>Women prefer Slenderman arms
Women prefer Slenderman arms
>not having long arms and legs
literally subhuman
>The online dating Website eHarmony only matches women with taller men because of complaints from women matched with shorter men
leglets are gross
short arms look retarded
mr cavill here probably can't even reach his dick when standing up straight lmoa
>M A N L E T S
That's because relatively long legs is a feminized trait and is undesireable for the purpose of power production (i.e. fighting)
Mostly yes, but an athletic and absolutely bigger (girthier) physique seems to be more desireable than a smaller one for short term mating, glamour bodybuilding muscle etc. and excessive leanness is a known homosexual subcultural phenomenon.
>long legs are undesirable for fighting
Well, generally speaking.
Wrestlers, in-boxers etc. generally have relatively short legs.
>In Middle English literature, a beautiful man should have thick, broad shoulders, a square and muscular chest, a muscular back, strong sides that taper to a small waist, large hands and arms and legs with huge muscles
But they do in fact tend to have a roughly 1:1 leg body ratio though.
>undesireable for the purpose of power production (i.e. fighting)
with a few notable exceptions like Tyson, most all time great boxers, kickboxers, and MMA fighters have long limbs relative to their heights
Long arms for boxers, but this does not necessarily correlate with longer legs. I also did specify in-boxers. Pic related, Rock Marciano, another short-legged boxer.
But then again, this is in a "primitive state", not necessarily fight sports which does operate on rules.
yeah wow he looks terrible amirite definitely no girls want to bang him
right, like I said, with notable exceptions that tailored their styles to their natural disadvantages (having shorter limbs) and managed to do well in spite of them
explain how the ability to strike from further away and cover more distance is disadvantageous, and then look at the GOAT contention list for MMA, kickboxing, and boxing, and stop making silly nonsensical arguments
No it's just a fact that shorter legs in relation to torso favors both vertical and horizontal power production (look at weightlifters and throwing athletes), which generally indicates higher potential fighting success from a simple biological standpoint, the rules of the various combat sports definitely change things up though.
>Long legs undesirable for fighting
I don't think you've ever done any combat sports. Long limbs is about the best advantage you can can have, aside from strength.
>In a double-blind study by Graziano et al., it was found that, in person, using a sample of women of normal size, they were on average most attracted to men who were of medium height (5'9" – 5'11", 1.75 m – 1.80 m) and less attracted to both men of shorter height (5'5" – 5'7", 1.65 m – 1.70 m) and men of tallest height (6'2" – 6'4", 1.88 m – 1.93 m).
Lanklets & manlets btfo
>implying strength and power production are the same thing
weightlifters need short limbs because this helps with leverage.
for fighting sports, a longer lever means more % bodyweight in the limbs and also higher velocity at impact points. More momentum = more impact force.
Leg to body ratio does not equal absolute limb length, nor does it necessarily impact the length of the arms.
And of course weightlifting is about power production and not strength.
>be 5'8
>literally irrelevant to women
>Is life literally just genetics?
Pretty much, yeah.
your life is just a part of a big machine, and your life goes according to what the machine was set to do
>A 2014 study criticized previous studies based on the fact that they relied on images and used terms such as "small", "medium", and "large" when asking for female preference. The new study used 3D models of penises from sizes of 4 inches (10 cm) long and 2.5 inches (6.4 cm) in circumference to 8.5 inches (22 cm) long and 7 inches (18 cm) in circumference and let the women "view and handle" them. It was found that women overestimated the actual size of the penises they have experimented with when asked in a follow-up survey. The study concluded that women on average preferred the 6.5-inch (17 cm) penis in length both for long-term and for one-time partners. Penises with larger girth were preferred for one-time partners.[89]
>Sexual selection markers that were used for literally millions of years of evolution are still valid in 2017
Whoa! It's almost as if we're just animals!
oh boy
>don't matter
5'11" master race checking in
>tfw tall from the perspective of 98% of women
>tfw still able to achieve natty gains
wat ?
it's rather accurate isn't it ? Google says 6.5 inch is 16.52cm
>tfw 7 iches
where do I fall in thisstudy breh
>In pre-modern Chinese literature, such as in The Story of the Western Wing, a type of masculinity called "scholar masculinity" is depicted wherein the "ideal male lover" is "weak, vulnerable, feminine, and pedantic"
fellow 5'11 noobie, explain further?
MY BOI ;____;
4 inches and skinny dicc reporting in, what the fuck can I even do? Nobody wants a dicklet, should I just dedicate my life to anime and gains?
"In a double-blind study by Graziano et al., it was found that, in person, using a sample of women of normal size, they were on average most attracted to men who were of medium height (5'9" – 5'11", 1.75 m – 1.80 m) and less attracted to both men of shorter height (5'5" – 5'7", 1.65 m – 1.70 m) and men of tallest height (6'2" – 6'4", 1.88 m – 1.93 m)"
Holy shit, Veeky Forums lied! 5'10'' master race reporting in!
About the only people that could be pedantic assholes in China were scholars which meant money. Probably not too far from fat being attractive in the West at some points
>look at the GOAT contention list for MMA, kickboxing, and boxing, and stop making silly nonsensical arguments
Tyson only has a 71" reach
Trap urself boii
based anglos
You need to ignore it completely. Work on tongue game, fingering, and a dominate presence.
>tfw 6.75incher
too bad i only last 30 seconds
>Evidence from various cultures suggests that heterosexual men tend to find the sight of women's genitalia to be sexually arousing.[citation needed]