So apparently he didn't do cardio?
Any other Veeky Forumsbrahs think it's useless?
So apparently he didn't do cardio?
Any other Veeky Forumsbrahs think it's useless?
>Any other Veeky Forumsbrahs think it's useless?
it is if you plan on getting OD'd at 23
Sauna 1x(failure) is pretty good cardio
until you pass out?
Have you ever seen this fag do pushups? He was a weakling and could barely lift himself off the ground, no wonder he died at 20.
>until you pass out
until steam machine passes out
Yeah it's useless if you don't mind getting out of breath walking up a flight of stairs.
Cardio may not give you the aestetics or the peak power, but it allows you to keep up your power longer.
For example: Who of you can cycle at 30km/h or 19 mph?
Who can do that for 1 hour?
Who can do that for 2 hours?
It also helps against heart problems at ild age...
Even if you dont care for health benefits (you should)
You can dance harder for longer
The avarage population is unfit as fuck so you will stand out even more
Ive been asked for MDMA many many times when I wasnt on it just because this, kek
You need cardio to stay alive for longer.
You also need it to improve your work capacity, aid in your recovery and improve your insulin sensitivity and shit.
Cardio is far from useless.
can kettlebell swings count as cardio?
t.cardio noob
bump brehs
Yeah, but he did enough coke to get his heart rate up to cardio levels
If he did 10 minutes of HIIT everyday his body probably could have survived that heart attack.
It's so easy to just got for a run lol
>Not doing cardio because a guy that died young didn't do cardio.
>Having a sedentary lifestyle and thinking cardio is unnecessary.
Mayweather proved HIIT is a meme and traditional intense cardio is vastly superior. Plus muh runner's high.
The only cardio I do is sex.
He had a genetic heart weakness, thats what killed him. Oh and of course the drugs
thailands amazing
Depends if you're using them in a HIIT program crossfit style. Only thing is with kbell swings is that form breaks down when you're tired and you don't want to risk an injury
Do you unironically not understand the meme?
Zyzz is a legend. Yet a weakling
You dont need cardio. Just increase volume. More weights =higher heartrate. Burns more calories. Lee priest method
Youre welcome noobs
Pic is me
Too soon bro. This was in bad taste
Cardio could have given him a few years extra, but his cocaine habits would kill anyone
Dancing is cardio
Best thing is sprints. Warm up with an 800 meter jog and some stretching and then do 8 200 meter sprints with like 2 minutes of rest in between.
I only do cardio because the soldiers of the upcoming race war will need to be able to effectively chase down Jews and niggers.
>More weights =higher heartrate.
Explain. Is this with less rest? Longer workouts? More reps and sets?
Longer workouts. Like for chest the other day did 30 sets, 6 exercises 5 sets each. 6-8 reps heavy weight. Workout takes like 2 hrs. Maximum hypertrophy
Heart rate is not the deciding factor of burning calories.
It's thermodynamics and the conversion of energy dummy. Doing 6 20kg reps barely burns 3 calories even with 70+ heart rate.
Though, the jurys still out on these things. If your building muscle in general, and not on ultra fatty cut. You should be fine with 40 mins of intermediate level sustained cardio. (9-11 km)
Don't skip it, if your about aesthetics, you really need just that little bit more. World of difference by the end of the year.
>tfw you realize 90% of Veeky Forums wouldn't be able to run a sub 60 400m
how does it make you feel that literal HIGH SCHOOLERS are in better shape than you ?
>Mayweather proved HIIT is a meme and traditional intense cardio is vastly superior.
Uhm, no?
He just proved that training for long and slow fight by running long and slow distances works. Thats it. Conor has fucking shit cardio anyway, he got gassed in mma multiple times. Like, how do you even get gassed in a 5 round fight, jesus fucking christ.
HIIT obviously works and is obviously good at what it does. It should be used in conjunction with traditional cardio. Like, do HIIT on training days and run 5km or 10 km on rest days.
It would probably not save Zyzz tho. Traditional cardio is better for bringing your heart rate and blood pressure down than HIIT.
Uhm, i dont think so actually. Squats and diddlies are pretty good for bringing up your sprinting speed. Bodybuilders and powerlifters can usually run 100m decently well.
100m has nothing to do with a 400m. Fat american football players can get decent 100m times but they would get crushed on a 400m
400m is a true test of physical fitness because you have to be both FAST and have insane stamina to sprint for those 400m
>40mins of intermediate level sustained cardio
how many times a week?
Well, general Veeky Forums population has generally pretty bad cardio, so there is that. However, some bodybuilders and powerlifters are pretty well conditioned and strongmen have incredible conditioning for how strong they are. Doesnt apply to the average Veeky Forumsizen, but still. keep that in mind.
Duh. Calories are a measure of energy. Thus calories in calories out. Longer workouts increase metabolic rate. Cardio is unnecessary