, right?
Go fuck yourself you pretentious faggot
lol hahahaha
hope you feel like a bitch right now because you just got TOLD son!!!!!!
>samefagging this hard
>grasping this desperately
>deflecting this pathetically
who knows, maybe he did score 150 on a test. maybe he really is that smart. and the benching 225 thing is also believable, though it probably means with bad form.
>following my posting patterns this obediently
>posting this obviously