>tfw i looked better before i started using gear
Tfw i looked better before i started using gear
Other urls found in this thread:
Because of baldness?
just overall better aesthetics imo
IF this is real you look absolutely massive dude gud work
What the fuck happened to your room.
whatever it takes dude
neither of those pictures are my room, the first one is a hotel and the second is the storage area of a gym
200lbs on the left, 240 on the right
more like
>more hear and another year of training.
God I h8 fake nattys with the fire of a 1000 suns
Sweet left nosewing facelet.
>fake natty
what? i said i'm on gear in the op
>left nosewing facelet.
i have no idea what that means
What happened to make you think while looking at the first picture "yeah! I need to get bigger!"?
what's your stats and cycle?
What are your lifts ?
i compete in bodybuilding and everyone said i have good shape but not enough mass
I don't believe you aren't on gear in first one. Second one looks like you have anadrol bloat and weren't using your nizoral on your chest and so caught some bad acne. depending how long you've been on, either cycle off (remember anti-estrogens and HCG) and then get back on something like primo/deca/test if you want to stay more cut and no acne.
I can tell from the bloat, it's either anadrol or high doses of d-bol.
wouldn't you get in trouble with your sponsors and the federation you compete in then if you post your face here admitting you're on gear? I don't get it.
>already gyno and balding babyface in before pic
Dat acne. Geez nigger did you not take AI or something. Get some accutane
Are you sure the first pic is before gear?
You are on gear in the before pic as well
also, your abs will come back if you start with something like clen and do your 45 mins of cardio before first meal. For the record, I'm an old school fag (35, started gear at 17) and I hate all the new designer shit.
Arnold, ferrigno, columbo, all the true greats built amazing physiques with 1980s gear. I hate all the new "designer" shit, it just looks unnatural and causes too much bloat.
He's implying you were on gear in both pics.
i do bodybuilder shit, not the regular squat/bench/dl stuff most guys do. i use machines for 80% of my workouts. i did deadlift 315 for like 25 reps one time just to see how many i could do
if bodyfat and skin was as good as in the left pic you would look better
you look alot more handsome and healthy in the first pic.
What cycle were you on in the before pic?
>i do bodybuilder shit
Now i'm 90% sure you are larping. make that 95% sure. "I just do all the regular body builder things..."
"How do you do, fellow bodybuilders?"
Mirin those socks bro
Well, you've got to show us a pic in which you were natty for us to see that.
Jesus christ your skin went to shit dude
kek, this
meaning i chase a pump, not go after numbers. what do you want me to say? detail every single lift i do for a back day or something?
but you're on gear in both pictures
save and retort these threads folks
>detail every single lift i do
>that pic
cool, now show us how small your cock is.
>detail every single lift i do
that's how most of us do it, yes. Also, tell us about supersets, dropsets, when you run the rack, how often you go to exhaustion, if you believe in training opposing groups on same day. Sure, tell us your routine and the "Regular bodybuilder things" you do.
>left pic
>not on gear
you mean you looked better before you overdid it with the juice. stop trying to fake natty on an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
single leg hamstring curl
db row
kroc row
weighted chins
smithmachine rdl's
""""Before I started using gear"""""
Not really, the only reason you look worse in the 2nd pic is you have higher fat %. Just cut and you will look better than before.
You are on gear on both pics. How stupid do you think we are?
Damn, that's a smart Negro. Rare.
>single leg hamstring curl
why would you hamstring on a back day? also, "single leg" is great fucking way to tear the shit out of that muscle. I don't know what your deal is man. IF you are for real, you should get a copy of arnold's "encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding" and learn how to do your sets properly. Your not..even by your tricep, I can tell you don't train it correctly, because the third head isn't anywhere near as prominent as other two.
Also, squats and deadlifts (i.e., havign a strong core) is the building block of any championship physique. Not my opinion, this is something all the greats agree on. should also start hammer curls asap to bring out the brachialis.
Yeah but you have to realize that what looks good to bodybuilders and bodybuilding judges is not the same as what looks aesthetic to the average person. For sure more everyday people think left is better. People like you have to be okay with the fact that going all in on roid mass accuisition just makes you undesirable to many. It might make you more desirable to others that do the same thing as you, but it will have the oppoiste effect on most of the population.
Either way just do what you want. If you don't care about what the majority of people think about your phyisique then do what makes you happy.
Looks like roiding got you evicted from your apartment
>deadlifts on back day anyway
>but it's the 4 sets of hamstring curls that'll overtrain em before leg day
Arnold in his prime gets dwarfed by dudes who are 5'10" in 2017.
>arnold's "encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding"
If anyone disagrees with me on this, for all the useless shit out there, is only product you really need. Everything I learned in the beginning (I eventually learned more in Venice beach and then the World in san diego, the one right on beach with the massive windows in the old warehouse where they open the doors every day).
The best info you will get on the basics of a building a set and a routine are in that book. The rest--if you are serious-- you (used to at least) be able to learn in venice beach and san diego from the serious guys if they sw you were young and serious about it.
Roids made your face puffy and ugly, and gave you pizza skin.
>deadlifts on back day anyway
So long as they aren't stiff legged deadlifts, they have little to do with legs friends.
i know lots of bbers preach squats and dls but honestly i know tons of guys with massive backs that only used machines to build them up
because those dudes are on modern drugs and are simply puff up every muscle with absolutely 0 regard for ratios and aesthetics. modern bodybuilders look like complete shit imo.
>that baby ass
i bet he doesn't even get the sloots
You have body acne
Not gonna lie though you fucking big
Get a tan, you looked better in before pic only for 2 reasons:
1. Lower bodyfat %
2. Had a slight tan which prevented your skin from looking reddish like it looks now
Look at these tiny calves kek
>Arnold in his prime gets dwarfed
You don't understand it. I'm fuckng 5'8 and I WEIGHT MORE than he did in his prime and have a 28 inch waist. But he had symmetry, bicepy peaks and this was before the days of "designer" roids and drol and parabolan and insulin spikes and all the other shit. I'd much rather have arnold's height and his symmetry than my height and size.
You new here? All of Veeky Forums is Nationalist territory.
And that Negro in the picture seems actually very up to date on what is happening, first time I've ever seen one that understands what's going on.
Lighting, water retention, bodyweight fluctuations. You're alright, dude, don't panic over it. Gear isn't magic.
Do some post-cycle though. That acne.
another 160lbs lifting expert teaching OP how to properly get gains lol
And yet, they are RDLs. Conventional deadlifts are a sick hamstring/glute builder, they may not have the longest ROM but they're a big heavy movement and really create serious overload. Of course you can create the same overload with volume and spare yourself extra fatigue, but to say they have little to do with legs is just silly.
>he's so insecure that whenever he looks at/hears a black guy he reeeee's
ahahaha, gotta love it
>All of Veeky Forums is Nationalist territory.
more like 5'10
5'10''? got it.
>i know tons of guys with massive backs that only used machines to build them up
I'll quote arnold directly here. "no bodybuilder has ever built a world class physique using
only machines.. Could you be the first? I doubt it."
You get benefit just from balancing the weight. Remember, the bosy is always seeking homeostasis. to make it grow, you have to constantly shock the body with new things.
If you got on a decent dycle and began...t-bar rows and just cut out all machines (but for tricep cable pulldowns) you'd be amazed how you'd grow.
The body is always trying to adapt and adjust. you grow and get better definition by finding new ways to put pressure on it-- essentially, new ways to torture yourself.
lol ok
So you are new, gotcha. Return to Reddit nigger boy.
now step off the platform
See a dermatologist about the acne but other then that you're good
Cut to 230 and see if you look better
Are the doors in your country really small? I'm 6' and no where near the top of the door in the UK... I think a door is 6'6 if I remember correctly.
you stupid motherfucker. I'm 5 foot at, ~221 (cut), and have been at it for 20 years now. I learned in Venice Beach (when it was still cool and san diego from actual professionals when I was 17. I don't give a fuck, you take or leave my advice, no one paying me here, not on the clock training here.
People mentored me, I try to mentor others since that's how it works and how I learned. but anyone not interested, you can go fuck yourself. take or leave it.
you have nice haircuts
top lel
those crafty fucking manlets. He's probably wearing his mom's heels for the pic.
every inch counts
Piana mostly used machines and he was huge.
Ruhl also used a lot of machines. Pic related.
Now u can't stop. Don't be a retard with synthol and HGH, but nonetheless you now have to leave humanity behind.
Godspeed, roidboy.
>I'm 5 foot
I'm 5 foot -7,5-8, but colombo was 2 inches shorter than I am. The whole fun of the thing is ruined now with every yuppie at gyms at "24 hour fitness" and other fucking chains. I still have a good gym in brooklyn that I have to drive 1 hour there and back to use, but I can't stand the manhattan yuppie scum who have no sense of gym etiquette, have never heard "can I work in?" and have no deference to people obviously a lot bigger than they are and serious about it.
The mass marketing of building has ruined all the fun of it.
your hair cut is shit
jesus that is terrible
holy shit, who do you lift 4?
you looked better before imo
Mutants your height are a good 100+ pounds heavier at that bodyfat.
You need to bulk. I recommend 3 months tren and GOMAD.
This is some serious jealousy
Rich Piana used steroids to the point that it killed him. He could've done pilates and been huge.
>Piana mostly used machines
Not saying NEVER use machines. I do my military presses on a fucking smith just because I like being locked into a path and the smooth motion. but you can't do them every day and ONLY do machines.
If you want to grow, you have to constantly shock the body in every way you can think of. when you switch it up and go to free weights, you force the body to adapt in a different way. How you grow.
>gyno in "natty" pic
>gyno gone in "not natty" pic
Sure sureeee, both pics are of you on something, you just fixed shit up with your drug stack hence why you're bigger + lost the gyno
Roids didn't kill him fuck nugget. Brain damage from hitting his head and lack of oxygen killed him.
You just don't know how to pose and take swolfies
you clearly don't know what gyno is
for him
Imma stealing that
no homo?
it's not gay to like big guys
no, homo
that only applies to dick size
liking guys with big muscles is really gay
you do realize its the bloat doing that?
also mirin hard if the left pic is actually natty
>roiders think this looks good
>I was n-natty in the first pic tho haha i swer
"Good" is purely subjective. Doesn't look great but there's no doubt the dude is huge.