Ask fat retard Chan to spam a wall of links like always newfags
/plg/ - powerlifting general
first for sumo like always
First for twink's background flexing.
First for suicide lol
Thirst for boypussy
mirin forearm
sixst for nonsense
>British public transport
Why do they call it """"Great"""" Britain?
He lpoks autistic
Isley lost all authority the day I joined plg
>add weight on four out of five exercises today
>still got enough reps on two of those exercises that I should add weight again next session
Well that's interesting. Maybe I can make my weight jumps bigger.
You've never had authority at all.
You shitpost your insecurity constantly, you send your dick to trannies, and you drive a Japanese all weather grocery getter. These are facts.
>be bearmode fat fuck
>carry disposable plastic gallon jug everywhere, even to the bathroom at the office at work
>show no measurable progress in amount lifted for years on end
>get even fatter
>talk about the gym
>give unsolicited advice about lifting form in unrelated conversations
>hit on every girl higher than 8 with no success, but never give up
>eat jar of peanut butter and 4 cans of tuna near coworkers in the break room
>brag about "gainz" to the water cooler
>grow fatter and brag about the "gainz"
>talk about entering a competition but never do
>eat a bucket of cottege cheese and fall asleep at work desk
>wake up and leave work early to go to the gym
>get fatter
Feels good man. How are powerlifters so based?
whats your bone mass guys
4.1kg here
jokes on you i was lying im 4.3kg actually
did i say 4.2 kg? i meant 4.4kg haha
my keybord got stuck I was saying 4.4(3)kg
my dick is 20 cm long
post proof
My dick is actually longer than
Mine too, but it's really thin like a crayon. Not lying, there's literally no meat on it. Like a skin sheath and a urethra, that's it.
what are you, gay?
prove it liar
When you look head on I get the same thing, its when I take a picture from the side / back that's when I notice the girth a lot more.
I have no problem proving but I am more than just a piece of meat user
Im not, but Bobby is. Let him be the judge
tfw the big spider that watches over me while I sleep is my best friend in the whole wide world
who here small dick?
Take roids to make your balls smaller and your dick look bigger in comparison
I don't like girls but I want to have sex with every girl I talk to
What do
rest in peace