How the fuck do NFL players keep their size while doing so much conditioning/burning calories?
How the fuck do NFL players keep their size while doing so much conditioning/burning calories?
freak genetics
Probably just eating, don't they eat like 6k cal a day
Easy to do when your having food supplied to you
they don't do this
Are some people on here actually this delusional or just trolling? It should be pretty obvious that top level athletes are using steroids.
>never played sports
yes, the idea that some people work hard to achieve things is much more delusional then "everyones whos big is roiding"
There are obviously some people using roids, but to say all of them, or even most is ridiculous.
Definitely steroids, they're abundant even at second-tier college programs. But let's be serious, some of these guys are just genetic freaks.
High grade steroids.
Roids, eating.
I'm not saying everyone who is big is roiding. Why wouldn't top level athletes use steriods? Since most guys at their level use them they would be at a disadvantage.
calorie surplus
8ball, yoke, and roids were for the kids falling behind when i played. If you never fall behind you don't need them.
But you're right thats a good point, still doubt most of them do though, with the lifestyles they live most of them would probably be dead before their contracts end
If you know what you're doing steroids aren't that dangerous. Especially when you're not juicing as much as Mr Olympia competitors. They also have good doctors that most likely prescribe them everything.
Brain damage, concussions, etc...
They obv are, but roids aren't magic like all the spergs here spaghetti at each other.
I invite anyone who's fit to do more cardio and eat proportionally more to see what it can do for your physique.
I look way juicier when I do 40 minutes a day and eat an extra 800cals than when I just lift
Do you have pics to prove that?
They are top tier athletes.. they get paid to be in the gym. they all have nutritionists on call and chefs in their kitchens
Anyone who says you can be 6'5"+, built like a battletank, lean, doing weight training, cardio, HIIT, and running precision drills 5-6 days a week and playing 1 or 2 full games of pro level football with collisions at full intensity, and recover and actually get stronger season to season without steroids is an absolute moron.
Oh and they are the top .001% in terms of freak genetics for strength size and speed obviously, coupled with amazing talent and skill at the game.
you're acting like one is a snale and the other is a cheetah. they're both humans genetics isn't something that will put you ahead by a mile of someone. they're pharmaceutical stuff is helping them not genetics.
Conditioning helps build muscle
It's both retard. There's a pretty massive variance in human physical capability. It's not as noticeable between normal people with average training levels and all the inconsistencies that come with that, but if you think the average Joe on top grade pharma could put up as much weight as a NFL player and run a 40 in even remotely the same time you're fooling yourself. These guys beat out thousands of other college level athletes, who are all genetic freaks on roids too.
My high school football program got caught with roids. They were like top 3 consistently though.
bro, give me the high quality roids they take and pay me the same salary so i can afford to eat high quality food and afford any gym and any car so i can drive in comfort after doing legs, and i'll be your favourite nfl player. genetics doesn't have any role when on is on gear. gear already modifies your genetic potential.
Dietitians, steroids, strength coaches, and years of training, and good genetics
more like
also this
Ihedigbo isn't particularly athletic- decent vert but very bad 40 for the position and weak bench. Agility drills weren't amazing either. Lots of gear, lots of training, and being significantly more athletic than average helped him get to that level. But there are guys in the NFL who blow him away in terms of their physical ability, though they might not look as good.
If you were given roids from the day you were born you couldn't get this big.
These guys have natural aptitude bro. No shame in not being NFL level, there's a reason they make millions.
You would get pretty big, but get real here
you can work hard and take steroids at the same time.
Hgh and roids. They look like shit when off cycle.
>genetics doesn't have any role when on is on gear
explain? i know this isnt true i just want to hear your reasoning
genetics only plays its part when natural. that's why it's call steroid and human growth hormone, it's a lab modified pharmaceutical drug to help the less gifted to achieve the top genetics. once two are on gear it all depends on work, you have left your natural genetics and hopped on the modified ones.
Gr8 b8 m8
They lift like crazy during off season
also and
Cameron Wake did a show once that showed his routine, he ate enormous amounts of steak and eggs all day plus they are juiced to the tits for injury recovery and competitive edge. Juicing because you're in the big show and doing it to win is fine (just dont get A Rod'd) juicing because you want to look in the mirror at yourself is straight queer.
prove it
there is no "natural aptitude" what do you think they are survivors of a radioactive blast that modified their genetic potential to superman? it's real life bro, kids are born heavier or healthier due to their parents work put in, as in diet, exercise, etc.
the kids health depends on their parents then it depends on them.
Roids and insane genetics.
Also they get bigger during off season. A lot of them gain a shit load of weight after seasons because their metabolism is used to burning so many calories.
Of every thousand babies born, one might have the genetics to make it that far, and that's assuming that their parents did everything right.
You think people grow to 7 feet tall because their parents fed them leafy greens?
Clearly you have no understanding of either genetics or steroids. A 5'9" guy with tiny wrists cannot become a 6'6" wall of muscle with massive wrists and a frame that can support the kind of battering that NFL players take no matter what chemicals he pumps into himself.
Yes they are most likely all on roids and that helps but why is nobody mentioning that they eat like mad men? "cardio kills gains" is a meme, it only kills muscle if you dont eat eat a maintenance or at a surpluss.
its both you stupid cocksucker
Look at wrestlers and ask the same question
Steroids, a shitton of food and freak genetics that landed them in the nfl to begin with.
>what is hgh
>do you really think people become mr.olympia while their parents were small business owners?
as i said matt brad with elite genetics will perform worse than brad matt with steroids.
drugs will mess up your system forever, but the whole genetic factor is a term created by pros to hide their pharmaceutical stack.
by your logic jeff seid due to his elite genetics should be as big as top 10 mr.olympia due to his better gentics thus requiring little to no help from vitamin s.
You legitimately believe steroids are magic. And can make you a foot taller with denser bone structure larger wrists and a better frame and peak potential. You have less than zero understanding.
Yes, they're on steroids. Every elite athlete in every sport is, including the women. With that said, posts like reveal appalling ignorance of what steroids are and what they do. People who use steroids aren't lazy or "taking a shortcut to success." The average steroid user works harder at sports and at life in general than the non steroid user. Normies will never understand that, which is why steroids still have a bad name.
NFL athletes are genetic freaks who work harder than any normal person can possibly conceive. They have one in a thousand genetics and one in a million work ethics. They hire professional strength and conditioning coaches and consult the best sports nutritionists. And yes, they take steroids.
All of the above also applies to every other group of elite athletes in highly selective sports.
What are growth plates and at what age do they close off permanently? HGH is not a miracle elixir. Giving the average person HGH (and every other drug in the world) will not make them an NFL player, even if they dedicate their lives to training and nutrition. If you're not genetically elite, the NFL isn't for you.
We bred them to have top-tier field worker genetics
depends, i wouldnt say qbs are on steroids necessarily since in their position they dont need to be at the same level of athleticism as others, but in general this post is bang on the mark
Aren't there drug tests? Considering how big the sport is I would expect there to be drug tests.
Look at freaking Tom Brady, he doesn't look particularly good, but he is one of the top players.
I believe these looks come from good use of photoshop and genetics.
Look at Anthony Joshua, heavyweight boxing champ atm. There is NO way he is on roids, he still looks amazing. BUT he is also working out twice a day so theres that.
Basically, stop claiming steroids all day long you fucking losers
I'm pretty sure using conditioner doesn't affect your gains.
>Every elite athlete in every sport is, including the women
Listen to this guy who only leaves his house to hit the gym, he knows what it takes to be an elite athlete.
The irony...
Listen idiot, NFL players have different positions. Some require excessive conditioning. Some require short bursts of explosive strength.
Since NFL has frequent breaks in between plays, people can be HUGE in the sport, rests happen very often.
If you put a soccer dyel in the NFL he'd get broken, and if you put an NFL guy in Soccer he'd suffer a heart attack
>there is no way he is on roids
lmao, is your IQ sub 100? fucking jesus
go back to /sp/ you gullible retard. Anthony Joshua especially, one of the most obvious juiced up athletes there is in boxing. Bypassing drug tests isn't hard
>this post
Brady isn't on roids because his position requires an accurate arm, brains, and not much else.
Joshua is clearly juiced to the gills.
Why would they want drug tests? Most of the general public don't know the first thing about steroids, like yourself for example thinking they're natty. Its a spectator sport and they want it to be as spectacular as possible.
>Steroid regime overseen by medical professionals
>Rigorous Diet
>Custom tailored training regime depending upon their position
>Some natural genetic predisposition
>Look at Anthony Joshua, heavyweight boxing champ atm. There is NO way he is on roids
you stupid fuck LMFAO, bet you believe yoel romero is natty too
they do HIIT not like sustained high intensity cardio for long periods of time. It's very different in terms of lean mass retention.
>How do you maintain your size when you burn 10000 calories a day?
Eat 10500 calories a day
your post reads as somebody who has never played a team sport in their entire life. conditioning is part of every team sport at the JV level or higher.