So Veeky Forums, which one are you?
/BROSCIENCE/ - Ecto, Meso, Endomorph
this is so retarded it's not even funny. Please leave
desu middle looks the best. Best proportions by far. Most aesthetic without question.
>discussing real life body types
>show three models
pls kys
This guy is a textbook ecto. Good job supporting your "real life body types" theory.
guy on the right has some thicc clavicles
The sad one.
Fortunately I'm white though.
the only difference between the 3 is muscle insertions
Hey guys which one am I?
nope, it's also frame, the first one has unfortunately small shoulder width
Ectomorph is literally the worst body type, I cure my parents every day for my small frame and weird looking long limbs
Shoulders, jaw, overall thickness
Just go to Veeky Forums and become an art fag. Don't bother trying to compete physically.
If it makes you feel any better, black men are the epitome of masculinity and physical dominance so the majority of the world is in your boat regardless of their build.
Somatypes are broscience
which would you say I am man?
Should I bother lifting?
this is me
Yes you should lift you fucking pussy (although that guy will tell you not to) , all three of the men look good and are virtually indistinguishable to the average normie
>Should I bother lifting?
If you need to ask, you're not gonna make it by definition.
Yes, lift
>that hip/shoulder ratio
Yup, still an ecto.
itt. dyels and brainlets who believes in somatotypes
lol wtf?
>t. coping ecto
You need therapy bro, for srs. You're above average already (before you feel good just remember average is fat, ugly and stupid).
Lift and develop yourself brah. Be a good person.
Where do I fit?
why are you so sweaty
mirin but still man
Yea, not to mention all the physiques in OPs pic are more or less the same.
You're a southern twat
why are black people so scary
Frighten white people mode
what's called when you're impossibly wide and flat like a tape worm?
you're between ecto and mezo, more towards mezo. I guess your shoulders were really narrow before your transformation.
fuck I mean meso*
Took it after cardio, it's usually the only time I really sweat when lifting