What is the ONE thing you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself before you started lifting?
What is the ONE thing you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself before you started lifting?
do SS
or do you mean something to do before starting lifting?
then do calisthenics.
eat more faggot
just fucking eat more
To just use machines for legs
>t. my lower back
it's ok to skip chest day once in a while...
>no matter how hard life gets, and no matter how much people take from you, never stop.
GDEs and retards shouldn't lift anyways.
Less volume, higher frequency, more rest. Don't go full retard in 90% of your training sessions.
Eat some proatmeal a couple hours before the gym and take a quick cold shower before you work out.
Focus on your left pec more than your right.
Five years later and they're still uneven.
Also, nice man-tits OP.
At least you tried
Unironically this. 3 or 4 months of SS would've gone a long way for me.
Thanks anons. I needed these
I squatted with perfect form for 8+ years and no issues. I didn't even notice the injury when it happened, my squat felt fine, but after the workout my back has never been the same.
It's easy for you to talk shit, but someday you'll be an oldfag and maybe it will happen to you. You dont need to be retarded to get hurt squatting, it happens.
jesus christ you are so WEAK. just shut the fuck up and get back to squatting.
ok retard
>reeee i have berfegd form
Should've started earlier at 18
This fucking meme again. Subtle.
What does this board have against squatting?
I started liting cassually in HS, but I never at enough so I'd make shit gains and quit. Then start back up again and make shit gains and quit.
When I first started bulking for real, the results were incredible.
Not an argument
It would either be "eat more" or "take zma"
start pinning after 6 months of training
Take your diet seriously. Gains have been made, but you're still kinda fat.
Taking zinc atm. Why should i switch to zma?
What do you mean? I'm trying to bulk atm. Do you mean eat clean?
Winning lottery numbers
Don't do any low volume program
Work on work capacity
Do cardio
Don't deadlift, more recovery than it's worth
Do more volume
Your shoulders and back really can't be overtrained
Tried zinc as well just didnt get the same feeling as with zma - i used to sleep like shit. I think i got mild stress juggling school, work, fitness, and gf. But zma makes me sleep deep and wake up with needed amount of energy. Never felt more rested.
Hmm sounds neat. How long for it to kick in?
kill yourself before its too late
Build muscle BEFORE you lose the weight, I know you hate being fat, but it's better than being a DYEL and you'll just have to put that weight back on anyway.
Start lifting.
I was cutting. Or I was supposed to be. I was having trouble staying at 1600 so I said fuck it I'll bulk. So, while gains have been made, I never did cut. I'm still at like 18%bf
neither is your anecdotal evidence shit brains.
As a young, brospliting retard in high school, actually work out your legs as well. It will cause great emotional pain 8 years from now when your upper body lifts are on par with your lower body lifts.
Even though you workout on average 5x a week, don't spend the next 8 years going on and off. Keep up with it.
Also, you coulda fucked like at least 2x more girls than you did. Most of the time when you thought a girl was coming onto you, she was. Smash that shit.
What's with all these people suddenly spouting "not an argument"? You think that suddenly makes you win something? Since when does there have to be an argument? Fucking brainlets
Not to BULK!!!!
This was my number 1 mistake.
No point to build muscle to look good if you end up fat. I would have said to stay under 15% no matter what.
Calorie surplus might be useful, but cut down to 10% first, THEN use a small surplus. Only eat enough to gain, bare minimum. Once 15% bodyfat is reached diet again.
I don't even call small calorie surplus a "bulk", that fucking word just justifies getting fat.
Say NO to bulking.
Fuck every time I commit to bulking a comment like this always puts me right off :(
Never visit Veeky Forums!
"user you're a skeleton, eating more food isn't going to make you fat; eat more fucking food"
Start with overhead squats. If you can't do them with perfect form, practice until you can, even if it takes you a year to do it. It will fix your muscle imbalances and posture problems if there are any. Only then proceed with the usual routines.
neither is an anecdote you mongoloid
"Dont do it, dont even think about it. She's your sister for fucks sake and you will regret it"
>he wasn't molested by his sister and cousin as a child
look at this ugly piece of shit
Do 20+ sets per session on what you want results for.
Commit to a tiny surplus, and only move up the calories bit by bit until you see the strength increase in the gym.
I'm glad it puts you off of "Bulking".
Unless you are 6'6" and skinny as all hell. Even then you ought to still keep the calories in control as you increase your intake.
If say you need to be in a 500 surplus (absolute max IMHO), and to do so requires 3,000 calories a day, then you WRITE that shit down in a notepad. DO the caloric math the exact same as you would when cutting. Do not go over the 3,000 limit if that is your target.
Instead bulking is basically a justification to eat 3500, 4000, 4500, 5??? when all you needed was 3,000 for example.
Don't fall for the SS meme, just do a split
Except the thread is about "what would you tell yourself," and the anecdote happened to me, so it's highly relevant.
you'll raise shit children who don't squat because you have shit form
nobody listen to this faggot
You're already 15kg overweight, for the love of God DON'T BULK
Haha i am literally 6'6 user. 205lb. Will be using mfp whatever I so anyways
Starting Schutzstaffel
>He didn't do calisthenics before he started lifting
>What is the ONE thing you wish you could go back in time and tell yourself before you started lifting?
"Start lifting"
>inb4 LONDON
Yes, nazi
What is SS, people?
Don't tense up in that car accident bro
Super Squats
what happenned? explain it man, hernia?
lol stfu
Starting strength.
"Look every exercise on YouTube before you try to do it, no matter how easy it seems."
They were the elite fighting battalions of Hitlers Wehrmacht.
Look up your WWII history, buddy. It's all this neo-nazi shit cause of /pol/
how are people on Veeky Forums and not know ss?
split is just terrible for beginners
LOL shut the fuck up
every reply to this post is going to be
>no way man the ONLY way to hurt yourself is by having bad form, i know this because i have a year or two of lifting experience under my belt so i know everything obviously
>yeah maintaining 100% perfect form all the time for a decade is totally realistic, you won't ever have a 1% degradation in form due to fatigue with 405 on your shoulders that won't happen lol
not saying you shouldn't squat or deadlift but fuck me are newfag lifters stupid
>start while in high school
That's it.
Invest in Apple.
cut to 10-12% immediately
Just bulk dude, better to look kind of chubby but muscular for a bit and then cut straight to looking in shape than it is to cut and just look dyel and be disappointed.
No homo bro, but that is actually a really nice rack. Find a bi grill and you are fucking set for life.
Lifting wont get you laid or help you get laid in any way
Invest in time spent at parties and developing social skills instead
Also dating gets harder with age, not easier so move your ass
or he can become a she ;)
>be me
>try overhead squats
>fuck up my shoulder
>6 months have passed
>shoulder still fucked up
Started lifting in 2010 or 2011. I would have told myself to buy Bitcoin.
but how? with the bar?
straight shotacon
Don't go back to her place, go to gym instead.
That would've been a wise investment back then! You'd be a millionaire buddy!
*dragon maid doujins intensify*
what happened? give details
yep, 20kg olympic bar. i'm going to see the physio on thursday.
I felt a slight impingement when I was doing it for the second time. I think I hadn't adequately stretched/foam rolled my back/shoulders before doing overhead squats. Ever since, my shoulder has been clicking like crazy, and I can't do press-ups anymore due to the pain. Haven't trained shoulders or chest in 2 weeks. I can still do horizontal rows though.
damn. and you've been doing deadlift, bench etc since then?
Not everything has to be an argument you numeme.
People are allowed to just insult people.
drink more milk
>a decade of lifting
>still squating 405
>t-they only have of lifting experience under their belt
405 for a working set is totally realistic after a decade of training, if you were doing working sets at 70% at that weight you would be maxing 540lbs which is probably higher than most people will ever get
look at Isley, training for a decade, 230lbs, and he still can't squat that amount
Dont do squats
Rip your knees
75% *