
How to get passed 5 days nofap, i do it every week only to break at day 5 or 6

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Stop looking at pics of Venti
Her milkbags are a diviner's wand for fap sessions

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

>This is only 1/3 black

She has like all negro facial features wtf

Like this op

>ywn have her straddle you while you peel her bra upwards to have her huge buttery tits plop out

Bumpin with some more Venti brehs

her face is like a 3/10


Almost 3 months here

>caring about faces
Low test af

Day 4 here, but I did 40 early in the year.

Block sites, leave doors open while surfing the information super highway, motivate yourself by reading about the benefits.

Hit something like 49 days, fapped to day because honestly i had a really awful day and broke.
The brain knows how to pursuade you

Time to jump back on that horse and hist 90 days before 2018

stop posting this whore

Subtle bastard


on day 8

get a gf

Oh come on now, she might not be a top tier cream of the crop looker, but 3/10 is a low blow user.

what the fuck man is this some new pasta or something?
she's literally 10/(10/10)

This is like seeing Arnold's sons.

Amazing potential genes ruined by being a lazy cow.
No shoulders, no sign of lats, atrophied empty space where traps should be; if you've got giant tits like that, you need to build up your fucking back to support them.

a lot worse when you see her bottom half too

Is there any actual proof/testimony of anyone ever seeing clear, objective SIGNS of higher T after doing nofap?
Like more facial hair, deeper speaking voice, taller, better strength/recovery and not some bullshit like "I was so much more dominant" "I had so much drive/energy"?
Seems like this whole nofap thing is just a delusion by larping, pathetic low T virgins who got shamed by ((them)) and feminism into giving up on a healthy, enjoyable habit.
If for some reason I go 5 days without jerking off or fucking, my already hefty balls double in size, hurt and enventually I cum in my sleep. Also I noticed generally speaking it makes my dick smaller and my erections weaker, and I feel like shit.



I always were an ass guy but /fit made me like titcows

I wanna cure my death grip since it really caused problems at my last sexual encounter. What do I do? Should I go cold turkey nofap or should I masturbate with like a condom every 7 to 14 days?

who is this brap fap?

what the fuck man is this some new pasta or something?
That pasta's literally 10/(10/10) (months old)

>leave door open while surfing net
That's actually..a pretty smart idea..

I used to do the same thing to smoke less weed

what the fuck man is this some new pasta or something?
That pasta's literally 10/(10/10) (months old)



who da fuaq is this titcow, brehs?

not true man. or it's a really obscure pasta that only got posted twice and you're trying to make happen for some reason.
anyhow I've never seen it and I've been here for 3 years. only been lifting for 1 year despite giving advice before that btw.

this is a very strange looking "person"

>This is the true face of Veeky Forums
>Dyel newfags
i don't know if you're spiritual but this is a pretty good perspective regardless, i think


Fuck off

>newfag trying to enter "le fourchan history xD" with his pasta
>calls other people newfags as if it were an insult in and of itself despite the fact that only newfags view it as such
so who are you trying to fool there? are you a scout from a 9gag army raid or whatever it is young people do?


Ok give me an honest and clear answer.

Has nofap ever worked for you? What did it do?

happier and lot more energy

you may want to try it out for yourself

it doesn't matter if you believe that semen is life energy (like i do) or not
see if you are happier doing nofap and then make an informed decision

that is at least my opinion


This makes a whole lotta sense but I do fap once in week to keep me sane (I have almost a constant boner at work at day 7 even if i just see an average female)

But from anecdotal evidence, my morning wood is stronger and better since I didn't have morning wood at all before after just a few weeks of this...

I've been doing it for about 2 weeks and feeling nothing. I'm curious if other anons experienced the same thing.


Short answer no, longer answer no. If your goal is to be hornier and get erections easier then sure it'll work great. If you think it'll give you super strength and heightened focus then probably not.

If you truely believe that Nofap is giving you energy and motivation then it is. If you think it is a bunch of bullshit then this is also true.

it's a meme. giving yourself blue balls has no clear reason to give you more free t, and even if it does it'll be such an insignificant amount that it'll make no difference unless you were incredibly low t to start with.
jerk off it you like. or don't if you think it'll make you more productive. but don't expect any life changing physiological changes.

>He doesn't know one of the most common recent pasta on Veeky Forums
>Hehe I know, I'll call him a 9fag, that'll sure show him
Damn man, you sure convinced me with your hot opinions


Fuck you

Going for 1000 days (~2.73972602739726 days)
Reply if if you're big strong man enough to do tit.

That's not exactly how female tits work though. When they're that heavy there's not enough muscle to hold it up unless you're constantly in full flex mode. And tits don't get a lot of muscle under them since they naturally just collect body fat


She looks cute

Friday buttsex

Wife letting me put it up her big soft ass tonight

Haven't fapped for 4 days. Gonna fill that ass with a gallon of man butter. I exists in this world for weekly wife butsex

That's how I get by op thanks for asking

>*~2.73972602739726 years

are you looking at porn?
are you eding?
stop that and see what happens

I workout till my dick refuses to work and diet so hard that my test occasionally tanks.
That's how I did nofap for a while. Still had major boners and walked around half chubbed though.

But now that I'm eating more and trying to progress in my lifts, I find that no fap is harder.

Should I just use ugly or fat chicks as fucktoys? It's not fapping and it's a pretty good workout.

Gets me every time

Call me when they debunk the study that has shown that healthy college aged adult men who refrained from masturbation for two months had demonstrably higher levels of test the entire time.

the length and expense people will go to just to avoid injecting for 20 bucks a month. unreal

Yeah, look like a freak for a while then your natural test level and virlity as a man is permanently lowered afterwords.

All because you can't stop jacking off to ever worsening kinds of porn, eating better, working out and doing something with your life.
Every bit of porn is cuck porn.

i havent jerked off or watched porn in 2 years. because i inject so i actually get pussy easy


this nerd is a 4/10 at best desu

Just fap once every 7-9 days, there's no need to do 3 months unless you're an addict.


>letting me




someone post her nudes

The decline and fall is after 11 days, by day 14 you feel like day 2, then you fap and stop feeling horny, have weak ejaculations and cum.

Your dick and balls are a system that need to be used to maintain your sexual functioning, physical and mental, a break is a good thing once in a while but doing it too long is counter productive.

Test peaks every 7 days approximately and I once did 100 days and after the first month I didn't feel any improvement

she looks like Jimmy Neutron's kek

How dare you forget Hugh Neutron's full name

duk u

but why would i ejaculate if it doesn't matter after the first month



thank you danger dog

Hey kiddo, shut the fuck up

Have a job and live with other people.

I've tried Nofap solely because in theory fapping should feel better that way. My hands are all I have in life.

What a retarded 'reason'
>dude i work so much i can't even jerk off lmao


This is a worksafe board.

Thanks for posting this, as I was browsing this forum and my boss noticed this over my shoulder and fired me so I can't feed my wife and kids anymore.

Thanks, asshole.

Of course you wouldn't feel improvement after 100days.
Your test levels are and have been above their previously probably near castrate levels from heavy masturbation for a few months now.
You'd be used to it.
If you want them to go higher and see real gainz
Then you have to go full hog with the natural test boosting.

PS. Test naturally raises and lowers through out the day and week depending on a whole host of factors. That's just how it is.

if you mean "recent" as in "last week/month" then I might've missed it yeah.


U knew the risks faggo

why the fuck does cumming imply masturbating/looking at porn in your mind? Is that the power of the nofap virgin?

fuck you

Why could u not get puss b4




Bump breh


Bruh I'm dead