Lift for a year

>lift for a year
>bench 90lbs

How is that possible? I was benching that on my second week at the gym

Lifting once a month doesn't count as lifting for a year, frogposter

>lift since 09
>still look like a sack of potatoes

>lifting for three years
>bench 175

Feels bad

t. sleeps 3 hours a day, or eats like garbage, or goes to the gym once a month

>lifting for 8 years
>still a dyel

this is me,since 09 i've been lifting and still look lik shit. Fucking faggots come in the gym for like only 3 years and look like gods.fml

What are we doing wrong

>Lift for 9 months
>Look look a skinnyfat faggot with mediocore arms

That's alright user, not everyone starts with the same strength standard, according to Veeky Forums everyone must have world class genes or he is genetic trash who should end yourself, in reality you are probably the second strongest person in your gym if you can bench 100 kg after 3 years.

>lift since dawn of time
>still not 2pl8

Training, nutrition, sleep. That's literally it.
Fix what's wrong with any of those three things and quit bitching.

>lift for 6 months
>bench 185

>6-8hrs sleep a day
>eat a bunch of processed stuff but make sure I get at least 120-130g protein (how bad do I have to eat to not bench more than 90lbs?)
>gained 20lbs without progress so now I eat at maintenance for the same results
>3 day a week program (phraks gslp) for the last 10 months

Yeah, I really don't see many people put up those numbers, you get misleading statistics between people who do lift that being more likely to speak up online, and retards estatting.

100kg is an impressive bench press by real life standards, not just "barely out of dyel". Ignore the dysmorphic morons.

That being said, if you're stuck at 90, either your form is completely wrong, or your diet is really lacking. Eat more, and eat more consistently. Even a 250 calorie surplus every day is better than hitting a 500 only a few days a week.

tfw 6.6 ft tall 350 pounds and only able to bench 120 kg.

Do you count calories? Did anyone check your form?

>lift 8 months
>bench 220
>ohp 170

I count my calories; I ate at a small surplus (like 300 cals) and now I eat at maintenance which is about ~2200 cals since I was just getting fat for no reason.

I lift at home so I don't have anyone to ask but I've posted a video in the past and was told there weren't any issues with my form. Though that was only a side video so I don't know if there might be anything I was doing wrong that you wouldn't be able to see in the video.

>Train for a year
>squat 0
>bench 0
>dl 0
>ohp 0

I can do muscle ups, front lever and planche though.

Yep, and this is how you can difference someone with experience in lifting and someone who only shitposts/lift for a few months. Any experience lifter will give you advice and don't try to put you down since he knows that it's hard for every average human being to eat right and lift right.

Yeah man, everyone believes you put up a 170 ohp with less than a years experience.

Does lying on a Polynesian bug catching board make you feel better about yourself?

>Implying thats anything

Bait. it took my untrained 13 year old cousin 6 months to bench 90 pounds. do you happen to be 5'4 and 110lbs?

I don't even lift and I bench 90 lbs, this is bait

>tfw your lifts are so bad people don't believe them

>if you're stuck at 90
He's not talking about kg. Benching 90lbs after a year is beyond abysmal.

what if you are a small person with xx chromosomes

>what if you are a small person
Then you need less protons.
>with xx chromosomes
I don't see a problem.

90lb bench for a female isn't terrible.
Some female powerlifters are happy with a 150lb bench

That's almost double my weight!



Being tall isn't an asset in any lift. I'm 6'3. It gives you longer range of motion.

Not the other guy but I've only be training properly since February and can bench 205

Pic related was me in feb

Reading comprehension buddy, did you see where I said "That being said" and then told him he's doing some shit seriously wrong if that's the case?

tfw bench 110 easily but dont have any more weights :o

I have been stuck at 135 for 3 months

Legitimately want to help here friend, post a video of your bench form and count calories. How tall are you and how much do your weigh? You might not be eating enough.

Jesus christ user 2200 isn't enough. I'm 5'10" and weigh 170 and eat 3500, gain about .5lbs/week. Try eating more, it's hard to do but worth it.

>lift for two years
>bench 286 lb

B-brehs, I should already be benching 380. I got lost and let myself go.


>play runescape and eat junk food all day
>go over to friends house to lift
>bench 185
Don't eat soy or drink tap water idiot

I call bullshit


>screw around and do pushups once in a while for a few months
>first time gym shoulder press 1pl8

That's good progress but actually realistic, no one can do that kind of progress for OHP.

Tap water is far superior in my area, bottled water is literally just bottled water from inferior locations and has traveled thousands of kilometers in plastic bottles that slowly filter into your water.

You tried to run an LP for ten months? I think perhaps it's time we talked.........

>post a video of your bench form
I'll have to wait until my next bench day before I can post it here. Only have really old videos.

>You tried to run an LP for ten months? I think perhaps it's time we talked
12 months, first 2 months was on stronglifts. Why would I make progress on another program if I'm not improving on a "beginner" program? Also I can't do more than 3 days/week which is why I've stuck to it.

>lift for a year
>bench your mom while she succs my dik

Did you ever actually force progress or were you too scared to go beyond 175?

>lift 10mo
>OHP 155
>Bench 175
H e l p

>lift for 10 months
>strict press 190
>bench 165
i have a (relatively) strong upper body, but am super scared of failing a bench and my spotter being retarded at the same time :(

you need to increase the volume, fuck the progem just go in and smash ur muscles to failure with high volume, then eat a lot to recover

9 months isn't very long

Why would you state your bodyweight in lbs but bench weight in kg's?

How the fuck user, explain yourself, I STARTED with more weight than that???

Do more DB bench and tricep work.

I started at 40kg and Im dyel wtf

>lifting for 9 months
>was cutting first 6 months
>bulking the last 3 at moderate surplus in cal
>recently benched 200lbsx1
I started out being unable to do a plate for one.

>bench 90 lbs
So you put a 25lb plate on each side?

This is me.
>Start lifting
>Go on a cut right out of skinnyfat
>Don't understand diet
>My idea of a cut is just eat less, e.g. just have some poptarts and ramen today
>Afraid of the barbell, stick to dumbbells
>Don't want to risk hurting myself though so stick to light dumbbells
It wasn't until the next year that I started to get things straightened out. Fixed my diet, grabbed the barbell, went to the heavy end for dumbbells, and watched my lifts skyrocket.

>can do 15 pull ups
>have never done a squat
working out at home was a mistake

>lift for 2 weeks
>135 bench
>95 OHP

>asking this much of a retarded question

>Lift for 2 years.
> Use my PT's program.
> Slow progress.
> Try Stronglifts for a month.
> Double the weight in all my lifts.
Why live?

try harder or get your test checked

even with shit diet you should've progressed way more if you lifted consistently for 10months

you dont have to max out every bench session. you dont need a spotter all the time

i know, but by always lifting submaximally (by a fair margin too) you'll make shit gains.
i'd probably be way past 2pl8 if i had followed a SS-style LP

if i incline bench lmao 1pl8 what would that translate to for flat bench? like 155?

>lifted for a year
>gained 60lbs
>just hit 3pl8 diddly
>still stuck on 165 bench

>start lifting
>bench 40lbs
>3 years later
>bench 110lbs
better than expected :3

Fucking boring, can I just overdo one component?

I was just making sure he included the bars weight.

>bench 40lbs
But the bar weighs 45.

I've set my 5 rep bench PR today. 150 lbs after three month. Am I making it? Got pinned by 90 lbs at 8 reps when I started.

PTs are gains goblins. My gym's one even looks like one.

I have those exact stats in 4 months (getting back into lifting after a long hiatus that set me right back to where I was the first time I ever trained) but only gained 6lbs in the process, don't fuck up and bulk too hard, I made that mistake in my youth. Anyone who started lifting and put on 60lbs should have been lifting for years and years, not just one.

I'm not trying to put you down, I'm trying to light a fire under you, you can make the same strength gains putting on 1lbs per month as you do putting on 10 as a natural.
>heed my word

Switch to Incline man, the roll of shame with the incline bench is nowhere near as shameful, and It's impossible to guillotine yourself with the barbell.

i used an old maschine in the beginning and the weights said 10lbs, 20lbs etc.

Why it's all about fucking bench, what really bothers me is that I'm not progressing at lat pulldowns / assisted pullups at all and am not becoming lighter at all. Gotta try negatives but how many sets/reps should I do?

lmao started at 135 on the first day i benched

Fat fuck

But I'm a skellyton.

Then if you bulked slowly you would never have to endure the pain of cutting, losing weight's effect on progress is two-fold; the strength/muscle you lose AND the theoretical strength/muscle gains you could've made had you been gaining weight instead of losing it

If you're serious there is something wrong with you.

My m8 has been lifting since 2010 and just hit one plate. I'm not joking. He has a pretty good dl/squat numbers though.

did you manage to cut then or did you just stay at the same weight. I've been trying to put on muscle but of the weight ive gained half of it is fat. I'm going to need to cut soon but was just gonna eat below maintenance and cut out processed foods and sugar.

>cut out processed foods and sugar
And you haven't already because?

>lifting for seven months now
>still can't DL 2pl8 for reps
>can't barely even DL 185, have to pause for like five seconds between reps
Maybe I should just look into transitioning, I wasn't meant to be strong

Don't give up. Eat more

>lift for a year
>bench 75kg for 2 reps
Is it good?

I've been bulking for a while now and yet my DLs (and squats) aren't progressing

>lift for 4 months
>still have no idea how much i bench because i dont know the bar weight.

Are you mute or something

>lift for 4 months
>bench 80 kg
feels good to have alpha genetics

the bar weighs 45lbs pounds, user