Bodies that normies might think are fit but are clearly shit
I'll start
Bodies that normies might think are fit but are clearly shit
I'll start
The vast majority of Veeky Forums looks worse than that though
Dude he looks like absolute trash
>roid gut
>No chest
>retarded abs
>No forearms
He honestly looks like pure shit.
How long until I reach this mode (without paying for a gym)?
post your body with timestamp or stfu
I guarantee he looks better than you
you're mistaken, he looks great
>Dude he looks like absolute trash
Yeah, but so does most of Veeky Forums.
When you hit puberty and stop being fat.
His shoulders look so much more narrow than they do when he's playing Thor. Is this preThor or in between movies.
These two are literally fit as fuck, and that's just a fact. The only difference between these two and instagram stars are overt steroid abuse and filter.
Try to take a picture of yourself and compare.
>the bodydysmorphia is real
damn obama is looking good
You're a big guy..
Hemsworth 100% juiced for the Marvel movies mate.
what do you mean by "retarded abs"? would you say these are good or bad abs?
Didn't say that he didn't.
>the bodydysmorphia is real
This so fucking much I was surprised how shitty I look without a pump on, shitty lighting and angle. It really puts things in perspective.
Absolutely. And the crazy thing is that you don't look shitty at all. As a physiotherapist I get to see A LOT of people, and a physique such as yours is in the top 1 percentile, no doubt.
But it's all relative. We compare ourselves to unreasonable standards. Even a fitness model looks like shit when you meet him compared to his pictures.
nice gyno fat ass
I mean you said that the difference between them and Instagram fitness people was steroid use, seemed like you were implying Hemsworth didnt roid.
>anons tell me I have no chest.
>nice gyno fat ass
Which is it?
how insecure are you dork
you seem to be confusing fit with asthetic
Why's Gordons face shopped on Chloës body?
Don't talk shit about gordon. He's a cunt but he did many ironmans.
I bet no one on Veeky Forums even atempted.
He still looks like shit you fucking faggot and I bet you do too
He roided for this.
obama doesn't look too bad here to be honest
Work on decline db press and or skullcrushers
barrel chested thick necked high t dom masc slayer
I bet chef Ramsay would beat your skinny ass to a pulp
no pecs but droopy nipples, so both
he looks alright for being a gorillion years old and only doing meme exercises tho
>roiding for this
im wearing the same trunks right now
Post body
Female fitness must be so easy
wtf I always thought this guy was the pinnacle of handsomeness. That shoulder length kinda kills it
>These actors look better when they're professionally filmed/photographed than when somebody takes their pic with an iphone
Yeah, this shouldn't be surprising.
T dyel
Lmao i know this faggot personally. Him and his brother and their friend Tarik are complete faggots.
>muh roid gut
you are retarded
for being rich kids the bentlee bros seem pretty well adjusted and hard working.
dont know about tarik tho but he is a med student so he's probably smarter than 99% of fit
Joe Rogan is incredibly fit. He is old and his skin is starting to sag and he doesn't really train for appearance. He deadlifts 500lbs @ 190lbs 5'8
>Bodies that normies might think are fit but are clearly shit
OP, you are a massive faggot.
Watching thier vlogs doesn't mean you know them personally
Go get a fucking salmon
of course he looks small in that pic. he went swimming = doing cardio.
I didn't realize insertions were so important. Then I got on Veeky Forums and realized having any genetic flaw is suffering.
His main problem is his fucking hat.
in here he was halfway through losing 50lbs for a movie though
he probably just ate too much before that photo was taken. except for the bloat he looks pretty damn good no homo
it's the weird posture in that moment. he doesn't look that bad irl
>picking on an old man who does marathons and Iron Man
Post body, you DYEL.
Weird how your body dysmorphia reaches a new level once you start curling a dumbell once every few weeks, huh?
Checked. Also it looks like he shaves all of his body hair. I wonder what girls think when they see his lil naked mole rat weiney
Yea, If you ever worked for them, which I did (Line Cook at Lee and Bent, Sous Chef at Frings). You'd understand that what you just said was wrong. Skimming tips, skimming paycheques, understaffed restaurants, are just the tip of the iceberg my friend. These fucks, including their dad, are just plain thieves, who take money from hardworking people so they can go on their monthly vacations and buy 20,000$ worth of Luis Vuiton X Supreme, while literally doing nothing to actually support the restaurants. Like for example, they supposedly handle payroll, but whenever I had problems with my cheque, I was told to call a 3rd party accounting service.
Don't make fun of daddy jones that's the ideal body shape for humans
damn I guess you learn something everyday. I guess kai does a pretty good job hiding his asshole behavior in his vlogs. correct me if Im wrong but these guys have chad tier lives (at least from the vlogs it seems).
shit man levi too ? man seemed decent
jet is autistic doe
Dude has a twink face. I don't understand why he would train to get so big
Are you talking shit about my Arnie?
>sensible chuckle.gif
>absolutrly no gyno
Veeky Forums btfo again
no he doesn't you fag, he does 100s of bodyweight squats and kettlebell bullshit and rightly so because deadlifting is a meme, also his back is fucked from jiu jitsu, also his semen tastes like elk
The fuck are you on about pal?
Hoe Mogan
He looks masculine if nothing else