How to get adrenaline while fighting?

Somewhat long story, this guy used to make me feel like absolute shit since we met and now I feel "conditioned" almost to feel like I'm below him somehow. We used to fight sometimes (he'd beat the crap out of me almost every time except for a few, mostly because I felt like I was so below him that I should just accept it).

Now i know he sees us as equals, our relationship has evolved a lot and we're fairly close now. I know if I were to ask to fight, he'd do it. I'm just wondering how I can /actually fight/ him when there were times in the past I pussied out or just took the punches. I still feel "below" him just because it was shoved into my mind, so how can I break free from that and get mad enough to actually use my strength?

grow up a pair

No shit, I'm asking for psychological advice, or how to physically get adrenaline when I want it.

The biggest conflict between men is not that of fists but that of egos. All the times he punched you and you did not return the favor, he asserted his will on you. It's not the bruises that left its mark on you, but the successive defeats that only proved his dominance.

At this point you could shoot him and still not feel satisfied, because the ego balance has not been restored. You need to break him first, only then will be free of his chains.

Fuck him up. The fact that you're friends is just another defeat. To make you his bitch and then have you 'forgive' him and let him that close to you is something that, unless corrected, will gnaw at you.

After you've broken yourself free and established the balance, will he TRULY see you as an equal. And only then is a friendship a possibility.

Right now it aint shit. You're still his bitch.

You need to dig deep into you and find and release the anger that has been stored and repressed. Think of all the times he treated you like shit. Called you names and laid his hand on you, because he thought it self evident that he was above you in the hierarchy. Just think about how you let it go instead of putting that fucker back in his place. If that doesn't make you seethe with rage then give up and move on. And get used to never having your ego actually break free and to becoming the doormat to anyone who does the same, be it another man or a woman.

>Somewhat long story,
Give it to us please

>fought this guy all the time
>we're close now
>want to fight him to reclaim my balls
When you say "fight", you're larping. You reek of teenager delusion.

Lift heavy.
Stop larping.

where i learn more about this

I'm 18 so yeah I'm still a dumb motherfucker.
>Lift heavy
The issue isn't that I'm weak, just the ego thing kind of like said.

I'm numb as hell and most the time I'm around him I'm drunk, so it's hard to really do much but if I'm not fucked up, then I'm too tired to do shit.

How can I access that anger that I usually just feel when I'm alone? It's hard for me to get overly aggressive or emotional in any way in front of others, don't know if it's because social anxiety or what. I just want to change it.

if you ain't got it you ain't got it sorry bitch

You sound like a tranny. I just want the good advice man to answer me.

You just gotta get as angry as you can get, works for me

yeah and you sound like a little bitch asking the internet how you can unlock your adrenaline for a revenge fantasy, i dont know what fucking advice you want for that gay boy


Holy fuck OP I can only imagine what pathology raised you. Are you black or white trash by any chance? Beat him up if you want, and then stop associating with subhumans and grow up

I wish I knew where to get this.
White with a pussy ass father and mother who gave me shit genes and a bad anxiety/need to please everyone and to keep quiet.

I've never known this feeling. Feels good.

You really want to shit on people? Get a good degree

Adrenaline wont do you any good
You loose rational thought and fine motor control
You start shaking and crying even though you are mad as shit

Then how do I get anger in general? Around my parents and family some times I get the anger I want to feel when I'm with that guy.. It's controlled enough where I'm not shaking and just really really want to punch something. Can't manage to get it anywhere else though.
Eh what's a good degree in your opinion? Looking into it.

A degree in graphic design

Are you stupid? Someone comes here looking to become an alpha and you recommend graphic design? Graphic design is not a 'shit on people' degree you fucking monkey.

You need to grab your ego by the horns, and throw it about. You may THINK you are tired, but I can guarantee that when you are throwing around his broken body like a ragdoll, you will feel a rush that you will never forget. It isn't something you can plan for or anticipate, it will just happen. Just make sure this is something you want to do, and don't do anything he didn't do to you.

>Meatheads filled with "muh frustration"

How does it feel knowing that, if you tried to step up to somebody like me, who does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you would get your shit pushed in and you'd have to run off? Your girlfriend (if you even had one, you virgin), wouldn't be able to look at you the same way after I get you caught up in an armbar. Maybe I would spare your elbow if I were feeling generous.

Get on tren for awhile then do alotta meth or coke and attack him Train in advance to make sure your strong to fight him do boxing

Imagine being this insecure

Alright man I'd say do meditation where you visualise beating the fuck out of him every day, and practice for it doing some kind of fighting thing. I know the situation you're in op, and I broke out, so you can too.

>you are friends with a guy who used to beat the shit out of you and made you feel like shit
>lmaoing at your life, what are you doing kid

the misc

start doing wrestling or MMA or any sport with sparring that is realistic. you wont even need adrenaline or rage to beat him. you can beat him with a smile

violence is a viable way to persuade people in society. dont have to hurt anyone, theres subtle ways of intimidating people when you and they both know you could mangle them in a fight.