Reminder to always brush and floss your teeth daily for maximum teeth gains...

Reminder to always brush and floss your teeth daily for maximum teeth gains. The rest of your body means shit when your mouth is disgusting.

this can't be real, they need to be painted or something

Can you withen you teeth once they're yellow ?


Is bicarbonate okay for that ?

unironically bleach your teeth

welcome to the uk

Doesn't it fuck them up ?

how the fuck are his teeth this yellow? shit looks like basmati rice

How do I get my gums to stop bleeding when I floss?


Keep going and it'll stop.

Nasty. I actually whitened my teeth today, feels good mane.

White strips. Cheap no-name ones are just as good as the brand name ones. If you're using the once-a-day kind, use them for a week, then take a week off, then do another week. You should also use whitening mouthwash while you're using them to get the crevices that the white strips miss.

Remember to take a week off! The chemical in the strips is hydrogen peroxide, which will irritate the shit out of your gums. Also quit smoking and drinking coffee to keep your teeth from getting stained again.

probably a brit

hydrogen peroxide works way better than charcoal, can recommend it too

That is horrifying. I remember walking into an autozone on Halloween night of 2014 and seeing a guy sipping on a mountain dew that had teeth just like this. Nice enough guy but man I will never forget those chompes.

Probably just had curry

>need around ~60k in dental work
>can never afford this
I want to be slain. This is miserable and it worsens.

60 grand? Jesus fuck I hope you're talking about fucking ¥60,000
Why not just get them pulled and get dentures? They cost like $3k with decent insurance

this is actually true, now that i floss everyday it feels good on my gums

or u could not floss as hard into ur gums and focus on sides of teeth but a tiny bit of blood isnt a big deal

I need corrective jaw surgery which is over 50k itself, plus braces. I might be able to get my wisdom teeth pulled but I won't find out how much that will cost until a few weeks from now. They're in bad shape and I can't do anything about it :-(

I thought flossing was just a meme since everyone I knew with good teeth didn't do it, ended up getting a cavity in my top central incisor. Never again.

Who here tongue scrapes?

Where can I get a tongue scraper?

Getting dentures is the worst possible thing you can do if its not necessary

>t. Dental Assistant

I just brush my tongue whenever I brush my teeth. Keeps it clean enough for me. Fucking disgusting to see a white tongue on somebody

Depends how much you do it. It corrodes your enamel so you see the whiter stuff underneath the yellow. My enamel is fucked in a few places so I can't do it. You'll know you've gone too far when it hurts like a bitch.

Amazon, get a stainless steel one. Totally worth it.

Reminder that flossing and brushing is mostly a meme. Ancient hunter-gatherers didn't do this crap and had perfect teeth. Here's the real trick: reduce meal frequency. Every time you eat carbohydrates they interact the bacteria in your mouth which proude acid. It takes 30 minutes for your mouth to recover to a neutral pH. Snacking all day will cause your mouth to be constantly acidic which will fuck up your teeth. Ideally you would eat only once a day or even go whole days without eating like hunter-gatherers did.

Just rinse with a basic solution, or water if you are out and about.

Guy in OPs pic probably has staining from medication of some sort.

Guy in OPs pic just had all his teeth ground down to nubs and had literally perfect teeth attached to said nubs. Lots of people (with money) do it now

just swishy swishy some bleach

flossing has nothing to do with cavities, flossing prevents inflammation of the gum and gum issues. brushing your teeth with toothpaste prevents cavities along with diet and visits to your dentist

they ate only natural things they found on the ground. we eat processed food and things that have been through huge leaps to end up at the grocery store. it's very important to brush and floss your teeth you fucking idiot. you're not a hunter-gatherer and neither is anyone on this board.

If you go to deep africa, like tribes that hunt gazelle and shit, you will be amazed to find that they perfectly white teeth
3rd world negros have the grossest teeth ever though, they have access to our sugary processed foods without access to toothpaste and dentistry

too bad that no one on this board lives in deep africa, hunts gazelle and only eats shit they find on the ground or kill. once again eating natural things does wonders for your teeth because it doesn't decay them, however
almost everything you buy from the grocery store will. brush and floss your teeth.

>start using non fluoride toothpaste
>teeth get yellower

End me

You're retarded. Hunter-gatherers lived till they were 30-40 at best and had fucked up teeth in their teens

Just drink a bottle of bleach, man, instant results.

I'm sure food stuck between your teeth that can only be free with floss doesn't help if you only brush.

Anyways, I remember some kid in high school that had thick plaque on all his teeth. Probably just flicking it could knock it off.

>he fell for the fluoride meme

Surely fluoride just from toothpaste isn't enough to make you a woman, right?

I have't brushed my teeth , it's been a month I think. Stop falling for spooks and paying your money to the dental jew. Just fucking rinse it with water, trust me your granddad didn't go to the dentists when he was your age

Thank you merchant