W-will being Veeky Forums help me bang cosplaying consluts

W-will being Veeky Forums help me bang cosplaying consluts.
Pls respond.

>just lift you faggot
I have been anons.

Be swole,
Make your intentions known and don't apologize for it
Play to their shoujo/hentai masturbation fantasies.
Get into some kinky rapeplay/bondage and good old vanilla doggy style sex.
BJs will be easier to get then herpes at a lynard skynard cover band concert.

>Make your intentions known and don't apologize for it
How the FUCK do i do this
I'm apparently already swole to con goers as I get numerous comments about me already being Veeky Forums. I've never tried hitting on a grill intentionally. Pretty sure I've had plenty of missed opportunities 'cause I was too dense to see said opportunity too.

>shoujo/hentai masturbation fantasies.

Elaborate on what this is

1.You hit on them and get better at reading them
2.You don't worry about missed opportunities. The more you look behind you the more things in front or right beside of you you'll miss.

Go to /a/.
Find the most popular porn that chicks like.
Read up on it logically.
Internalize it
Use your knowledge to remove their panties and get your dick wet

The basics boil down to handsome rapist

Yes. It's the reason I got fit.
I'm getting older though and it's depressing.

>cosplay duo with best wingman ever
>both of us fit
>both of us dress up as girl characters primarily
>have money for travel, hotel, booze, food, etc
>get to hang out with a bunch of weebs playing vidya, watching anime, and typically sperging out
>fuck qt girls sometimes in cosplay (if it isn't too elaborate)
>loads of degeneracy and acting out during sex
It's simply the best ever. Although I spend probably $10k+ a year on this shit.

>dress up as girl characters primarily
Don't listen to these people.
Ignore them.

>Getting older
How old is too old for this user.

>BJs will be easier to get then herpes at a lynard skynard cover band concert.

Female characters show off gains way better, the costumes are 200% more interesting. Also anime has easily a 5 to 1 ratio of female to male characters so more to choose from.
Most GOOD male characters/costumes come from videogames and they're out of place at certain cons.
In my experience girls love the crossplay too. Much easier to get past their defense and strike a conversation.

I'll probably maybe stop when I hit 30 sadly.


There's plenty of 20something easy at middle level cons though. I saw a few guys in their 40s swoled out and picking up chicks.

>TFW have to go in a masked costume
>TFW gonna do Kamen rider.

>Female characters show off gains way better, the costumes are 200% more interesting.

There is but I don't know, we'll see when the time comes. I'm more worried about underage girls tricking me.
Kamen rider sounds like a lot of fun to do.

Your loss dude. Nothing better than wearing cute outfits and showing off your gains.

If I do make it someday, just how slutty are these women user?

Fucking cosplay chicks is like a fantasy to me

You can't be too socially retarded. Unless you're super attractive you have to make up for it with interesting cosplay and some personality/game.

My end goal is to be Pool Party Graves from League of Legends. Good to know tho.

Sa/k/uya is that you, ya cum-guzzling faggot?

>Nothing better than wearing cute outfits and showing off your gains.
Dude, SUPER Gay.


Please tell me that's one of the cosplay sluts you banged
I want to fuck it

No I wish though. Most the girls I bang are 5-7/10.

1) Be Veeky Forums
2) Buy a DSLR (a decent used one can be had in the $200-300 range)
3) Become a convention photographer
4) (important) Have business cards

You can thank me later, and avoid conventions

No it won't.

>autistic sperglord who only knows the gym and Veeky Forums
>CANNOT even pick up horribly drunk sluts who are alone and practically rape bait in the club
>THINKS he can pick up cliquey , insanely self entitled bitches who have thousands of nerds orbiting them AND they are not under the influence of alcohol

Get a reality check you fucking loser, start on drunk and drugged up bitches before you try sober bitches

Is that a fucking Joestar Tattoo?

This guy is a paki/indian rapists who tricks girls into making them famous/photoshoots then pressures and overpowers them for sex.

Do NOT bring a fucking camera(a real one) in conventions, that is literally the ultimate sign of being a creepy beta loser potential rapist.

As a girl reading this... you guys are fucking creepy.

Tits or gtfo stupid slut.

Shut the fuck up and leave then

Women are just as bad, Ive seen it first hand.

Go to a con
He fits right in

I guess you're right.
I've been to /cgl/.
Most of the chicks there are a hard 5/10 at best and crazy as fuck.
The hottest of them are low level models who're also apparently escorts.
Not going to be talked into cross dressing and bending my knee for a gaggle of wierd average bitches to get at some loser legbeard pussy.

I have a giant dick, I'm not entirely fuck ugly, I'm actually personable when I'm drunk, and I worked too hard for these gainz to waste them like that.
Would rather take my pyramidhead costume to a rave or an orgy.

Shit thread.

So you're just learning about boys huh?
Remember all those times a guy said he was interested in something you like? He wasn't, he just wanted to bang.

99.99% of all men think this way

Yeah guys who want to fuck girls are creepy.

Post boipucci

As a man reading this i find you pointless.