Is there anything more æsthetic than the bicep vein?
Is there anything more æsthetic than the bicep vein?
forearm veins
Adonis belt veins
>tfw adonis belt is coming in but it's asymmetrical
Serratus anterior veins
Dick veins
anus veins
veins with smaller veins on them
Rema, pls.
Ares waist triangles
adonis belt coming in upside down
Quad veins
Don't you know?
Abs do not count, when you're a skelly or when you weigh 125 lbs.
You're the equivalent of fat obese whales showing off their tits.
Sure. having both bicep veins and big fucking arms.
step it up /fit.
im a sp00ky skeleton and lemme tell you, they aint aesthetic
Wonder how long it took to put that shirt on
the only people who think being that big looks good are mentally ill or insecure. it's comical and they're not nearly as strong as they look
Dude, if you so much as breathe in your shirt is gonna explode
>not knowing what bulking is.
Do you honestly believe you can be aesthetic without bulking?
Do you believe you can be as shredded as possible without losing lean muscle tissue?
You truly believe you can be around 175lbs shredded when you START at 175 lbs.
Is fit still this autistic?
It's a large. still takes a few minutes.
this looks like shit
i'm sorry my post bored you
not that guy, but lemme guess. fat powerlifter? a skinny dude with visible abs is far more attractive than a landwhale (no homo, of course). also, nice reddit spacing.
lol powerlifter.
sponsored and endorsed bodybuilder.
try again skelly.
again not understanding the difference of bulking and cutting. Real bulking and cutting.
was 210 lbs there. i compete at 170.
I don't have time explain what atrophy is when you start cutting.
But my field is all about being aesthetic, so go be a skeleton elsewhere with your logic.
[this space has been donated to reddit]
>reddit spacing
when will this stupid meme die
whatever u say roidmonkey.
>this post has been brought to you by reddit
thanks for pointing yourself out
adorable skeleton ran out of rebuttals.
dumb roidmonkey missed the point of my post, caught up in the fact that he got called a fat powerlifter, and showing his embarrassing level of insecurity by having to announce he's a "sponsored and endorsed" bodybuilder to a stranger on the internet
did not read.
Lat veins