Veeky Forums humor lads, post em
Veeky Forums humor
You can't start a Veeky Forums humor thread without this little gem
Am I the only one who almost never finds screen caps funny? The way peoples reactions are included is so fucking cringe.
What a retarded faggot meme, please go back to facebook
and just like that the manlets begin to venture out of the pit. This really is a Veeky Forums humor thread, my sides are in orbit
what the fuck a dude with exactly this did that for me.
If i wanted to laugh id ask for your 1 rep max
Screen caps are autistic as fuck half the time just admit it.
Fuck I hate this. I hate old people in the gym. I go to the YMCA because they have good equipment but is it worth it to go to a different gym for the younger people?
Do you guys shower at the gym? Do you just undress at your locker or how do you manage that shit?
nah I shower when I get home, the times i've showered at the gym you just undress and give 0 fucks
Autism is kind of our schtick here on Veeky Forums.
happened last week
fits the bill magically well
>Not showing at the gym and use their water instead of yours.
I showered at a YMCA once
you grab a towel, get naked at the locker, wrap yourself, shower, and then grab a dry towel to dry
yes you will be nude for a bit
Serious question.
If I can't do enough Pull ups for a proper workout, is there an alternative to the lat machine?
There's a bench near the showers at my gym. I just walk naked from my locker. On the way back I pick up the town and start drying off on the way to my locker.
Fuck any faggot who wears gloves. period.
using the pussy pad is almost as bad.
rows, chinups
negatives or assisted pullups on a machine or with bands, pullups are just like every other exercise, you gotta keep doing whatever you can until you can do more of it
Wtf is this everywhere? I had this shit happen a month ago. This dude was a bald marine vet talking all this good shit how army aint shit.
There was a dude exactly like this at the first gym I ever joined…
>how army aint shit
Army aint shit. (Beats navy or air-force shits though)
Most people fall into archetypes which can be summarized by starter packs. No one person is unique and we're all just leaves blowing in the deterministic winds of some sadistic god's creation
Used to shower at the gym. Got foot fungus. Rather walk home sweaty rather than risk that shit again. Plus nobody likes getting eye-fucked by septuagenarian homos.
Yeah, negatives mang. Did that with one-armed push-ups and so totes worked. Try to do 5 sets until you can do 5 x 5.
So fucking spot on, except the guy was fatter.
I've showered at several different gyms. I just get down into my underwear, bring a towel with me, throw it over the curtain or stall door, undress and shower. Dry myself in the shower, wrap the towel around me, walk back to locker, and slide up fresh undies while dropping the towel and the same time. Cock and balls exposed for a split milisecond.
Every gym is different though. On military bases they have a small curtain covering you. At my uni it's just a giant bathroom stall missing a toilet. At many European gyms it's just a giant open tiled room where you shower with multiple men who like to talk to you.
Where do you think we are?
>where do you work out
>at the library
>Be in dem der four walls three hot and a cot
>there is no door on the shower
>There is only a wall with 12 faucets about 6'4" up
>faucet one sits directly in front of the opening to the rest of the pod
>60+ men in their at any time, 600 if you're in classification
>if you stink up the pod you simply get beaten and forced to shower
>someones usually getting beaten for other matters anyways so showers usually fulL
>There's simply never hot water and the pods are kept uncomfortably cold for a number of reasons
Just shower nobody cares what you look like naked gym showers are fucking noice
I don't think screen caps are funny either. They're like the sloppy seconds of humor. People should let in the moment humor be in the moment.
I hate the faggots so much. The older they are, the more cucked and bitter faggots they are.
fucking kek
A Mexican version of this gave me advice about a week ago
YMCA's are among the best.
>usually not crowded even at peak hours
>most people are normies doing their own thing
>old peeps stay out the way for the most part
>usually has an attendant
Gold's/10-Gym/24hour Fitness/crossfit/etc.
>faggots doing circuit training
>people using benches and racks for almost anything
>equipment everywhere
>a new tryhard lifter signs up every week who always has "THE BEST" advice and needs to share it with everyone
>during peak hours it's impossible to train effectively
Currently training to be the old man who blow dries his butt hole next to the hand washing station.
He looks like a really chill dude. I'll bet he gets lots of girls just based purely on how chill he looks
This thread's been up all day and I just realized how accurate this pic is.
>berry my dick
I havent thought of that pic in so long, thanks for the lulz
How does one read this in the correct order? Half of it seems to read like a manga the other half reads like a comic book.
Ha! I do the same thing except I pretend I'm playing Skyrim with different weapon sets.
I actually enjoyed the conversation because I can't approach people or make friends normally.
I do miss the days where a screen cap on Veeky Forums didn't need a "laugh track" like goddamn Big Bang theory.
underrated reply right here
Still better than the days when everything was in a motivator format.
spot the idiot who lifts such tiny dumbbells he doesnt need gloves, or simply uses only machines
>not being on the autismo/assburgers spectrum
i laff'd
Left to right top to bottom, just like a regular comic.
it's actually a boustrophedon
That one gets me every time.
Yes but the gym I'm going to now is disgusting so I usually shower at home.
>that one old guy who always talks to you and you caught him looking at your ass once
Probably the worst crop in the history of Veeky Forums
lost tst
No one cares. Man up and get naked.
>wrap twoell around waist
>pull of underwear
>put towel on peg outside shower
>dry off mostly in the stall
>head back to locker
>peel off towel
>give ass crack and balls one final wipe down
>pull on underwear
Its funny because the people are are nervous about getting naked are more noticeable than the people who are actually naked.
The Virgin Undress
>covers junk with his towel when removing underwear in a meticulous process, stays in the stall to dry off, insists he isn't nervous about getting naked
The Chad Strip
>Gets naked the instant he sets foot in the locker room, walks around making conversation with other patrons while drying his hair, was commando the entire time so there's no need for underwear
Screencaps are better without the reactions, unless people are asking relevant questions and gradually becoming more disgusted, like that ogre on /tv/ who lived in a dug out basement
>tfw dad mire
>The way peoples reactions are included is so fucking cringe.
True that. The best screencaps are the ones where the punchline can be funny on its own merits, without a million and one reactions.
Are all americans this prude?
Who the fuck cares?
What are you, a grill?
>get shit from locker
>pull out shower stuff
>get naked, put clean boxers on top of gymbag
>strut to showers
>dry off in shower as to not turn lockerroom into swamp
>walk back
Gee, I feel raped
Lat pulldown and assisted pull up machine are shit, and should be driven to extinction