So if alcohol kills gains how am I supposed to deal with the crippling anxiety?
So if alcohol kills gains how am I supposed to deal with the crippling anxiety?
By manning the fuck up and taking anti depressants/drugs
>taking anti depressants/drugs
lmao dont do this op
inject test
>tfw no autist finn gf to go pilking with
Am I so drawn to these people because I probably have lappish blood?
>tfw can't just walk to the store and buy test
Fight through it. Treat your ability to be social like a muscle. The more you use it, the better shape you'll be in, but you can't lose 50 lbs overnight.
Drinking for social skills will make you worse overall, because you'll only learn how to talk to drunk people, not sober people.
I've learned how to to talk to sober people while I'm drunk though.
>mongolian blood
I want to get both of these women pregnant, if you know what I mean
Yo, how do I both make good friends and not drink here in the UK? For everyone my age every social activity is either drinking or some kind of satellite of drinking.
Apparently if you learn something while drunk you wouldn't be able to properly use it while sober and vice versa.
you can buy sarms easily and legally in most countries
that said it's not like buying steroids illicitly is a huge pain
You can still go to the bars or hang out with people drinking. You can choose not drink, you can not drink much, or you can drink some and then start ordering the same mixed drink without the alcohol.
As long as you're not a dingus about it, most people worth knowing won't care if you drink.
L-theanine with caffeine.
you're welcome.
Retardface and chubby mcfatty there? Jesus u have shit taste.. oh wait we are on Veeky Forums of course you have shitty taste.
they're thicc
>le dhicccc meme
jesus. chubby mcfatty is jus straight up fatty.
No u.
>implying its interesting to hang with drunk people when youre sober
t. homer sexual
You sound like a bitter virgin with standards way above his range
Even though you are expert on that subject, somehow you manage to be wrong. Failure at your own fucking field, how embarrasing is that?
Yeah but drunk people are fucking annoying.
It would be alright if everyone was just drinking a little bit, but that doesn't happen here. If someone is drinking they're not going to stop until they're totally twatted.
Use kratom. It curbs your appetite, increase endurance, ease pain and reduces anxiety
Take 500 to 1000mg of ashwagandha daily, before stressful situations.
>manning up
>taking drugs
... nigga
Fucking shills holy shit
By taking medication. Anyone advising a clinically anxious or depressed person to not take medication is advocating for you to get worse hoping it gets better. It doesn't.
to be shills they'd need to be recommending a specific brand
>he's a virgin waiting for his waifu
those chicks want my dick and they can get it
They're probably in a union.
~India/Malaysia is my guess
I wish I was virgin instead HPV and herpes ridden cunt.
It doesn't kill gains, just don't be a retard
Do you ever see children taking drugs? Check and m8
Ashwagandha actually works tho, check the examine page