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Bet you her prices are insane.

I have a story, dunno if its fps story

>be 13 year old me, overweight but not quite obese
>start attending an all boys highschool where I get bullied a lot
>not really any proper friends so I spend a lot of time by myself or talking to teachers
>my Latin teacher (we had to take Latin or History) was an obese woman in her 50s or 60s
>she talked to me a lot and I think felt bad for me
>always punishes my bullies over the top and does whatever she can to help me
>honestly begin to see her as a mother figure and enjoy spending time with her (my mum died when I was an infant)
>this goes on for the first half or so year of highschool
>we would eat lunch together and sometimes she'd even go to the local McDonalds to get my some lunch
>one day she says she needs help moving some furniture and she'll pay me good money
>happy to do it because like I said shes like a mother to me so I get in her car afterschool
>arrive at her house, she leads me into her bed room
>molests me
>without going in to detail it's pretty much what you'd expect
>feel ashamed but also dont want to dissapoint her so this goes on for a couple years
>eventually move to another city and never see her again
>end up getting Veeky Forums in highschool and not sure what to think of the situation

she was like 350 pounds at least, hard to know the exact figure. Wasn't pleasurable at all

getting Veeky Forums in college*

You should try to get her in jail.

Seriously. This is despicable behavior and there is a good chance she does that to other boys too.

I hope your sexuality is not fucked after this experience.

Its pretty fucked up desu, but it's more from Veeky Forums. Standard trap fettish crap.


complete cancer

long but worth the read, trust me

pt. 2

pt. 3, the fat-tastic finale



When someone asks why being fit is a moral obligation I'll point out cases like this. So many fucking professional worktime to attend online *one* person. It's insane.

Holy fuck, that was a disturbing ride. How the fuck is it possible for a woman to weigh five times what I weigh?

you mean

kek, haven't seen this one before and thought I'd seen them all. This bitch is a bottomless pit of cringe

try watching "My 600 lb Life" on TLC if you ever feel like torturing yourself.

I'm surprised she can walk at all

Can't say I expected that


I usually have Secret Eater running on my second screen as background noise, it's great motivation

Whats secret eater


It's a brit show where people go "omg I eat like just 1200 calories a day how am I getting fat" and then the show's team stalks them for a week and shows them how much they are actually eating

KEK the kid is a savage, if that's a real story that is, which it's probably not

who is the first on the left? I wanna fap her




I don't think the song she's quoting actuall exists, but I found this
Never have I expected to relate so closely with him


voluptuous means big titted, not morbidly obese.
such poor use of language hurts us all.

did she still pay you to move her furniture? how much?

kek, is that where all the pics come from where it's like "anonette thought she was eating 1200 calories, she was eating 3500" come from?


I've never been so hard in my life

just finished, I still can't believe it. 767lbs

>>without going in to detail
yeah thats what you fucking thought, cunt. greentext, now

the fuck is this abhorrent reddit spacing

>reddit spacing


>so fat you cant even be bothered putting on a bra

hello, reddit

There's not much to say though. I remember the first time went something like this (exact details are a little fuzzy)

>I remember that the first thing she did was rub my crotch (pants still on)
>placed my hand on her breasts and was complimenting me
>undid my belt/pants and stroked my penis while making me suck her tits
>gave me a blow job until I came (I remember it took longer than I thought it would)
>after I came she sort of guided me into fingering her and kept telling me how 'cute' and 'innocent' i was
>remember her moaning and shaking hard, so looking back she must have legitimately orgasm'd?

Didn't do anything more after that. I think she was testing the waters.

I think things went the same maybe 2-3 more times. Eventually she had me go down on her after A LOT of talking me into it, because the thought of licking any woman's vagina let a lone an obese granny was disgusting to me (and still is). Again I remember she had a really intense orgasm with shaking and grabbing etc. From then on she always had me go down on her and that's the only part that truly absolutely disgusted me. I think after a few weeks we finally had sex (raw).

Every instance from then on basically went like this
>tell me to meet her after school
>go to her house and up to her room
>she sits next to me and talks about how cute I am while feeling me up
>sucks me off for a bit
>has me go down on her
>then just fucks

Not really much to say honestly.

Actually now that I think about it, she did used to put one of her fingers in my bum when she blew me, and at the time I felt extremely guilty/ashamed about this because it was kind of 'gay' and being gay at an all boys school was the worst thing you could do. But now it doesn't disgust me because I'm into traps.













So...normal people?

Its worth the read. Be careful its a rough ride.


i read the whole thing and yeah it's nuts.

best fat people story ever. wish i knew what happened to her.

Do you need therapy?

So when you read articles about hot ass teachers banging kids do you die a little inside?


i dated a 40 yo black hair dresser

>i know she is old but dat ass worth

she tried to put fingers in my ass like 4 times during the last year, tell her that if we do anal she can use mi ass anyway she want to
30 akward minutes later
>barely put half of dick in
>she didn´t like it
>she don´t want to do anything
>she get a little depressed 4 days

i had to speak whit her ten days at the same hour, and cook special dinner the day 11 to help her to regain happynes

>btw, my anus still safely untouched

>not wanting a prostate massage
You don't know what you're missing

no one?





You got free sex, stop bein a pussy.

Now I want details...

Did she smell?

Is this what it feel to have no self awareness?

that's fucking rape and that's fucked up, if a teacher is raping her students that's more than a little messed up

Good luck not raging. I always post this to start, for people who havent read it.

Has anyone ever found the news clips about this?


Nurgle is a caring god.


yeeeeeep I'm raging

no dont


he likes traps now, of course he does.

I remember that thread when it first came up. I was literally balling my hands into fist, just imagining that I was strangling those fat fucks.

Then I realized their necks would be so massive I probably couldn't crush it small enough to have my fingers wrap around it. That only fueled my rage harder.


Did he resist it? No.

Did he enjoy it? Prolly Yes.

Stop being such a fucking nancy boy.

Now, tell me about the smellz!

And im out of pics.


Have one of mine



Big Mack

>M and M


> food moralizing

Holy shit. We had a fatty at my work who had one of these double chairs (company had to pay for it). Both arm rests were snapped off from when he tried to lean on them.

He's dead now and a normal chair is in its place, but you can still see how the flooring and even the concrete wore away under the overwhelming weight.

Holy shit how big was he?

How much did he move around?

probably only within that small circle of destruction, like the eye of a hurricane

Holy shit.

>breaks chair at salon
>feels humilliated
>wake up call to her fat ass
>instead of going to gym, buys salon with better chairs
>fat fucking logic

>Google this place to ind out how much it costs ect
>Find this


But the eye is the calm part of a hurricane....

He had to have been pushing upwards of 350lbs easy, and he never moved from his desk. He was in such poor health that he had a doctor's order obligating our company to pick him up at his car and drive him out to his car every single day (we parked off site, work for an airline). He likely took less than 50 steps a day.

I've got stories that would give people nightmares.

>I've got stories that would give people nightmares.
oh yeah prove it I don't believe you

>I've got stories that would give people nightmares
post them, faggot


>fat entrepreneur
literally jabba the fucking hut



mirin dem shoulders

Let's start with the smell.
>never showered, at least not once in my 5 years working with him
>wore the same clothes every day, probably the only 2 peices of clothing that fit him
>25 of his 50 steps a day were to take his daily shit. He was the kind of fat where, all joking aside, he is physically incapable of wiping his own as
>he'd come back smelling of literal human shit
>during his final year, and especially the last 6 months, his skin began to grey
>spots of I don't even fucking know show up on his skin. Look like skin leisons, like his skin was rotting
>when he'd look to the side or up, you could see what I assume was fungal colonies under the folds of his neck, presumably also everywhere else on his body
>people would draw straws to determine who had to drive him. Even in the dead of winter during -40 cold snaps people would drive with the windows down. Being in an enclosed environment with him was a death sentence

Yeah alright what the fuck

keep going lad

>what I assume was fungal colonies under the folds of his neck
What, like acanthosis nigricans?