What is this guy's name again?

What is this guy's name again?

Jeff seid

Zyzz u fucking retard


>pushing your biceps out to make them seem bigger
idk, but whoever he is he's a DYEL

Rich Piana

Aziz Sergeyevich Shavershian

Aziz Ansari

John Cena

His name is DEAD MEAT.
He killed himself by being a dumb shit who injected illegal and dangerous shit into his ass.
Other dumb shits idolize him because they're dumb shits.

Dead indian muscle man

Worm Food

summer is over what are you still doing here?

How many layers are we on here?

Kek at autism awareness

Aziz "Zyzz" Ansari

Q*Bert or something



Why do people emulate this guy? He did roids and died at age 22.

The dumbest faggot haircut I've ever seen. The gayest possible sunglasses, and the most basic bitch common tattoos. Plus fuckin raghead faghead.

zyzzodia the forbidden one


>dying for this


dead shitskin

layers of what? what are you talking about?

Son of Zeus
Brother of Hercules
Father of Aesthetics

We're all gonna make it.

And dem doubles. And dem trips. And dat 5 because 2+3=5.

I made it!

he was smart, touching roasties kills your gains