Fph thread? This is me Veeky Forums
>me me big boi
>464 lbs
>on a diet of no soda, no candy and no pizza
Fph thread? This is me Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>on a diet of no soda, no candy and no pizza
We already have an FPH thread, but this one seems more promising
you natty brah?
At what point did you say "fuck it, treat me like fucking cattle"?
I mean, once upon a time you were a normal weight. Then one day you went past 190lbs and you knew you were fat. Then you went by 220lbs, but obviously still continued. 250lbs came and went. Then at some point you decided to "fuck it" and just aim to smash weighing scales instead of pussy as you soared, or plummeted rather, to 400lbs+.
>I am become fat, destroyer of cardiovascular health and longevity.
You should count calories or do Keto or both. You are really young... You can do almost everything don't lose time and change your life :D
Is that really you?
Not good enough. Get on keto big boy. Figure out your TDEE and cut it in half. That is your new limit for calories per day. Cut carbs down to less than 5%. Eat roughly 0.5-0.75 g protein per lb of lean body mass. Don't be afraid of fat, as long as you are under your limit. Take walks every day and stay away from plastic bottles lol.
>went past 190lbs
spotted the manlet
190 lbs is a healthy weight.
You're not that bad. At least your upper abs are visible.
You want us to shame you into losing weight?
Look at OP pic, the guy is clearly about 5'8". 190lbs is not healthy at that height. Remember, we aren't talking about bodybuilding weight here. 190lbs @5'8" without lifting means you are on your way to becoming a lardass.
What got you into diet? What changed between say 400 lbs and 460 lbs? Why now?
Male or female?
Take it a day at a time, good luck
looks better than anything at 2017 olympia
Im 6'2
chase it bro!!!we will be rooting you on,post your progess as you go.good job and good luck user
Thanks, user
How old are you? Do you work? Living with mom and dad?
How did you get to this point? Have you been fat since childhood?
Well I stand corrected then.
Still though, what caused you to say "fuck it"? I know I was shitposting in my previous post, but at its core it was a genuine question. If you haven't identified what caused you to lose control and reach this weight in the first place, then hoping to reverse the process is a futile effort.
I can't really be angry with you, I'm kinda sad for you.
Say some self-indulgent, fat positive, excuse riddled bullshit and I will reevaluate my feelings
This is a board where relatively famous youtubers who weight 500 lbs browse daily, you wont get much hate if you dont show some attitude
Grandma and grandpa
Over eat for all my life
now this is shitposting
Your diet sounds 10/10. Two normal meals a day, not even some autistic salad-lean meat combos, but just anything made at home, a little something as a breakfast and as an evening meal, no soda (that has calories at least), candy, pizza or chips. Cheat on ice cream, buy individual cones, not packs. 100+lbs a year zero doubt, easiest thing you'll have ever done.
Learn to like coffee or tea. It's real nice to drink something when not eating.
With regards, 260->160lbs
Just ate and ate and ate for all my life :/ i have no other reason than addiction i guess
Lack of parents is 90% of the reasons why even if you don't admit it. If you truly, truly are 13 get professional help
TFW when insurance doesn't cover my treatment and too poor to get professional help
Hey Veeky Forums this is his cousin yes he really is 13 and I've been trying to help him with the weight loss and also his depression problems at what point should we bring in lifting and running into the mix?
You look underage
this is going places
I'm in the barber shop getting a hair cut but this is me OP. hope it helps. If I can do it you can too.
I said im 13
Keep us posted, /fat/izen.
Good luck on your journey!
You are 13 and 6'2? You have potential remove sugar from your diet and start counting calories
464 lbs at 13? Fuck. Your parents should be ashamed. You should feel bad, but they should feel worse. They should've stopped feeding you garbage a looooooong time ago.
No soda, no candy, no pizza is a good start. Next step is, tell your parents that you want to change. They should be able to help you.
you must be 18 or older to post in Veeky Forums
Fair enough
>you need to be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums
But seriously, fuck man. You really need to get exercising, i know how it is man. I was 320 lbs when i was 15, and i was 5'4. You can do it man, i believe in you.
>best guess for this picture: muscle
Well start working right now because even if you lose all that weight you are still half way through, all the excess skin will make you miserable
Thank you truely, user
Your parents deserve to have you removed by CPS.
He should start lifting immediately, as well as walking. Running should wait until he's under 290lbs in order to prevent him from destroying his joints, and then he should slowly work into it.
How can you be 6'2" at 13? If you get fit, you're probably slated to be a basketball player, assuming you keep growing
>i was 6'5 at 13
goml Veeky Forums
Would a program like stronglifts 5x5 be good? I'm waiting for christmas or my birthday to get a gym membership and it's the program I'm going to be doing. I'm 14 and he is 13. We both don't have the best families or financial situations and we kinda automatically because of being cousins became best friends. If I'm being honest it's gonna sound weird but I'm almost crying typing this and I've cried about it before. I don't want to lose him. Despite the weight he is one of the best people I know and if he died I'm not sure what to do. If you are reading this Cole (Which he should be because he is seeing all of you guys replies thank you so much for trying to motivate him) Please change If not for yourself then for me.
I see that all the time, it's not that uncommon if you live at the right place.
Do SS + GOMAD if you are skinny. Your cousin here should be cutting like fuck. I believe in you guys.
Wtf the imprint of upper abs is availible. You got some island warrior or azn in ya?
I really appreciate it man. I'm really just skinnyfat and I'm going to have him go on a calorie deficit and atleast start walking. Starting from skinnyfat should I cut or bulk?
not him but
If you are skinnyfat you should probably eat as you normally do and eat more protein.
>try to load this picture
>chrome crashes
Some karankawa native american in me
Biggest and tallest native americans
m8 that's lard
This is my body. I'm not sure where to start to be honest but having these mantits sucks
If you don't have money you could always go to the nearest park and do calisthenics
That's what i'm trying to do and I'm also encouraging my cousin to do pushups on knees and basic bodyweight exercises. Do you have any basic bodyweight routines I could try so I can get a headstart for when I do stronglifts?
DO NOT FUCKING JOG UNTIL YOU ARE BELOW 200 POUNDS. T. Former fatty. If you want to fuck up your knees listen to this user. Weightlifting is good if you have the funds. Do your research beforehand. Athlean x is a good channel to learn form. Incorrect form leads to injuries(sometimes permanent). Do not fall for broscience. When you diet its lean protein,fruits and vegs. Thats it. Eat as little as possible. The harder you starve the more you lose weight. If you do not lose fat asap your body will not develop properly during puberty and you may develop secondary female characteristics due to the excess adipose. Your in a serious situation user. Save yourself while you can
Oh shit really? Ok that makes sense. Dude maybe I shouldn't post it but we kind look like cousins actually. Ive got some Kickapoo in me, Pima, and actual Saami (came up as "native siberian"). I'm a walking /pol/ shitpost. Those are the ones I'm sure of.
Yeah you could do with some cutting.
Do it
literal subhuman
Fuck no he's not natty. Do you know how many steroids and chemicals are in the shit he eats?!
S t r o n k j a w
mirin jaw
I can't hate someone 13 and 464 lbs. You should hang out in the /fat/ threads here on Veeky Forums. You'll be able to learn and get help or have questions answered.
Sounds like you have some support already with a good cousin who loves you and having someone like that is definitely helpful. I used to be 365 lbs now down to 209 and I'm only 5'3. You can do this and a good portion of the weight shouldn't be too hard if you look into calorie counting to get an idea of how much you can eat to lose weight. Good luck, kiddo.
My highest gratitude, user
>on a diet of no soda, no candy and no pizza
Are you trolling? That's not a "diet"
>464 lbs at 13 years
Go to the authorties and ask them to find you a new family because the one you have right now obviously has let you down.
Good luck.
fuck lifting, he has to do cardio.
start swimming. at that weight it's probably the healthies for his joints. some walking, any movement at all even if he's just rolling around in an office chair.
I don't know how to feel about this thread. I've been so immersed in shitposting all my time in Veeky Forums I'm having a hard time at taking this seriously. Is not name-calling and general faggotry the modus operandus here or am I crazy?
Either way, take it from all the anons here who've worked hard on obtaining a somewhat reasonable physique: you can make it breh. But you need help from professionals, this is a terrible place for a young child to seek advice, we're all mentally damaged here in some way or another, and anything you learn here will do you more harm than good. Please leave this site as fast as you can. Do it for your own good. Do not become an autismic fuck like the rest of us. You are still young and have a bright future ahead of you. Seize it. Work it. You can make it. Just leave. This is not the place for you, my dude.
Hey Fatboy.
Former 506lb fatty here who's now 210lbs (this morning starting winter bulk) at 6'2". I dropped the weight over 2 years and have kept it off for nearly 6 years now.
Eat 2000 calories a day, high protein, moderate animal fat, tons of green leafy vegetables.
Swim your ass off, don't be ashamed when shirtless. This will save your joints and you will burn a TON of calories.
Cross train on the eliptical.
I wouldn't start lifting until you are around 300lbs as you will NOT be able to get the form correct and will hurt yourself.
Most importantly fellow FATBOI, your success is made in the kitchen: limit your cheat days to 1 day a month at 1.5X your cutting calories.
Do not quit, or I will end you in this life or the next.
Start counting your calories bro, find your tdee and eat consistently 500-1000 calories below maintenance. Make sure to adjust your calories as you lose weight because your maintenance will go down. You can lose weight without doing any exercise at all but when you get to a point where you are comfortable doing cardio I would add that in as well for heart health. Just make sure not to push too hard on the cardio at first because at your weight you can fuck up your knees and shit if you try to do some serious running. When you do start cardio, start by just walking constantly and track your time spent walking not your distance. Slowly increase the time until you feel like you can walk for really long periods of time comfortably. Then start over but this time do speed walking. Then jogging. Rinse and repeat and if you are keeping your calories low you'll be skinny and running eventually. Then you can look into weight training, but at this point your priority is getting to a weight that isn't slowly killing you. Seriously bro by the time you're 18 you have the potential to be swole if you start dieting NOW. You can lead a healthy life and you'll look back and wonder how you ever got to such a massive weight.
Good luck
This kid is honest and not making excuses like most fatties. He knows he has a problem and legitimately wants to change himself
This is fucking disgusting. Modern BB is a goddamn joke.
>how it feels to chew 5 gum