Sleeping on your side will decrease your shoulder width due to your clavicle bone being compressed.
See I told you not to read

Other urls found in this thread:

google.dk/search?q=sleeping on your side makes your shoulders narrow&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=gie3WcbVKsze6QS09r3wCQ

I feel like this could be true, but are there any source??

That's why I sleep with my lower body twisted so that my hips compact but my upper body flat to keep my shoulders wide

im still gonna be sleeping on my side tho lol. its comfy af and i doubt there's anything to it really

google.dk/search?q=sleeping on your side makes your shoulders narrow&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gws_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=gie3WcbVKsze6QS09r3wCQ

Shit thread, but what is a good pillow for sleeping on your back? Nothing ever feels quite comfortable. Willing to shill out a bit if it's good.

Desultory, if you can manage to sleep without a pillow for 2 weeks or so. Every pillow till forever feel comfy

This is why I sleep with my legs hanging off the bed, so they'll get longer. But people have made fun of me for it

Face down is best sleep position anyways

Great way to develop a receded lower jaw, idiot

Face down is not sleeping on a fucking jaw you retard

I literally can not sleep on my back. I will just sit there, starring at the ceiling for hours, occasionally drifting into sleep for a few hours only to wake up again
but seemingly, sleeping on my stomach is mega comfy, til the next morning and I feel that stiff neck
thinking of putting a massage table's pad on top of my bed, then putting a few hard foam spaces around it so I can have air flow for my face that is in the hole

Makes penis smaller

Fucking plebs, i levitate

Im barely out of dyel and my shoulders are almost 22" across (vice measured). Sleep on side a lot. There is no actual reason why this this should restrict growth.

How's that back pain going?

A rectangle shaped foam pillow. They're not expensive.

Often find myself sleeping on my face. I don't think this is true as I have a very pointy chin that is level with my nose.

What about Wolff's law?

That's why I sleep with my tummy against the bed and with my arms open to the side:I lose bodyfat in my stomach and, it actually enlarges my shoulders. All of this while sleeping.

>He doesn't sleep on his side at the very edge of his bed with a weight tied to his dick hanging off the side

enjoy no dick gains


when will they learn.

Anyone here with wide shoulders and bent clavicles?

My training made me superhuman.

makes inverted nipples

>half the people ITT taking OP seriously

why is Veeky Forums so full of borderline retards? good god

Lets ghosts rape your butt

On the floor in the middle of the room stretched out like starfish master race reporting

>tfw always sleep either facing down or sideways and always worry it might be somehow fucking up my posture/frame

Im the only one that wakes up with a finger up your ass? Idk if its gay or what, but it been hapennig to me lately.

not an ounce of truth to this. my shoulders are just under 24" and i've slept on my side since childhood

Is it your finger?


You have worms and are scratching your asshole in your sleep

this was my first piece of advice at 18, first time doing time
>if you don't trust your celly, sleep on your belly

Don't sleep on your belly*

Hopefully someone didn't read that and leave the thread

What if having thick wrists and big hands weighs your arms down, giving the appearance of smaller shoulders?

I believe that is the scenario with the guy on the left, because his traps are bigger from shrugging his heavy hands every time somebody asks him where his shoulders are.

I always sleep on my stomach. That explains why my dick is so small.

does anybody else sleep in this position?

on top of that, the guy on the right's image is photoshopped

why such a huge bed? for a haram with your hentai blow up dolls?

That's exactly how I sleep only without the pillow.

I like to lean forward a little so I'm half-way on my side and my belly. As I breath and move my dick hangs down and rubs against the sheets. It feels nice.

>he's 3' 1"
>his bed is 15' x 15' wonderland

>might just suck with perspective

i'll do that when i'm dead

on average, how many people are watching you sleep?

Yeah I sleep just like that but it feels gay fuck. I wish I could sleep on my back.

based swastika position

literally every time i try to sleep on my back i get night terrors

how 2 fix?

Don't sleep on back.

I can't sleep on my back.

It doesn't matter if I haven't slept in days and am literally falling asleep standing up. If I'm lying on my back I just won't fall asleep.

appreciate it

a guy goes to the doctor
he says, he doc, it hurts when I do *this*
the doctor says
don't do that.
now, that'll be $500. you can pay the receptionist on your way out.


I always slept on my side, and i got wider than average shoulders.

imagine how wide your shoulders would be if youd have slept on your back


Not to mention it cuts out his fuck huge hips.

These images of guys with photoshopped shoulders is honestly one of the worse memes here

>tfw full body pillow I cuddle with at night

>not hanging like a bat to stretch your spine for maximum height (added at least 4 inches this way)

>not allowing gravity to rest your jaw in the perfect position, aligned with the moon for maximum jaw aesthetics


kek, the chad slumber

Am I the only one who thinks both these guys look like shit? Having disgustingly wide shoulders just makes your muscles seem smaller and your head look pea sized.

>dosent sleep on his side to let his dick hang and gravity stretch out his pee pee to make it bigger

kys op


virgin detected

That's exactly right, it's like how standing compresses your bones making you a tiny little manlet

>he didn't sit on the computer for the first 20 years of his life for maximum height gains

lmao when will they learn?

lol, he who dosen't have a boyfriend who leaves his cock in your arse as you sleep

Has anyone noticed the guy on the right has wider hips than the guy on the left?

I did this as a kid and now my dick has a bend in it because of all of my morning wood was compressed against the mattress for almost a decade.

Retarded genius

Real niggas sleep flat on their backs.

Yes but swap bottom arm and top arm, because i got used to it when i used to slip my arm under my ex's head at night.

Howthe fuck do I manage to do that user?
When I try sleeping on my back my neck hurt, even with my huge memory foam pillow, or if I had another one

Who here /pretendgf/

>using a huge pillow to sleep on your back
That's the problem buddy. You're forcing your spine into a non-neutral position. Use a small pillow or no pillow.

>getting rid of the comfy pillow grandma gave me
I can't user, and even when I sleep with small pillow my neck still hurts

Yep me aswell

nice try but shoulders are 100% genetics

no way to cheat your inferior genes

>always sleeping on your back
Enjoy your puny lats and nonexistent rhomboids

I personally recommend starting sleep
A - sleep on back
B - sleep on belly

Week 1:
Mo - A
We - B
Fr - A

Week 2:
Mo - B
We - A
Fr - B

Sleep in floating tank on rest days

The guy has massive hips, it's why it's cropped here. Someone edited his shoulders to be wider and cropped out his giant hips.

I cant sleep on my back either. Cant even fall asleep at all. Shit sucks.

pretty close

whatever clavicle lengthening surgery is possible these days looksmaxxxing really can go far these days being a 5/10 is a CHOICE anyone can by an 8/10 if you just get clavicle lengthening, lower limb lengthening, jaw and nose surgery and hair transplant if you are bald.

>implying jawline not all genetics

I've always slept on my side and my shoulders are still wide

>the Chad slumber


R u a gril?

no shit its a grill. not a very good looking one too








I honest to god consider this when I try to sleep in this position.

I used to get sleep paralysis when sleeping on my back, I still do regularly because in any other position theres just nowhere to fold up my fucking skeletor arms.
I highly recommend it, fighting off crazy ass red eyed shadowy demons is super fun. Although since I punched the shit out of last one that sat on my chest they leave me alone.
Fucking pussies.

I'd love to suck on your titties and then slowly kiss you down to your clit and give you the ol'lickaroo

Dude, bro, what? I'm a man, cut that gay shit out

>sleeping on your side makes your shoulders narrow
>sleeping on your stomach gives you lordosis
>sleeping on your back gives you sleep paralysis

Am I supposed to levitate?

can someone make an infographic for this?

make sure you warm up before sleep

Sleep upside down, hanging from your feet

guys i can't sleep on my side because my shoulders are too wide

Sleep standing up you fucking pleb

enjoy severe anterior pelvic tilt

except if you do it on purpose because your boyfriend doesnt want to see your face while fucking

My head would explode
I've unironically done that as a kid

density aint size. if they are compacted they get more dense too