6'5 330lbs
445lb bench instagram.com
Deal with it.
6'5 330lbs
445lb bench instagram.com
Deal with it.
>No pause
5'10" 210lbs...465lb bp, 650lb squat, 315lb powerclean, 700lb dl..run a 4.6 40 yd...225lb bp for 12 reps!!!
6'5" 330lbs, King of Veeky Forums..whatever!!! You should be bping at least 500!!!
By the way, 9% bf
these weird little faggot keeps posting pictures and shit he nabs from some random roid chimp's instagram and you morons keep op responding.
everybody fuck off. no bump.
>See proclaimed King of Veeky Forums
>Didn't post his juicy glutes
Fuck off peasant.
why don't you just come out and admit you're that obese bouncer with a disgusting hambeast girlfriend that fondles Billys cock when no one is looking? Fucking pathetic, you are literally in every thread white knighting for the guy in the picture. Fake or not. You are offended by this. Who are you? Fucking pussy. Too scared to admit it?
>465 bp
>225 for 12
Look at how small his legs are hahaha it's little bo peep
>bragging about 445 bench
I found new youtube fitness sensation,
Search: Simon Marc Gai
This kunt is actually funny and kinda shredded, reminds my of jason genova with his dilusional idea of becoming a mr olympia, some much cringe, it's sick, it's piss it's insulting and revolting
K piece out buy
>cant even 2xbw bench
Oh well look at that. Here is the guy who always white knights for Billy in every single King of Fit thread.
You know, I'm starting to believe whoever is posting Billy is shitposting, and I'm starting to believe YOU are Billy (guy in the OP). You sprung into this thread so fast you were 4th post. That actually makes it even fucking funnier. So OP, please keep shit posting with this thread. It's basically a meme at this point.
You're not 6'5. 6'2 at most. I am 6'1 and bathroom stalls are about the same height on me.
that's all canceled out by the fact you have the haircut of a trailer park 7 year old
I got broads in Atlanta
You look like a fucking manta ray. I mean that in the best way
you got broads in Auschwitz too you fuckin fag
Stop giving your girlfriend gear, Billy. She's turning into you.
How did I do, guys?