A thread for our guy
A thread for our guy
rippetoe got dat fibonatty sequence
Thanks for the milk, Mark
Is the back supposed to bend like that?
who has the /ffit/ edit?
disregard absolutely everything he has to say about olympic lifting
also you are allowed to do more than 5 reps on lifts and curls are okay
>mfw fell for the SS+GOMAD meme
I really really really like this word, mind if I'll use it?
obeseeing you at the squat rack
He literally says he does curls and he has programming for hypertrophy in PP
5 Months on SS
Squat 70kg — 165kg (3x5)
Deadlift 80k — 180kg (1x5)
Clean 40kg — 87.5kg (3x5)
Press — 30kg - 52.5kg (3x5)
Bench — 40kg - 65kg (3x5)
Upper body has barely changed - ass is huge and legs are huge. wanted to be athletic and atleast have some aesthetic improvements. :(
>5 Months on SS
Time to switch, son.
why would I take fitness advice off a fatty?
I was benching around 100kg 3x5 at that point. you must be doing something wrong.
hahaha what the fuck is wrong with you
you are probably too tired after the squats to press effectively, I would switch to an upper lower split
no, the program works if you do it correctly. adding 25kg to your bench press after 60 workouts, half of which are benching and the other half is pressing (which overlaps a lot with your bench) is not normal progress. that's less than 1kg every bench workout. as an untrained beginner. that's simply atrocious progress and not something you can blame the routine for.
Rippetoe is a pretty cool guy desu. He BTFO's commies and doesn't afraid of anything.
>some of you guys are alright. don't come to wichita falls tomorrow
Nope. That is form break down.
Rip's press 2.0 uses a form that pivots at the hips, but the lower back and abs are supposed to remain in their normal posture.
Rip has allowed people to posts the "Olympic" style press with a double lean back, but that isn't the press taught in Starting Strength.
your squat and deadlift are great, but for fuck's sake do something else for bench/press
if it makes you feel better I deadlifted 500 and benched 205 (both 1rm) coming off of starting strength so you're not alone
the number one complaint with starting strength is insufficient upper body volume and poor progress on bench/press
some people just need more upper body volume (especially if they have poor leverages for bench/ohp)