One pec bigger than the other?

I'm pretty sure my left pec is bigger than my right pec. It has a nicer shape and just feels a lot denser too.

Interestingly there doesn't seem to be a noticeable strength disparity. I'm not super strong but I can bench around 240. I don't feel myself struggling on one side.

I've recently been doing more db work, benching with 70 or 75 pound dbs. Again I feel equally strong.

What's going on here? Could my right pec just be anchored weirdly? Could I be missing a muscle?

use dumbells you stupid fuck

What the fuck were you thinking when you took this photo dude


I thought this was a picture of fisting

Fucking click bait
Thought it was some chick sticking an entire loaf of bread inside her vagina

>tfw thought it was a log inside and anus

That pic literally looks like anal sex

that's... a... an interesting thumbnail user.

Thought this was a baby's head coming out of a vagina.

>And this is my son's room, he's quite the fitness enthusiast.

Human bodies are not perfectly symmetrical

Feel your ribcage, probably some of the ribs meet the sternum at different depths

Literally said I have been doing that

I thought it was the world's thickest dick going into a pussy.

I thought pic was a chick giving birth to a black baby but the mom was sleeping and didn't realize Tyreese did his time in the pen

"It shows the size difference well"


Why does the chick in this pic have no anus?

I still don't know what I'm looking at in this picture.

fuck cottage cheese on the keyboard

Kekked hard


>are you practicing for a prostate exam hehe

OP here. I now realize that this picture kinda looks like a chic riding a dick :/

God dammit.

Someone needs to photoshop a female torso onto this

Thanks for actually answering my question ;_; I think you're probably right.

I know nofap is taking a toll when I thought this was a dude riding another dude balls deep

n-no homo

I think you masturbate left handed

Nobody other than you will ever notice


it could be related to the size of your heart, or the performance of your left lung

you may find one of your nose orifices has worse performance than the other

Or he might have an extra dick and balls inside his ribcage


use a bar instead of dumbells if you want them to be symmetrical

what am i seeing

nice thumbnail

That doesn't make sense. With a bar you can distribute the weight more, and the stronger pec can do more work.

Sweet potato vaginal insertion.

T-t-th-is goes right to SIR comic?

oh wow

i thought i was looking at an ass hole. youre too fat to see chest muscle anyway dont worry

Splendid thumbnail you absolute madman, been laughing for like five minutes.

As for topic: check your shoulders. One of mine tilts ever so slightly forward, it doesnt hinder my strength or physique goal in any way but it gives one of my pecs a slightly different shape.

Shouldn't it be the other way around?



Tried adding an asshole in paint. Looks good from a distance.


You're telling me this isn't a pic of somebody getting assfucked?


If you use the bar your stronger arm inclined to do more work while compensating for your weaker arm, making it so it works more than your weaker arm and gets bigger

When you do flat bench just load like 45lbs more on the side with your smaller pec that way it'll catch up with the other one.

Put me in the screencap

This is a blue board, user

I thought this was the lower half of someone's head coming out of an uncooked turkey

Every time I scroll by this thread, the thumbnail looks like a dick going into an ass doggy-style

I have the same problem. It's weird that my right arm is bigger than my left but my left pec is bigger than my right

holy shit, i tought i was fucked up, anyway i have my left side more bloated than the right one, will have to cut to see if i have hernia

ohhhh no lol.

Same here, left pec is definitely bigger. In my case it's due to slight scoliosis which leads me to push my right shoulder forward. My right lat is also bigger than my left due to that.

Tbh I though this was something very large shoved into someone's asshole and the angle was kind of what you look like if you're trying to suck your own dick

ooh wait it's not somebody getting an avocado up his ass


That thumbnail is legendary.

Plot twist: He's a contortionist and is actually sucking his own dick.

>Fit is so autistic they take a pic of their chest and it looks like it is having more sex that we will ever have

oh my god i thought it was a weird angle of an asshole being fisted

>Thought it was some big black log just drilling a chick

I am convinced you have never even done one push up in your life. What chest???


>captcha: hostel parking

At first I thought this was a girl cramming some crazy shit up her vagaina

It is.


It looks like the only answer OP got from this thread is that his pecs looks like a big hairy ass.


Literally thought that was one of those Apple mirrored lens photos.

He even has the fucking lamp in the background that looks like a crotch shot

Rib rotation
I have the same thing,and a slightly probounced dimple in one pec if i stand 'normally' at rest
Thought i had a partial pec tear for the longest timd

ohmagad the syncornicity.. wew laddies and lassies

posting in epic bread

some guys chest
pic is taken above his chin looking down

>dat thumbnail at first sign
Seriously...., I'm fucked up.

fuckin kek

Threads like these show up from time to time god damn

Something coming out of Yer ass? LOL

Looks like the shot wall texture from counter strike or tf2.

You did this on purpose for (You)s, so here's yours you dirty dirty whore

1. This looks like an ass being fucked
2. you pecs look fine, don't worry about it


nigga you look like you're trying to suck your own dick

>I'm pretty sure my left pec is bigger than my right pec. It has a nicer shape and just feels a lot denser too.
>It has a "nicer" shape and just "feels" a lot denser too.

post a pic while you sucking on, OP :3

this fucking thread

anyone else think this looks like something comeing out of a chicks vagina, or a dude sucking himself off?

I fucking laughed. Good shit

i actually thought it was some dude sucking himself off

>that fucking thumbnail


lol same

I saw this thread 2 days ago and only now looking at this picture again understand it was taken from lying down and not some weird Photoshop thing like what you used to do to make yourself a cyclops except for arms

exact same here. slight scoliosis, right lat > left lat, left pec > right pec.
