Can we finally admit that the Ruby Classic is a bigger event than the Olympia

Can we finally admit that the Ruby Classic is a bigger event than the Olympia

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Why? We know Dale's gonna win

speaking of, who else is fucking excited to see what dale can bring to the stage? he looks lean as fuck around the face in any insta pics, but he's not showing any progress updates until the competition.

7 weeks out vs 1 week out

Back up to 200lbs

can't wait to see the 1sec/pose routine on stage and everyone continuing to support his delusion afterwards


Never should have said Piana deserved to die

Wtf I consider myself slightly above dyel (real world standards) but I'm probably more ready for a competition than him rn

Imagine what you could look like if you had all the help/guidance/training that Jason has had over the years..
makes me sick tbqh

He poses as cardio to get that last bit of conditioning in.

just going to sauna to loose water weight

Jason can never win or the ments end. He's the Ash Ketchem of the Genovaverse.

unironically yes
the rooby will be an absolute freak show and the culmination of the summer '17 mentpocalypse
the Olympia will be the usual nearly identical looking slin abusing clowns posing for their gay Sheik sugar daddies

Be honest with me. Does Jason have a learning disability?

If you have to ask this question you probably have a learning disability yourself.

I've never seen him speak. Just photos. Also, you're a nigger.

Is that even a question that you need to seriously consider. He is the giver of supreme ments and the only way he can do so is by being his continually oblivious self.

ben rothelsberger lookin ass

No, he has a form of retardation. Distinctly different.

Nigger looks like he belongs on a propaganda poster


Lmao, it burger kingening.

just a small bulk before the rooby

He actually looks great in the left picture. Shame about his face. I dare say that it's close to my goal body within the next year

How do you fuck up a cut so bad? It's one thing to cheat on your diet every now and again, but it's like he's actively trying to gain weight.

Psychological defense mechanism to prevent a chance of success. That way he doesn't have to feel ashamed of failure.

Probably the same reason he fucks his mom and does his YouTube channel

is that weird vid still up with the milk pretending he was drunk?? fuck that was the funniest shit ever