is the chad on the left natty?
Is the chad on the left natty?
Other urls found in this thread:
What is he like 6'4? No way.
I feel bad for that little guy
"It's just banter haha dude why are you getting angry you can't get angry because of your height haha we'll call you napoleon complex haha JUST FUCKING BANTER"
I swear to motherfucking god I'll fucking rape and murder all goddamn lanklets
Not a manlet but a lanky acting as a manlet to show how angry manlets are.
Source: Am manlet and not mad. Impressive at that height desu
>Those tits
>non-natty vs natty
Why haven't you faggots started roiding yet?
lmao at that compensating manlet
>insecure about penguin hairline
Pick 1
isnt this guy going bald now? lol
His hairline and greatly depleted size imply that he was not natty.
Can anythin help this kid, it's like he has perky tits, on top of that it looks as if he does strictly decline bench
This is how easy to steal manlets girl. Well manlet never could have a girl in the first place. The girls were just settled while finding real men
probably not, no
Reminder that nipple placement is extremely important when it comes to aesthetics
Conor is balding lol
Nah he's not natty
this manlet in particular litteraly asked for it, saying it would make his girlfriend's day.
No seriously what the fuck?!
shes fucking fat and not white anyways
when will little manlet cucks LEARN?!
>have gyno guys
>better compare myself to an actual chad in front of my girlfriend
He's 6'3" and not natty
>This is how easy to steal manlets girl
Youd be surprised, most girls dont go for manlets but those who do have a fetisch or something and dont want to let go
he wasn't, the fact he's suddenly half the size makes that obvious
hello anons,
this is my first day on this board. I'm an incredibly skinny dude (134lb and 5'9'').
I don't know who's the guy on the right but i sure want to look like that some day. Currently following the 5/3/1 program and reading the Veeky Forums wilki.
anything else i should be doing? to reach that goal?
hey dude,
Just tell me if you are serious or just shitposting, Im concerned and if what you said about your weight and program are true you are making really bad mistake.
Daily reminder to never take off your shirt in public if you're natty
Sorry I meant I want to look like the dude on the left (the tall ripped guy). And I'm not shitposting.
I really am 134lbs and 5'9''. Skinny af. Want to gain muscle mass. I did the starting strength program for a month or two before life got hectic and i quit.
Thing is i saw the wiki of /r/gainit and it suggested that initially beginners should build strength and it recommended the 5/3/1 program (jim wendler). Any advice regarding this?
Yes my dude
Im in the mood to give a tip or two so come here, we can privately talk in real time here,
password is "fit"
That's doable natty.
cringelevels too high
connor is a virgin
other guy jealous manlet
random girl is visibly queasy
His body isn't bad. He just highlights why you never fucking stand next to people with 3+ inches on you.
No amount of muscles will save you.
>His body isn't bad
What the fuck? Have you seen his chest?
>connor is a virgin
I keep hearing this. how tf is that guy a virgin?
Anyone who isnt one will realize how fucking cringy his shit is.
Jealous DYELs. Every girl in his videos visibly mini-gasms upon seeing him
new to this board. what's a DYEL?
do you even lift
Wtf I was just asking what a DYEL was, yes I lift you asshole that's why I'm here
no but im planning to.
lol ebin joke m8 let's screencap this confused guy lol top kek
trap in the making
You see him stunting as superchad a lot in his videos but never actually see him being himself with a girl...
everytime this guy gets posted in a thread and called a chad I think it must be himself starting the threads and shilling cus he isnt a chad, he has a feminine face and looks like a tall baby, not manly, you can see how childishly he shows off his body like its something special.
in this clip he clearly found a FtM trans to take shit shirt off next to for comparison to boost his ego and make some poor girl on trt feel like shit
Aesthetics won't make you an alpha male
i have no respect for anyone under 6ft, i look down upon them as a failed attempt as a man
A lot of "men" looked down on Mike Tyson too.
just by reading this post I can tell you're not worthy of respect lad
Why do they look like cupcakes?
he won some fights, went to jail for a few years, came back and had to start biting some dudes ears cause he was so bad. the point youre trying to make is dogshit
The "guy" he bit is an ATG who could beat any HW in history on his best night.
manlet false flag
Who else /greg/ here?
The manlet literally has apple-sized titties. It's hilarious.
This stupidity is glorious
screen cap this bros
Could someone link the Youtube video which this is from? I've seen this clip a lot, but I want to hear what they're saying
>already have this, im 18 and not on roids
>all humans are equal
S. O. F. T.
Wtf, I flex my Lats now
Are you mike Tyson? No. Are you as successful as Mike Tyson? No. Gtfo out of here with your shit excuses, you're like the idiots who say Steve Jobs smoked pot, did acid and dropped out of college so that means my decisions are justified.
Jesus, Connor is like 6'1 so is the manlet like 4'10 or something?
Say bye bye. Take pics while you can.
t. Bald 22 year old.
Put me in le screen cap
This kills the manlet
I fear this. I hope to god I don't ever look like this or that I would be ignorant or naive enough to flex something I don't have.
She's dating the manlet bro
Read again what he wrote. What he said was that the guy never really had the girl, even if she dated him.
Don't have the link. Basically the manlet is at the gym with his girlfriend, is a huge fan of Connor and asks him to take his shirt off. They have a bit of banter and are just fucking around. Some other dude comes over and takes his shirt off and they all start posing for a bit.
Veeky Forums is impossibly insecure and takes this way too seriously of course
vintage bait, reminds me of a simpler time where we didn't need drugs or profanity to have fun
>What he said was that the guy never really had the girl, even if she dated him.
I mean, she's an 8/10 at least and they're clearly university students. The idea that she's "settling" is retarded considering she probably has her pick of the litter. Regardless the fact that this bothers people on here so much is hilarious. I'd love to see Veeky Forums's reaction to their girlfriend playfully joking about how she wants to bone michael fassbender or something