Face the truth

You have been neglecting exercising the most important part of the body. The face has 43 muscles, and it is possible to train all of them. Why are you still a mouth-breather not having visible jaw-bones?


Yes, master.

still waiting for that fucking tongue sweep animation mew promised us

First things you should start to do is get used to resting your tongue in the roof of your mouth, keeping your teeth together and stop breathing with your mouth.

Useful pages to get you started:

Swallow the mew pill

How do I get this jawline?

close lips and teeth, press your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Do this forever and eventually you will have a better jaw.

huge cope unless you are 15

why do people actually believe that putting their tongue on the roof of their mouth will magically change the shape of their jaw


Why don't you listen to the guy's fucking video and find out, retard?

it will if you are 10

I think you already know the answer.

It strengthen your jaw. Swallow correctly.

Next time please mention the word 'mew' so my filter can block your threads properly, thanks.

Also, kys.

Because they're delusional

Are there any genuine "progress" pics taken from the same angle in the same lighting? Every one I've seen so far involves the camera being shifted up or down for the before/after pic and blatantly more favourable lighting.

No,because this shit doesnt work

Why wouldn't you do it if it won't hurt you, but can help you?

Why not just get a chin implant, on minimum wage you could probably save the money in two years

3x5 turtle-waddles 3 times a week.