What is the proper way to approach quitting a job that you dont like very much? Is it acceptable to quit within the first week?
What is the proper way to approach quitting a job that you dont like very much...
"My dog ate my car and the local train station and bus stop therefore I can no longer get to work anymore, thank you for giving me an opportunity to work with your company - signed user."
>want to quit dead end job with lame pay but just don't, can't think of a reason why
>don't want to get fired because muh pride
Is this what being in a shitty relationship is like
Depends on the pay range
If it's below 15 an hour just leave.
If it's above put in your 2 weeks or else they are going to ruin your prospects by warning other companies in the field
I'm scared they'll be angry with me.
Casually tell your boss that you drink your cum for the test boost and gains, he will take care of the rest
who cares cunt you'll be gone. Businesses deal with leavers all the time, it's part of running a business
Acceptable? Stop being a fucking pussy. If you must be weak and nonconfrontational you can literally just not show up for your shift and send a text saying you'll be in Friday or whenever to pick up your last paycheck. Then you will never have to talk to those people again and since it was a week you can just leave it off your resume without raising questions. Damn man I am in the Army and I wish I had the option to tell my boss to go fuck himself without being thrown in jail and fined for it. The first thing I'm doing when I get out is finding a McJob, doing all the paperwork to get hired, and then telling my new "boss" to suck my dick and just walking away.
Why a mcjob
I took a shit job to pay the bills once while I looked for a better job. It was security at a store that was opening in three weeks. I did the 3 weeks training etc then the day the store opened, I handed in my notice. You can't fuck around with your life. Do it sooner rather than later. You can't go back
Just think that they would ditch you at the drop of a hat if they didn't think you were a valuable asset anymore
If it's under 15$ an hour, yeah no real notice needed. Some people say it's rude but honestly you're likely never going to see them again and you likely wont even be inconveniencing them.
i just stop showing up lel
This holds true for an overwhelming majority of jobs and a whole lot of interpersonal relationships too.
2weeks notice and leave? Thats normal.
You're not going to get paid when you're not coming in to work idiot.
Yes and just like a shitty relationship it's easier to do if you line up a replacement ahead of time
What job is it? Stick it out for 6 months. The first couple of weeks always sucks. You can get used to anything.
And you inconvenience every other person working that shift like all the morons at my work that quit without giving any notice and then I'm stuck coming in to work for them on my day off because I'm the only person on earth with any integrity.
Just quit. It's so short you can leave it off your resume entirely and will never have to explain the time gap. Just tell your boss the job isn't a fit. No biggie. They were doing fine without you a week ago.
I want to quit my job as well
I'm only making 80 grand but I kind of hate this job, I am given boring work and left alone to rot. Other people get more work and they are talking about hiring more and more people because they need more people since we have a lot of work, I'm still new but I am treated like I am nothing and a fucking joke
I guess I am a joke, but there's not much I can do to change that right now. What exactly do I do? Start bothering everyone for answers, so they have to help me with shit? So they give me more work, just ask everyday??
Do you understand the nail that stands out gets hammered..
I probably won't even find a good job after thi, so time to kms
How do you get references when nobody really cares about me at all in this company? I'm a fucking joke
That's deep man...
I want to have your problems lol
No you don't
I have no references right now for employment, I am capable of doing the job but this company/my manager has lost trust in me or something and only gives me bullshit work
This is my fault thoug,h so I wont act like I'm a golden boy
I fucked up....
you're getting paid, wagecuck. you should thank me.
This isn't even remotely fitness related. I was banned for posting a thread that wasn't "fitness" related, but still made use of Veeky Forums memes. My thread at least seemed on topic, but this thread isn't anywhere close. Fuck these mods.
op you wont be punished if thats what youre asking, you get 60 days as a "test run" for a job. if you dont like it because its new and you're unfamiliar just stay until you get the hang of it or sure you want to quit
>TFW when your quit your job and back to being a neet
Stay mad wage cucks
When I got a better job offer I pretty much told them I quit and i'm not able to give a 2 weeks notice, he was a complete asshole about it but not my loss
How about you act with some decency and either do the job you're hired to do or give your employer notice like a professional instead of acting like a kid who doesn't want to go to school?
>lives in an ever increasingly kiked world
>y u no integrity like a boomer faggot
Go fuck yourself, cog.
IKTF M8!!!!
Now that I'm in uni, no more wagecuckery!