/fph/ Fat People Hate - "Just say grow, grow, grow" edition
Surgery to make you taller? I need that!
[spoiler] tfw 5'7" [/spoiler]
Well, at least he used the cows skin after he ate it instead of wasting it...
Comic tier jacket
fucking reddit at it again. Shoving to much junk in your face is incurable, but short people can go fuck themselves bacuse supposedly they can have they're shins elongated. (Which will look unproportional and shit btw.)
Weight can be lost and gained naturally, height can't be once the growth stage is over. Fucking fatties and their excuses.
What the fuck is wrong with them? The girl on the left looks like she's really fucked up.
Lmfao what the fuuuck
drunk and high
Why is a dog sitting on her tits?
Of all the disgusting things about them, I find the fat hands to be the worst.
How can I tell this is America?
He looks like he covered himself with a truck tarp ffs.
Her fingers look like those gloves you filled with candy corn around Halloween wtf
The woman on the left is just drunk
Woman in the middel i just Mexican
And the guy is a Mexican with downs syndrome
>Giant piles of bubblegum?!
>If I put on a big smile people won't know how miserable I am
social justice youtubers 101
Those mean Veeky Forums people... Anybody got an idea of who this is? i want to see pics of her
>white washed
They're at the point were they don't even use their own buzz words correctly
That's pixyteri, and the site she's talking about is lolcow farm. They worship her though, call her their queen, don't know what she's complaining about.
Another whale they don't like as much is Raven Sparks. This is not Danny DeVito in drag btw, this is a forty year old Goffic woman who married a sixteen year old boy
>this girl is ready for the post-wedding bloat
you want a fat lolita? I'll show you fat lolita.
but everyone who's as fat as that is disabled, and an addict.
>>as creators
>implying fats aren't all consuming
>>as leaders
>implying they can get up
>implying stages are strong enough
i fucking hate the japanese with their white privilege bullshit
I feel for that transgender, transasian, veteran amputee. We all want to kawaii
>raped for losing a round of killer instinct
>Health is a social construct
>play game
>get shreked
>bros shout "you got litraly raped"
>and, of course, the popular idea of health leaves out a lot of people, especially people with disabilities
Is she really comparing her fat lardass to an amputee or someone with actual disability? What about the paralympics, those are full of people with diabilites and thay are considered healty by today social contructed health standard
>the fact that people "overweight" and "obese" by the BMI chart actually live longer than people it lists as "normal" weight
That's probably a conservative estimate too
/pol/ aside it's probably good that Heather Heyer died. What a fat useless waste of space.
did she step on it
Just realised Pringles designed their container, so that they would be hard to get to for fat people....
That some 3D action going on right there
2D > 3D
well the proportions aren't even the biggest issue desu, height surgery basically turns you into a cripple for life.
It would be like walking on extremely painful stilts.
>Health is a social construct
A c c e l e r a t e
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet she looks just like my buddy from elementary school, also chubby as shit and same face.
Just that he's a guy. Not even fucking joking
165 lbs is not all that much, also skating ski are not always faster, they are meant to be used like inline skates.
Man, that's actually sad as fuck in a way, she finally wakes up about being a fat fuck and then dies.
Also, talk about a daily reminder to do cardio.
>I am heavy due to medical problems and [...] it's in the family
>please date me if you want your children to be fat
How is that supposed to be enticing?
death to canada
I know you guys like to say "women have it on easy mode" because of posts like these but I guarantee you these get zero replies. These women are so unsocialized that they consider this language acceptable. It's actually super depressing because you know this person is past the point of no return for being a functional human being.
>buying glass scales
Watching a downy getting a chubby from watching a chubby.
half of this thread
Lol, as a guy who used to be super into endurance running, this is the funniest shit to me. People training seriously for marathons eat more than fatties. When I was marathon training, I got hungry so I ate 1/2 a pepporoni pizza. I went and ran 20 miles and then came back and ate another 1/2-3/4s a pizza. It's literally inhuman how much you can eat as an endurance athlete
The very fact the fattie is standing, while her spine should have been severed from injury shows she's faking it. Based doctor
Are you baiting? Legit not sure
>It took seven men to carry this whale.
No, why?
Why would they be? All of the endurance athletes that I know eat more than I do.
This makes me furious
Kek at dat jealous rage
me on the right
>extremely painful
But you'd be a big guy.
nah... this is you
This is the first time I've truly appreciated my little - girl sized hands. Fucking hell.
>caring about white privilege
you what
Only americans care. Actual japan doesn't give a FUCK