Any tips on how you can approach that cute boy in the gym? Rspeically someone who looks to be a few year younger
Any tips on how you can approach that cute boy in the gym? Rspeically someone who looks to be a few year younger
Yes. Stop being a faggot.
fag leave
see if he's on grindr
Smack his ass in the locker room and say "Good work out there champ, let's hit the showers."
That doesn't sound like a natural way to approach someone. I'm sure he'd be disgusted or scared
Tell them you're Wayne, John Wayne.
John Wayne Gacy.
Why are so many gays into pedophilia?
The whole idea of a 'twink' is a boy that looks (or is) very young.
I've also heard many gays rationalize sexual activity with underage boys as helpful or necessary for the boy to 'find themselves' when in reality the psychological damage inflicted is probably what causes them to turn homosexual in the first place.
Why do we so rarely hear about the massive correlation between childhood sexual abuse and homosexuality in later life, instead it is implied that they are just 'born this way'?
there are already studies on it, go look them up
that's a child
while you're putting your underwear on, when you've got one leg lifted to put into one of the leg holes, hop backwards into his crotch as though you lost your balance.
Yeah, almost as if youth is universally considered attractive. Praise the Lord straight guys are morally superior. Never in the history of mankind has a man lusted after a woman under 21. Just the idea of straight guys fetishizing preteen girls is ludicrous.
Nice attempt at rationalization, but while youth is attractive to straight males it is relative youth. Straight men cannon be said as general rule to be attracted to pre-pubescent features, instead it is post-pubescent features, such as wide hips, large breasts, etc.
This is not the case for homosexuals, who desire pre-pubescent features, such as a soft, feminine features (in a boy), a slender body (no significant muscle mass which develops during puberty), or a hairless body (again, hair develops during puberty).
with a noose
i would bang david laid
You are so reaching for the stars. There's a big difference between being able to appreciate the womanly features of like a 17 or 18 year old high school senior, and then what fags actually like: a 14 year old like posted in the OP.
that HS Senior will bang chad not you boyo
i wonder what his feet look like
the fallacy you're missing is that you somehow decided a large percentage of gay people are like this. that's dumb.
Plenty of straight people lust after 14 year olds too
I think twinks are attractive to gay men because they look more feminine than themselves. I would fuck a twink, but not a bastard as hairy as me.
People find other people attractive because they find them attractive, there's no other bullshit childhood traumas to explain it
gay people aren't pedop-
It's true, and you know it's true.
Demanding statistics you know don't exist doesn't achieve anything.
There are gays who take the role of twink, and those who desire twinks, this easily constitutes enough of the gay population to make a judgement on.
The age in this argument is arbitrary. There are 14 year olds who look older; people don't lust over them purely because of they are young.
The opposite holds for gays. There are people who are 18+ who look younger, people lust after them because they look younger.
You're pulling this out of your ass because it doesn't make you feel good to look the truth in the eye.
Huge amounts of people who are abused as children grow up to be gay. There is a trend which is ignored because it goes against the common idea that people are born the way they are.
Being gay is obviously not a gene; if this were the case it would be a literal infertility gene which would die out fairly quickly. Social pressures to reproduce would not keep a homosexual gene alive for tens of thousands of years of human history.
Since, then, it is not nature, homosexuality must therefore be nurtured. There is no doubt huge amounts of unidentifiable factors which lead to someone developing into a homosexual; events which at the time seem insignificant but have a profound effect on a developing mind. There is, however, one cause which we can see time and time again to have the same effect. Children who are sexually abused consistently grow up to be homosexual. This fact cannot be ignored for the sake of being politically correct.